Page 75 of Making the Cut

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Jane presses a hand to her chest. “He did?”

“Yeah.” She grins and nods. “It was adorable. He told her it was a little date, and she made me help her get ready, curls in her hair and her cutest dress. I think I fell for the man all over again when he knocked on the door to get her.”

“He’s still knocking on your door?” I ask, a smile at the thought of him taking Alex on a daddy-daughter date.

She waves her hand. “Just for this date. It was the cutest thing ever. And when she came back, she was giddy, jumping around and wouldn’t settle down.”

“That sounds so adorable. I can’t wait for those days.”

I lift a brow at that. “You can’t wait? Are you and Warren trying for kids already?”

Jane blushes but says, “No, not yet. But we’ve discussed it. It’s definitely something we want.”

I feel a pang of envy over them already being at the stage of talking about kids but push it aside. These are my best friends, they deserve all the happiness in the world. “That’s amazing, Jane. I’m so happy for you.”

She smiles at me and lifts a teasing eyebrow. “So, who wants to take bets that April will be pregnant before any of us?”

Quinn and I simultaneously raise our hands, and the three of us burst out laughing.

“Oh, April. I sure do love that woman.”

Chapter Thirty-Eight

“Stress can eat you alive. It can also be really hard on the people around you when you don’t have a good outlet. That’s why I like boxing. I can punch shit and not get in trouble for it.” – Garrett


Running my hands over my hair, I let out a frustrated breath, I’m starting to get why Devon took up drinking. This shit is stressful.

Though, to be fair, it would be less stressful if shit wasn’t behind, so… there’s that.

We were finally getting the insulation installed, which we’d had to wait for because Devon hadn’t even scheduled it and they had other jobs already scheduled. Once that was done, we could finally finish the inside drywalling and get the ball rolling.

The house was now due in one month, and I was genuinely worried we were not going to make it in time.

“Hey boss, we have a couple questions,” the insulation guy yells, and I sigh, making my way inside.

The insulation guy asks me questions and I walk him through things, telling him what he needs to know and trying to keep my shit together. My phone beeps and I glance at it to see a voice mail from Henry Blake.


I then glance at the time on the phone and do a double take. “Oh fuck me. Is it really two?” I turn to look at Charlie who I asked to be my right-hand man on this project, and he nods.

“Yeah, brother, you haven’t stopped all day.”

I move over to my truck, irritation dripping from me in my rushed movements and slam my hard hat down on the hood. “Fucking hell,” I mutter, scrolling through my phone and seeing a couple of messages from the girlfriend who was sure to dump me any minute now.

Hey babe, where are you?

A few minutes later, she sent another.Hopefully you’re on your way, sitting here by myself is awkward lol

I pinch the bridge of my nose and read the last.I guess you got caught up. I’ll see you later.

“Shit.” I hit dial on my phone and bring the phone to my ear, waiting as it rings and rings. It goes to voice mail, and I aggressively press the button to hang up.

“What’s going on?” Charlie asks, ambling over with a thermos of coffee in hand.

“I missed my lunch.”

Tags: J.S. Wood Romance