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“I love you too.”

His smile is so broad it makes my heart flutter. I can only see the side of his face, because he’s keeping his eyes on the road, but I can sense his joy as I make that admission.

“I’m sorry I’ve never said it before. I’ve been a selfish, spoiled… I’ve just been awful.”

“You’ve done your best,” he says.

“If this is my best, wow. I’d hate to see my worst.”

“You’re sacrificing your time and your job search to help me out,” he says diplomatically. “You’re doing great.”

“I’m on the run with a drugged-up ex,” I smirk at him. “We’re going to probably stay at dodgy motels where the doors open right out onto the parking lot and where you have to check the pillows for needles.”

His lip curls. He doesn’t like that idea.

We swing into the next town and head for the outdoor store. I don’t ask what we’re doing. To some extent I don’t care. The rules have been broken. The world has been transformed by this exciting new development. All I had planned was spending the rest of the day looking for a job online, coming up with reasons not to apply, and then drafting an email to ask my dad for more money.

I’m Daddy’s little girl. I’ll never have to want for anything. I’ll never have to amount to anything either. He used to be so proud of me. I don’t think he is anymore. Graduating college was the peak. It’s all been downhill since then. I was supposed to be married by now. I was supposed to have a family. He might have tolerated me becoming a career woman, but I haven’t done that either. I’m a comfy socks and sweatpants woman. Or at least, I was, before Daniel transformed into this creature who ravishes me and possesses me and gives me hope that things can be different. If he can change this much, maybe I can change too.

“We’ll go camping,” he says as we walk through the store. “Maybe we make that living in the woods thing come true. No need to worry about needles in the bed.”

“No, just bears,” I say. “Do they have any bear-proof tents here?”

“I’ll get some bear spray.”

“I always thought bear spray sounded incredibly silly,” I comment. “I mean, fly spray sure. You can spray away a little fly easy. But bear spray? How big would the can have to be?”

He shoots me a look. I giggle and he breaks into a smile.

“You’re still goofy as hell sometimes, Briar,” he smirks as he picks his way through what’s on offer.

We make our purchases, head out of town, and get on the road toward the mountains. This country is so big, and once you head into the wilds, they feel endless. We pick a spot that seems to be fairly remote on the map and make our way to it.

There’s a spot to park and to camp. Daniel sets up the tent. I cook noodles over a little gas cooker. This is fun.

After we eat, he wraps me up in his arms and we sit beneath the stars and it is almost as though I can feel the world turning. It’s so perfectly calm and quiet. The stars gleam in their full glory. You can see some stars in the city, but not thousands upon thousands of them. Not like this great hazy trail across the center of the sky.

“I need you.”

He rumbles the words in my ear, and I know they’re true. He doesn’t just want to fuck me. He has to. Without sex, he is wilder than anything lurking out there in the bushes.

“Then have me…” I whisper back.

He pulls my leggings down and bares my ass. Easy access.

If we were in a seedy motel, we’d fuck on the bed. Instead he takes me on the ground. Face down. Ass up. Pussy displayed.

He pushes inside me and I let out a yowl. His cock is definitely getting bigger. Every time he takes a dose it gets a little thicker and a little longer. It was big to begin with. Now it demands I give him more, stretch wider for him. Now it makes the juices of my pussy slick the head of his cock and I am already at what feels like my capacity as the flare of the head begins to slide inside me, slow and strong, making me accommodate him.

“It’s so big,” I gasp.

His response is nothing but a growl. He’s possessed by lust. He has to be inside me, and so my body stretches wider, lets him in, my pussy gets wetter because it has to. He needs to fuck me, and I need to be fucked.

I am sprawled on the ground, my bare ass raised high into the air as he plunges inside me, fucking me with loving, rough strokes. It feels incredible to be taken this way, by a man who I have always loved, and whose need for me never went away, even when I was so shallow and so stupid as to think I could do better.

Tags: Loki Renard Erotic