Page 62 of Making the Cut

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I leave for the night with three new business cards and three less of my own. Amelia and Aveline both wanted my information as well. The prospect of three new clients to add to my roster makes me excited for the future.

It’s not a bad night.

Chapter Thirty-One

“Star Wars is a classic that can’t be replicated. You know what else? Not a woman alive could pull off the gold bikini like Leia did. It’d be a shame if they tried.” – Mike


I finally found a night where I could get Viv out alone. I had seen her one time briefly at the loft when Enzo had her come over to try out some new recipes—he was thoroughly fighting with Nora Miller for top spot and had explained the situation to Viv.

She thought it was funny, though when we shared what we knew of Nora Miller, we both noticed how Enzo’s entire mood changed. I had no idea what was going through his mind now.

Viv and I managed one secretive and quick kiss, then she left alone. I felt it would be too suspicious if I had immediately followed her out the door to “go see a friend,” so I’d stayed away and went to bed, where Viv had called me and we talked for over an hour.

I want to tell Enzo, but I also want to get to know Viv on this level a little more before we take it to our friends. Though she told me Graham was firmly aware, because he apparently mentioned me to her when she was up there.

And that was another thing, I had to miss the weekend away with her because of work. Devon wasn’t getting any smarter, and I was about ready to blow the fucking whistle on the dude to Henry Blake and get rid of the problem.

I shake my head, no more thoughts of work tonight.

Tonight, we are going to aStar Warsmarathon in the park. The first three movies are tonight, and I plan on lying on a blanket with her for the entirety of it, then taking her to her place and showing her how much I missed her.

She giggles at me as I try to find the perfect spot. “This spot has a lump, it’ll kill our backs.”

I feel her following behind me, and I try to rein in the anal moment I’m having, but it’s not easy.

“I wonder if we’ll feel the draft here,” I muse, and Viv comes up close behind me, rubbing her body against mine.

“I’ll keep you warm, honey pie.”

I smirk and toss the blanket down, turning to face her and pressing a quick kiss to her lips. “Done, then.”

We unfold the blanket and plop down. Viv hands me the bag of food and drinks I packed and settles down next to me just as the credits for the first movie start to play.

When we were in high school, we both were obsessed with all thingsStar Wars. So much so that when she was fifteen and I was sixteen, she dressed as Leia while I, of course, was Han Solo. She made her brother go as Luke. He was not happy about it.

“This is fun.” She snuggles against my side and reaches for one of the single-serving-size bags of chips I brought. I reach in to pull out the subs.

“It is. I haven’t been to a movie in the park in years.”

“No?” She turns to look at me. I stare right back, wondering how I got lucky enough to be here with her. “This used to be a regular thing for you.”

No, it was a regular thing forus. I never took anyone else to movies in the park because it had been our thing. The one thing that Viv’s mom allowed that was after dark when we were teenagers. “Yeah, just haven’t felt like coming,” is my answer.

She hums and turns to me. “Okay, did you rewatch all of these whenThe Mandaloriancame out?”

I smile and shake my head. “What? Are you crazy?”

“You didn’t?” Her tone is skeptical.

“Of course, I did. That’s why I asked if you were crazy.”

She chuckles and nudges me. “It’s too good though, right? I need a Baby Yoda.”

“His name is Grogu.”

“Mm.” She shimmies her shoulders, her nose wrinkling. “I like Baby Yoda.”

Tags: J.S. Wood Romance