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“You’re going to ravage me because I won’t tell you what you want to know?”

“I’m not going to ravage you, girl,” he growls, the leather making a whipping sound as it lashes through the air and is folded in two by his massive hands. “I’m going to whip you until you tell me why you almost died today.”

I breathe out a sigh of relief. Thank god. He’s not going to take my virginity. He’s just going to whip me. I’ve been whipped many dozens of times before, that I know how to handle. It’s what happens between a man and a woman that I’m terrified of.

He cocks his head, catching my reaction with a quizzical gaze. I guess he expected me to start begging him not to punish me, but truth is, I probably deserve it. The prospect of that thick belt making contact with my rear doesn’t scare me the way he thinks it does. It’s sort of… hell, he’d think I’d gone crazy if he knew what I was thinking. Even I might think I’m crazy. His words excite me in a way I don’t fully understand. Thanks to his threat there’s a throbbing between my thighs, a curiosity that makes me want him to do exactly what he just threatened to do.

“You’re real quiet, girl. That’s not going to get this deal done.”

I look up at him, really look into his face. It’s rugged and rough, and I can see in his eyes that every story I’ve ever heard about him is probably true. This is not a man who cares about being good. This is a man who cares about getting results. Far as I know, Orion has never met a law he hasn’t broken. He’s murdered. He’s robbed. He’s committed arson, and horse rustling, sabotage, and a whole lot more. And now I’m in his way. One girl against the force of nature that is Orion Steelbane. Ho-ly hell, am I in for it.

I can feel my bottom prickling already, nervousness making my stomach burst into cabbage moths. My palms are sweating. There is no way I’m talking. No way in hell. Not now he’s so close to unleashing outlaw justice on me.

“Josie,” he says, his voice low and authoritative. It’s funny. I’ve been around lawmen, politicians, hell, I was whipped by a preacher once. He used a bible. He said it would teach me respect for the Lord. It didn’t teach me a damn thing, except for the fact that I can take pain.

Orion thinks he is running this scenario, but I know better. I control what happens next. I can tell him the truth. Or, I can tell him nothing and let whatever is about to happen to me just happen.

“What is it going to be?” He swishes the belt back and forth, his eyes locked on mine. I wonder if he’s going to use his human arm, or if it will be the metal one. I reckon there’s more power in the machine limb. It doesn’t matter. I’m not giving into his charm, or his threats, or that damn belt.

“I’m not telling you, mister. I’m not telling you nothing.”

His eyes narrow and I feel excitement rushing through me. I’ve been rebelling my whole life. Never thought I’d rebel against Orion Steelbane, but I don’t have much choice. I can’t tell him what happened to me. Nobody can ever know. I’d rather die than have the truth come out. I don’t even like thinking about it, let alone saying it out loud.

“What are you waiting for?” Now I’m taunting him. He doesn’t like that one bit. I see his jaw clench. He makes a snorting sound, like a bull, and straightens up even taller, holding the belt between both big hands.

“What am I waiting for? You think it’s a good idea to get smart with me, girl?”

“I think you’re paying for this room by the hour, so you’re wastin’ time with all the yappin.”

I’m outright taunting him now. Why does it feel so powerful to do that? I should be begging him for mercy. That would at least make sense. But nothing in my life has made sense for a long time, and right now, my reaction to this entire scenario is just to get smart as hell.

I’m not really afraid of pain. People always think they can scare me, hurt me, but I’ve been scared and hurt my whole life. I was ready to die to keep my mouth shut, so Orion’s threat isn’t as frightening as he thinks it is.

“Hell with this,” he grunts under his breath, talking more to himself than to me. He reaches out, grabs me with the warm flesh of his human hand, whips me around, and tosses me down on the bed face first.

All sorts of awful things have taken place on this stained mattress which doesn’t even have a sheet on it, but I don’t have long to think about that before the promised belt comes down hard across my ass.

Tags: Loki Renard Science Fiction