Page 37 of The Beyond

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“I could get used to this,” she said, running her fingers over his chest.

“Me too.” He leaned in, kissed her, and slid deep inside her. “Home,” he said softly next to her lips, and her heart melted.

Selene lay in the dark room, mentally kicking herself for allowing herself to believe, even for a moment, that there could be any kind of future for them. She knew better.

After almost an hour of not being able to sleep, she got up quietly, pulled on Scott’s T-shirt, and tiptoed out onto the patio. It was cool, and she wished immediately that she’d thought to put on some pants.

The moment she thought it, fire burst from her fingertips, and she squealed loudly and shook her hands vigorously to put out the fire.

“What?” Scott was there, by her side, still completely naked.

“I…” She looked down at her fingertips. The fire was gone. She thought about the cold and wishing to be warm and—boom!—the fire was back.

“What the…” Scott took a step back. Not from fear, but because he hadn’t wanted to get burned. “Seriously?” he asked with a chuckle.

“I was cold.” She frowned as she waved her fingers, and the fire was gone.

“I’m going back to bed.” Scott turned and disappeared into the room again, shutting the door behind him.

She supposed that, after growing up around her, there was little that he would be surprised at anymore.

She smiled and lit the fires again and waved her fingers in the darkness.

“Having fun?” Lucas asked as he leaned against the brick post a few feet away from her.

Selene flicked out the fire, feeling very warm all over thanks to the newfound power.

“What do you want?” she asked, annoyed that he would be there, in her mind, at a time like this.

“The same thing as last time,” he answered, glancing towards the doors where Scott had just disappeared. “You know how to do it now.”

“No.” She shook her head, whispering since she didn’t want to alarm Scott that her brother had invaded her mind once again.

“It’s inevitable,” he said, straightening up.

“Why? Why him?” She crossed her arms over her chest.

“He’s more powerful than you know,” Lucas said with a slight frown. “He just hasn’t awoken yet.”

“What does that mean?” She shook her head.

“It means we have a lot of work to do.” Lucas took another step towards her. “Why don’t you let me in so we can get started?”

Selene frowned and suddenly it dawned on her. In the past, when Lucas had visited her, they were always somewhere else. Dressed different. Now, however, they were still standing on the back patio, and she was still just wearing her boy short underwear under Scott’s oversized T-shirt.

“You…” She walked over and pushed her hand against Lucas’s shoulder. The man was solid and really standing in front of her. “You’re here.” She felt her heart leap as fear consumed her.


“What do you want?” Scott asked Lucas when the four of them sat in the kitchen as the sun rose slowly outside. Mia was making coffee. Selene was sitting at the end of the bar looking tired and grumpy.

Helios, or rather Lucas, was nothing like he’d imagined. Instead of a dark sinister-looking villain, the man was good-looking enough to be a model. He dressed in very expensive clothing and had his jet-black hair cut short around the sides and longer on top.

It was his eyes that stood out though. Their eerie gold color left an impression in Scott’s mind.

“As I’ve mentioned to Selene, I’m in need of your assistance,” Lucas said, his eyes moving to Mia. “What exactly are you?” he asked, nodding towards her.

Mia smiled. “Your worst nightmare if you cause problems.”

Tags: Jill Sanders Paranormal