Page 37 of The Whole Package

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“Janie.” He barely breathes the word, moving into my space. I back up until I’m pressed against the wall and can feel the heat coming off of his body. His hand comes out and caresses mine, I flex my fingers and he takes that tiny invitation, wrapping his hand around mine in a tight hold. “Were you looking for me?”

His husky voice has me pausing before I’m able to give an answer and I shake my head a little.


I shake my head again, blatant denial.

“Hm,” he hums and leans in closer until the only thing I can see without pulling back are his lips. Well, okay, I could look at his eyes, but at this moment, his lips are much more appealing. “I think you were.”

“I wasn’t,” I finally manage to spit out.

“Did you come down here for someone else then?”

“I—” Obviously, given that the only person I know by name in the mail room—I really need to change that—is Warren, I can’t exactly lie. But I do anyway. “Craig.”

The name slips from my lips though I don’t know a Craig. Surely there’s a Craig that works here.

“Craig?” he asks quietly, the elevator continues its ascent and I blink when he leans in closer. “Did you mean Greg?”

“Greg?” I’m distracted by the man. Damn, he’s good at that.

I didn’t want to be distracted by him, I wanted tobethe distraction.

“Janie,” he commands and my eyes finally snap to his. “You came for me.”

“Not yet.” The words slip out before I can think and I gasp, slapping my hand over my mouth as I watch amusement take over Warren’s face.

“Janie has jokes.” He smirks, his perfectly groomed beard moving with it. He’s got his hair up again and as I stare up at the man, my insides quiver.

Just a little.

He’s just so damn perfect.

“I do, sometimes.” I smirk back and at the moment when I think I can’t possibly take the proximity any longer, the elevator opens to my floor. There are three employees—these ones I know—waiting to board and I blink, standing straighter. Warren makes his way out of the elevator, pretending he doesn’t even know me, and I bristle slightly.

He’s just doing exactly what I asked, but I can’t help the small feeling inside of me that wants everyone to know.

I just have to break the news to my mom first. Then I can go running around the office with Warren, no problem. Once I get her off my back, to get her to see that I’m not going anywhere near Jasper Pierce or his ring finger, everything will fall into place.

Luckily, Warren makes his way to my office without me having to say anything and I head in after him, giving Lisa a smile and pretending that everything is completely normal. She gives me a sassy eyebrow raise but doesn’t say anything, and won’t, because she’s a very good employee, loyal to her core.

Once we’re behind closed doors, I head toward my desk where Warren is waiting patiently, his fists clenching and unclenching by his sides.

I step to him, slightly unsure. It’s been a while since we’ve had a moment of peace, of alone time. The last time was the hallway to the bathroom at a bar, which doesn’t really count… okay, it counts a little.

“Are you okay?” I ask him, making to stand right in front of him.

He blows out a breath and says, completely calm, “You have no idea how hard it is to restrain myself.”

“Restrain yourself?”

His eyes darken, moving from my feet and up to my flowing skirt to my hot-pink blouse and finally, his eyes lock on mine and all the air in my lungs evaporates. “If I had it my way,” he starts, “your desk would be cleared off already and you’d be sprawled out on it just for me to devour, to worship, to just… see.”

I lick my lips at his clarification. “Why don’t you do that then?”

He laughs lightly, seeming to have got a grip on whatever emotion he was experiencing. “Because, I told you, I’m not taking you for the first time in a public place. That’s reserved for when we’re further into this thing.”

“This thing,” I hedge.

Tags: J.S. Wood Romance