“I'm telling her to turn on location sharing. Sending her a request now.” Snark's fingers move like lightning.

It's a good thing I've got him on my team. I wouldn't know where to fucking start with that shit. I just want a location, an iron bar and Dario's face.

“Is it working?” As always, Hawk is dead calm. If you didn't know him and recognized how he's fidgeting with his belt, right by the hilt of his gun, you'd never know, but I do. Hawk is as ready to commit murder as I am, and when we find him, I'm worried there just isn't going to be enough Dario to go around. Too many people want his head.

“A sec.” He fiddles with something. “Her signal's shit, but all she needs is enough to get the location through. Unless he moves her again, we'll get him.”

“Guess we didn't need you after all.” Bear grins at Giordano.

“If you savages think I'll let you go after my daughter without me, you've—”

“Actually, we can use you,” I cut in before they get into a fight.


“We show our faces first, the shooting starts right away. Who knows how many fuckers he's got stashed at the warehouse? But a concerned father coming to see his daughter? That's not fucking suspicious. Would that work?” I look at Giordano.

He looks down at Izzy in his arms, then nods. “It's worth an attempt. If we can find out where she is.”

“Got it!” Snark grins. “Easy enough to get to, but the harbor area there's huge. If he's stuffed it with men, it's going to be one hell of a slog.”

“I'll bring my own men,” says Giordano. “I'm not going to trust you animals to get this right.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” growls Bear. “We're perfectly capable of putting a bunch of mob goons underground.”

“Bear. Ease up.” I turn to Giordano. “There's no time. Every moment Alessa's left with that piece of shit, she's in greater danger. We're going straight there.”

His guards stiffen, but he's unfazed. “Then I'll get as close as I can. The Fabbris don’t care about quality, so they can produce a lot of men. Antonio Fabbri claims he's furious with Dario, but this is playing right into his hands. He doesn't want this truce. If war breaks out, he just needs to keep his own hands clean, and in a few months, maybe a year or two, he'll bring Dario right back into the fold. With Alessa as his wife.”

Hawk lets out an angry hiss, but Bear? He's already going into beast mode, and it won't be tamed until he's tasted blood. “I'm going to tear Dario's head right out through his goddamn asshole.”

There definitely aren't going to be enough parts of Dario to go around.

“Beatrice.” She jumps when I call on her. “You've got a channel to Dario. We can use that.”

She nods quickly. “Of course. Anything.”

“Then let's roll out,” says Eagle-eye. “You don't fuck around with the Screaming Eagles and live to tell the fucking tale.”

The common room erupts in cheers. Sure, most of them have gotten a chance to know Alessa at least a little bit now, but more importantly, a member has suffered, and that will not—can not—stand. We're brothers. This won't be the first time we've all ridden in support of a member, but it's the first time it's been for me—me and the rest of the Cleanup Crew—and fuck if I don't have a lump in my throat.

Stay safe, Alessa, because I'm coming, and I'm bringing all my damn brothers with me. There won't be anything left standing after we've torn through.

We're coming to bring you home.



I come out of the bathroom to find Dario waiting. “Turn out your fucking pockets.”


“Your pockets. Now.” He tenses, so I obey before he decides to hit me again. The signal's already gone out. I won't be able to use my phone again anyway.

When he sees the phone, he snaps it out of my hands. “For fuck's sake. I should've fucking known better. Did you call them? Do your shithead bikers know where you are now?”

I don't even have to lie. “I don't even know where we are. I don't know this part of town at all.”

Without taking his eyes off me, Dario drops my phone onto the hard floor. Then he brings his heel down on it. The phone crunches as the screen cracks and the plastic bends. “Well, now you won't be telling anyone.” He leaves it lying there, but I don't dare pick it up.

There's still power to the screen, though the picture is cracked and distorted. Definitely not usable, but maybe the location thing is still working. I have no idea. Hopefully, they at least found my location.

“Come. Sit.” He waves me over, indicating the space next to him on the couch. Instead I take the chair across from him. “Suit yourself.”

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic