Page 39 of The Whole Package

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Who knew that could happen?

“My god.”

Warren pulls back and looks up at me with a broad grin on his face. “Feel better, baby?”

“When can we do that again?” He laughs outright at my comment and I let him help me up.

When I’m up again, he stays between my legs and takes my head in his hands, giving me a kiss that makes me feel cherished. I swoon a bit.

All thoughts of poems, of secret admirers, of finding out why he didn’t tell me, fly out of my head.

Chapter Twenty-Three

“The rest of the world was black and white but we were screaming in color.”

-Taylor Swift


Lights stream overhead, the peals of laughter and screams of joy that echo all around us fill me with a lightness I haven’t felt in a long-ass time.

“I can’t believe this!” Jane laughs at the scene around us and the grin that spreads across my lips the moment I see my woman in cutoff shorts, designer boots, and a conservative blouse just grows. Hell, it may just be a permanent fixture. “My first rodeo!”

“Well, we haven’t gotten to the rodeo yet,” I reply.

I finally got a time nailed down to take Jane out and was happy to provide the excitement on her face when I told her that we were attending a rodeo. The fair was a fun place to go in the summer and Jane had explained that it wasn’t a place her mother would have allowed. I thought maybe in college, when she didn’t have her mother looking over her shoulder every second of every day she would have ventured out and found the fairs, rodeos, or carnivals herself, but she was a dedicated student who didn’t allow her anxious mind that reprieve.

But that was what I was for, the person who would hopefully help her find the fun in life.

“But still!” she exclaims, gripping my bicep tighter. I noticed that since our tryst in her office—something I wanted to repeat very, very soon—she’d felt more comfortable expressing with touch.

I was thrilled.

Her chocolate-brown hair was down in soft curls, she had a pink lip gloss spread across her gorgeous lips and a cross-body bag strung across her shoulder. Looking at her from any kind of distance, you would never be able to guess that she was a CEO of a major company. But here, in this setting, she was just like everyone else and I could tell she liked that fact a lot.

I can’t imagine it’s easy to have everyone watching your every move. Telling you what to do, who to see, where to go. I would hate it.

“I’m glad you’re happy.”

Jane looks at me, her gaze misting slightly with giddiness and smiles broadly. “We could do anything together and I would be happy.”

I wrap my arm around her shoulder, pulling her into me and relishing in the moment. “Well…” I clear my throat and gesture with my other arm around us. “For the next hour before the rodeo, this little slice of the world is yours. What’s first?”

She raises a brow at me and turns, pulling me along by the hand and walking backward. “You know what I’ve always wanted to do?”

I chuckle and ask, “What’s that?”

She turns and points and my eyes follow where her finger points. “The Drop.”

My heart hammers in my chest as the teenager who surely does not know what he’s doing straps me into the ride. “Are you sure this is what you wanna do? There’s funnel cake.” I look over at Jane who’s giddy as all get-out. “I’ll buy you all the funnel cake you want.”

“You’re not scared, are you?”

“Nah.” I shake my head and rest it on the headrest, blowing out a breath so she can’t see me.

“Warren, seriously. If you don’t like this, we can get off.”

“Too late for that,” the helpful teenager says.

Tags: J.S. Wood Romance