Page 61 of Primal Urges

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“You move, you die.” He slips his other hand into the back of his pants, producing his gun. He presses the barrel beneath my chin and releases my throat. “I want to play with you before I splatter your brains out across the ground, so be a good girl and stay still.”

I say nothing. Do nothing. I barely even breathe. Even though it kills me inside, I drop my hands to my sides limply, showing him my submission. Keeping the gun trained on me, he lifts his other hand and whips his mask off. Suddenly, everything I thought I knew about the world and the true terrors that exist in it, dissolves.I knew nothing.

“Vincent,” I breathe. Confusion and fear fight for dominance inside of me as I stare up into the eyes of the worst human I’ve ever come across. I see the intent in his eyes as he grins down at me.

“Surprise,” he murmurs, his eyes raking down my body. My jacket’s hanging haphazardly off of me, but the bodysuit prevents anything from being exposed. It doesn’t stop him from taking his fill, though. His hand comes down, and he roughly palms my breasts. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from screaming, knowing that’s what he wants. He wants my pain and my fear and though that’s something I’ve enjoyed sexually, this is completely different.

Sutton watches me as he grips and tugs at my flesh. I jolt in pain but remain silent, never breaking eye contact as I glare up at him. His lips press into a firm line. He pinches my nipples, and I squeeze my eyes shut as the searing pain shoots through me.

“What the fuck is wrong with you? I thought you liked this shit?” he barks. My eyes fly open and he cackles again at whatever he sees. “I know everything about you, Little Fox. I know what filthy things you like to do in the dark. I know about the way you like to be fucked rough and hard. The way you like to have the choice taken from you.” He continues to fondle and squeeze me everywhere he can before reaching up and slapping my face.

“Who would have thought that professional Ms. Porter would have a rape kink, hmm? You like your men to make you bleed? Can’t get off unless you're crying for them to stop?”

His hateful words rattle me to my core. I shake my head, fighting against the need to claw at him. To rake my nails down his ugly, smug face. To punch him. To destroy him. But the heavy weight of the gun remains solid against my throat. So I remain still, cursing him internally with everything I’ve got.

“Nothing to say to that?” he grunts. I tuck my lips into my mouth. He sighs heavily as though I’ve disappointed him. “You know, Rayvn. We have more in common than you’d think. While you were busy trying to take me down, you missed the fact that we’re the same.”

My head rears back at his statement, only to hit that same hard object again. I think it’s a rock. My eyes blur, and pain lances through me. “You like to be raped, and I," he pauses and grins. "I like what I like. We’re a match made in Heaven.”

Losing my battle against remaining silent, I scream in outrage. “It’s not rape unless consent isn’t given. I’ve consented to everything I’ve done. The girls you assaulted didn’t. There’s a difference, you sick son of a bitch. We aren’t the fucking same!”

He backhands me again, this time harder. The gun digs into my flesh, and my jaw screams in protest. “You little bitch. You're just like them. A lying, manipulative cunt. All of you women are the same. You're greedy for our cocks, but when we give them to you, you run and call it abuse. You say we took without permission, but that's a fucking lie. Your pussy is probably already soaking wet for my big dick, just like they were.”

“Just because a woman is wet doesn't mean she wants you. If she says no, it means no,” I cry out, injustice and rage filling me in a second as visions of poor, sweet, and innocent Tinsely race through my mind. “She didn't want it. None of them did.”

His eyes narrow on me as he leans in, bringing us face to face. His jaw is ticking wildly and his face has turned a bright shade of red. “Every single one of them wanted it. Even that bitch I knocked up. She was begging and gagging for my cock so I fucking gave it to her. It’s not my fault she got pregnant. She should have gotten rid of it like I fucking told her to, but no. She wanted to keep it. Run away and raise the bastard somewhere else. I couldn’t risk her talking. Couldn't risk her having a DNA test done when the kid came, so I got rid of her. She was a lying cunt, just like you.”

My breath gets stuck in my throat as his words replay in my mind. “You killed Tinsley?”

He sits up and shakes his head, rage still pouring off him in waves. “No, that Pavlova girl.” His eyes take on a wistful look as he remembers the poor girl. Meanwhile, I’m trying to commit every single word uttered from his mouth to memory, knowing I’ll need to relay it all when I get out of here. “She was perfect. Tight, virgin cunt. The young ones are always the best. Nothing beats watching them cry and scream as you strip their innocence from their bodies.” Bile flies up my throat at his sickening words. He looks back down at me and smirks. “She got what she deserved, and so will you.”

He releases the safety on the gun and shimmies down my body. He glares up at me and digs the barrel in deeper, until it’s practically breaking my trachea. “Move and die. I have no problem fucking your cunt with your brain gaping open.”

I swallow thickly, the motion causing the gun to shift. Sutton’s hands hit the buttons between my thighs that will release my bodysuit. I close my eyes, resigning myself to my fate.They all survived. Except…whoever he was talking about. She didn't. He raped her, impregnated her and then killed her. I have to live though, i have to save the rest that will come after me. Have to save Tinsley.

I focus on everything I have to accomplish once I make it out of one of the worst moments of my life. The buttons unsnapping are just as loud as the gunshots earlier. I try to ignore Sutton and his sickening touch as he slides his fingers through my dry folds. Vomit climbs up my throat and into my mouth, and I barely turn to the side in time to expel the contents of my stomach. Sutton barks a laugh but doesn't stop. I hear him preparing to spit on my core, and my eyes fly back to him just in time to see…

A half-face killer clown mask.

My Devil.

My Stalker.

My Love.

My Wolfe.

Wolfe stands behind Sutton, who is completely unaware as he spits onto my flesh, wetting my dry core for his assault. I lock eyes with the man who owns my heart, wholly and completely, and utter the one word I know he’ll understand.

I once told him he was my safe space. Before I even knew him, I knew he would protect me. I knew he would guard me, body, mind, and soul.


Chapter Twenty-Three


I climb off my bike and follow the trail on foot, knowing it will be easier with the rough terrain. My feet pound through the wooded area of the vast Huxley property, the last place I saw her location from the tracking device on her phone before it winked out of existence. Why would she be out here? I swallow down the sinking feeling rising up in my gut as I trudge forward.

Tags: Bex Dawn Romance