Page 74 of The Whole Package

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There are no better words, and no better life, than this one.

Chapter Forty-Three

“God will help you stand

Even while the ground is still shaking.”

-Ashlee Edens


Sitting at a lunch table with Molly and Erika Maguire, laughing as we chat and eat our way through the menu, is not something I ever thought I’d see myself doing, yet, here we were.

Since my one-on-one meeting with Molly a few weeks back, we’d had two lunches together. The first was strained as I tried to appeal to the women, to let them know that I was serious about helping them and not taking control of the charities they held dear.

What appealed to me the most about them was that they genuinely cared for each and every charity we supported, knew the directors personally and from what I could tell, knew the people they served by name too. At least, most of them.

I wish I was at that point, but I was making my way toward that. I was ready to make bigger strides in the community.

“Okay, so, the women and children’s shelter is wanting to host a pancake brunch, something to encourage people to come, check out what they’re about. Not the people who donate but the ones they serve.”

My brow furrows at Erika. “Don’t they just… come? I mean, if they need shelter, don’t they just go to the shelter?”

My naivety hits me at full force when Molly says, “No, they don’t. Most of them have had bad experiences in the shelters, been assaulted or stolen from or harmed. So, going to one, it scares them.”

“But,” Erika interrupts, stabbing a piece of fruit with her fork. “Place of Hope is wanting to show them that they’re not like that. Every moment in that shelter is monitored and thanks to donations they receive, they can afford a security guard at night. Someone who can be depended on.”

“Wouldn’t a man wandering around outside make them more wary?”

Molly smiles. “That’s the beauty of it. Their security right now is a rotation of women. We were able to help make that connection. I have an old friend, Gemma, and she opened her own private security company. What I asked isn’t the norm for her company, but she assigned several of her girls who were more than willing to do it. And Gemma provides the women’s fees, making it free to Place of Hope.”

My eyebrows rise and I feel a sense of awe at Molly. “Why is she willing to do that?”

Molly shrugs. “I don’t know the full story. Just that she had a rough time when she was about twenty or so and wanted to give Place of Hope any help she could. And they appreciate it more than they can say.”

“Wow.” I shake my head and smile at the women across from me. “This is amazing. Both of you, you’re doing work that matters. Making Leads Energy look better than we are.”

They both laugh and we clink our drinks together.

“Now, how can I help?”

I walk back into the office, a smile on my face and a pep in my step. Having lunch with those women is invigorating. I volunteered to help out at the pancake brunch the shelter wants to put on and I feel excited to actually get involved in a hands-on way in something that matters.

My phone rings the moment I’m inside and I frown at it and mumble. “How do you know when I walk in?”

Lisa wasn’t at her desk, probably still at her own lunch, so I make my way over to my chair and plop down before picking up the receiver. “Jane Leads.”

“Jane, honey,” my mother answers with a—dare I say, almost giddy note to her voice. “I just heard about you and Jasper.”

I’m stunned speechless for a moment and I rack my brain for whatever she could be talking about. “Me and Jasper what?”

“Oh, don’t be coy. Now, I know this isn’t what you wished for, but I really think this is for the best.”

“Mother, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Jasper and I barely talked at the last event.”

“Oh please, don’t worry about it. I know Warren must have been devastated at the news, but eventually he’ll realize that it’s for the best.”


Tags: J.S. Wood Romance