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A strange feeling hit my chest, and I panicked that she was going to tell me something bad.

“Okay, what is it?”

She smiled the sweetest smile, and I could see her cheeks turn red. I had already pulled my hand out of her panties, and I moved it behind her neck, tilting her head up so she was looking me in the eyes. “Tell me, Hollie.”

“I’m… I’m… I’ve never… I’ve… Well, I’ve never…”

Her voice trailed off, and I moved her leg off me and took a step back. Whatever she was about to tell me, she was nervous about it.

Taking her hands in mine, I kissed each one. “Tell me.”

Her lips were pressed together in a tight line before she opened her mouth slightly, cleared her throat, and said, “I’m a virgin, Lucas. I’ve never had sex or really been past second base with anyone. You’re the first man to even touch me…there.”

My eyes went wide as I took another step back. “How is that possible? You’re beautiful, Hollie! You’ve dated guys before. Surely, you’ve…”

It was in that moment, it hit me. I’d never seen her date anyone for very long. A few dates and that was it.

“Why?” I asked.

She shrugged. “I wanted to wait for the man I…loved.”

It felt like God himself had come down from heaven and struck me with a lightning bolt. Had she been waiting for me?

Okay, wait. That was pretty fucking arrogant on my part.

“You probably think it’s stupid, and I’m sure you’ve been with your share of women, but sex to me always felt like it was so personal. I wanted to share it with someone I knew I could give my heart to.”

“And the guys you dated? None of them…?”

Her eyes looked up and met mine. “I didn’t know it at the time, and to say I was saving myself and waiting for you would be a lie. But I think, deep down in my heart, I wanted them all to be you.”

My heart felt like it had grown a hundred times bigger. “And you want to be with me?”

“Yes. Now. If you can, with your ribs and all.”

A strangled laugh slipped free. “Trust me, I can. I’m not sure I deserve this gift, Hollie.”

Tears filled her eyes. “The fact that you just called my virginity a gift… I would say you do.”

Taking her hands in mine, I walked backward as I guided her through the house. “We’ll go slow.”

“For your ribs,” she replied with a wink.

“Yes, doll, for my ribs.”

Once we got into my bedroom, I walked over and turned on the side lamp. “Do you mind?”

She shook her head.

“Good, because I want to explore every inch of your body, Hollie.”

Her eyes flickered with anticipation as she whispered, “Okay.”

I walked up to her and ran my fingers along the bottom of her dress. Two rows of ruffles lined the bottom of it, and my dick jumped in my pants as I remembered how wet she was.

“Will you wear this again for me?”

“Do you like it?” she asked.

Tags: Kelly Elliott Romance