Page 97 of Making the Cut

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“It’s incredibly difficult to let a man see you vulnerable. In this day and age, woman are supposed to be able to do everything for themselves. But sometimes I just need a good cry and a big, strong shoulder to do it on.” –Jane


The clock ticking away in the conference room is taunting me. I don’t know what I ever did to that clock, but it feels as if each second that ticks by is more like a minute.

Abigail is doing her presentation, begrudgingly taking on the cologne campaign even though she was ready to spit on it like I was and call it quits.

I want to quit.

Even thinking the thought makes me feel like a failure. I wasn’t one to give up so easily… normally.

Now, in the span of a month, I was saying I was breaking up with Archer and quitting this job that I worked so hard to get? Was I turning into a quitter?

The first one was a freaking huge mistake. And one I wasn’t sure how to fix.

The second… well, the jury was still out. As much as I wanted to up and quit, I don’t know if that’s the right choice for me. I want to be smart about it. So I reached out to someone who I thought could help. Quinn.

Quinn then referred me to Lucas Montgomery who literally helps people set up their businesses, and Quinn was going to help me with the tax and law part of it.

So… I was still thinking… though I was pretty sure I knew what I was going to do.

I was still working with CT and was grateful that he got back to me and we finalized everything for the ranch. I had him place an order for materials that I suggested and we would work on getting those put out and relaunching the new brand name at the fall festival next month.

Things were good… when I wasn’t worried about work or Archer. Which was… whenever I let my mind wander.

Abigail finishes up, and the room congratulates her on her success. The cologne company reps are here, watching her presentation and she shakes hands with them, smiling and playing the perfect employee.

It’s what I told her to do. She was ready to quit and tell Cyrus to fuck off, but I convinced her to just do the job and we’d figure it out later.

I don’t know what we are figuring out, but we’ll do it later.

After, Abbi tells me she felt nearly sick doing what she had to do, but I hope my reassurances make her feel better. I was honestly just tired of pretending. I didn’t want this job anymore.

After everything we did to get here… well, I just don’t care anymore.

When I arrive at my doorstep, I stop short at the sight in front of me. A large basket filled with goodies is sitting there, and the sight brings tears to my eyes. I don’t even know why, it just… does.

I walk over and turn the notecard over, noting that it’s another gift from Archer. I let the tears fall then.

Felt like you could use this,

Love, Honey Pie

The nickname on the card makes me laugh and then the tears fall some more. I’m half sobbing and half laughing and probably look like I’m a freaking lunatic.

I haul the goodies into the apartment and set them on my coffee table. I change into my rattiest, most worn clothes and get comfortable before I sit down on the couch, staring at the basket. I grab my phone and send one text.

Thank you.

Immediately, the bubbles pop up on the screen.

You’re welcome.

I sigh and rub my head, shaking it at myself. “What the fuck is wrong with you, Viv? You have the most perfect man alive texting you, sending you gifts… ugh,” I groan at myself.

Thinking there can’t be much worse than dumping the perfect man, I send another text.

I miss you

Tags: J.S. Wood Romance