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We move together, kiss, touch, grind, press…but then he pulls away gently, and I feel the rush of air between us as cold rejection.

“What’s wrong? Why are you stopping? Don’t you…” I have a horrible sense of sudden shame that he might not want me. Just because my desire has led me to this brazen intimacy, doesn’t mean the doctor wants it. I barely know him. What am I doing?

“This,” he says. “Is a big deal. Do you… know what sex is?”

“Yes, I know what sex is. I saw a diplomat doing it before I…” I make gesture with my thumb across my throat.

“That’s not exactly a healthy introduction to human sexuality,” he says. “We should talk about this.”

Talking is the last thing I want to do. I don’t want to talk. I want to have him inside me. I have instincts which tell me what I need, what he should do to me. My body knows how to give itself to the rock hard cock straining in my hand.

“Let’s not talk. Let’s do.” I push myself against him, arching my back and pressing my bare breasts against his chest. I feel his cock twitch in my hand and I know that I am winning this game of seduction. His eyes, concerned as they are, are also glazed with growing lust.

“It could hurt, Electra. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Why would it hurt? You can’t hurt me. I’m super.”

“You are super,” he smiles tenderly. “But sex is always tender the first time. If you haven’t experienced it before, your body has a piece of tissue called the…”

“You’re hot,” I interrupt him. “But talking about pieces of tissue is not.”

He chuckles and nuzzles me with his beard, pressing a light kiss to my cheek. “It might not be hot, but I don’t want to frighten you.”

“I’m not afraid of anything. I’m especially not afraid of anything you do. I trust you.”

I never thought I would trust anybody, but I absolutely trust Tom Ares. He is the perfect blend of authority and desire. He’s twice as old as me I’m sure. Old enough to have fathered me, if I’d ever had a father. From the moment we met, he has been looking after me, and he’s still looking after me now.

“I’m glad you trust me,” he says, stroking my hair back from my head and looking down at me with an intense gaze which makes my hips grind.


She is fucking adorable. I’ve never been with a woman like her before, not even remotely. She’s feisty, she’s sweet, she’s a little bit – okay, a lot broken, but she’s holding it together, and she’s trying to grow into the woman they’ve tried to stop her becoming. Sex with what amounts to a patient is a taboo among doctors, but she’s so much more than a patient. She’s mine. The Head said it. I own her.


The word comes with a charge which makes my cock throb in her greedy hand.

“Do you trust me when I tell you we should take this slow?”

Her eyes flash. “I want you to fuck me, Tom. I want you to take my virginity. I want to know what it’s like to have a cock inside me. I want to feel you inside me.”

Jesus. Those filthy words coming out of her mouth make me want to give her exactly what she’s begging for, and to wash her mouth out. Two impulses war within me, a fatherly urge to look after her, keep her innocence intact, and preserve her from the lustful urges coursing through me. The other is to give in to them, to do what is natural between a man and a woman, to be there when she learns what her body is capable of.


“We’ll take this slow,” he murmurs. “You tell me to stop if this hurts, or if you’re scared, or any reason. We can stop any time.”

“I don’t care about stopping. I just want to start.”

My pussy is aching painfully, soaked with desire and clenching against nothing at all. I know I’m supposed to be filled. I know his cock is made for me. But Tom insists on taking it painfully, desperately slowly. He caresses me gently, his hands sliding over my shoulders and cupping my breasts. His hands are so big and powerful, but he is gentle with them, as if he knows how sensitive my untouched skin is. I lie back and I let him do what it is men do to women, I bask in the tenderness of his touch and I let myself imagine that I am loved as his lips find my nipples and tease them with light kisses.

I didn’t know what sex would be like. I had an idea it would be rough and intense. The way I’ve heard it spoken about in passing, it almost seemed as though it would be a conquest. If I am being conquered, it is by slow degrees. Tom is working his magic across my body, lulling me into a haze of need as his mouth trails down my stomach and finds the apex of my thighs.

Tags: Loki Renard Fantasy