Page 17 of The Whole Package

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“Really? There’s stuff like that out there?” I pull out my phone and ask him for the names which I quickly type into notes.

Warren launches into a whole bunch of information about what he finds fascinating about it all and I find myself completely enraptured in the conversation, loving that I was having one that had nothing to do with work. Warren says something that makes me laugh but the vibrating of my phone, the one that I silenced when we got here but since it was now on the table, I could see it ring, cuts me off.

“Oh shoot,” I say, flagging down the waitress as I read the message from Lisa. I look back up at Warren and smile apologetically. “I have to get back to the office.”

He glances at his watch and sucks in a breath. “Ah, shit. Yeah, me too.”

We stand and Warren quickly throws money down on the table. “Wait, take my half.” I start to reach into my purse to grab my wallet when Warren’s hand stops me.

“You get the next one.”

“The next one?” I ask, realizing that we’re suddenly standing close, chest to chest and I’m looking right up into his eyes.

“Yeah, the next one.”

It’s not until after I’m back at the office that I realize we barely talked about Note Guy at all.

Chapter Eleven

“Lust is a lovely word and makes love so much more interesting.”

-Michael Faudet


“What are you doing tonight?” The question falls from my lips before I can second-guess or change my mind.

Asking Jane to this concert was something I’d been thinking on for over two weeks now. Two weeks of lunch dates and evening texting, of my hand delivering her mail even though I was told by her assistant that I could just put it on her desk.

That was most definitely something I ignored in favor of seeing her chocolate eyes twinkle at me every time I walked through the door.

I had tried to slow down on the poetry, mostly because I knew that leading her in two different directions was wrong, but also because the next time I wrote her one, I wanted her to know exactly who it came from.

“Umm.” Jane blinks her eyes and laughs slightly, clasping her hands under her chin and I have a brief flash of her sitting up on this desk looking down at me… Hell. “What did you say?”

I smile at her, glad that I wasn’t the only one getting distracted. “I said, what are you doing tonight?”

Her eyebrows rise and I hold my breath. “Tonight? Like tonight, tonight?”

“Yes, tonight.” Crap. I should have realized it was too last minute.

“I have a date.” Her disgruntled tone keeps my smile in place, even though I feel myself deflating on the inside.

“Ah, right. Mr. Crisp Pants.”

Jane chuckles at my description. “He just had too much starch is all.”

“I could hear him walking down the hallway from the other end of the room.”

A laugh breaks out of her gorgeous mouth and I laugh along with her.

“Yeah, I could too.” Her laughter dies off and she says, “What was tonight?”

“Oh.” I wave her off and lean against her desk. She tracks the movement very briefly before returning her gaze to mine. It’s small looks like that that give me hope for something more. “Just some friends of mine having a concert.”

“Oh really?” Her eyebrows lift in excitement. “That sounds so fun! I’ve never really been to a concert before.”

I still. “Wait, really? Never?”

Tags: J.S. Wood Romance