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“Shall we retrieve them?” The underling interrupts my thoughts.

“Absolutely not!” I lean forward, my feeble frame shaking with rage at the idea. “I forbid any contact with that offshoot of our species. Anyone attempting it will be put into long term stasis in the least reliable pods we have. You will take that information, you will classify it at the highest levels, and you will forget you ever saw it, do you understand?”

The underling gulps and nods hurriedly. “Y-yes, Patron.”

I sit back in my chair. One day, when it is time and I am close to the end, I will walk the hills of Hades Exile, and I will lie my bones down with those of my descendants. Her determination and spirit live on in those who never knew her, but bear her genes. They are turning their world into a paradise. In leaving our society and taking a great leap back into the raw instincts of our humanity, Tselia gave new light to our species, and it will never be extinguished.

The End

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