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“I haven’t been a boy in a long time. You’ll do as I fucking say or I’ll take out your punishment on that bitch, Gage.” I scowl and try to pull out of his hold but it does nothing to deter him. If I was less of a woman, I’d knee him in the dick but even I know that’s a bitch-ass move.

“I’m not marrying you, Bishop. I want nothing to do with this family and your father.” For the briefest of moments his mask falters and I see regret in his brown eyes as they bore into me before he quickly masks it.

“Tony is dead. I put a fucking bullet between his eyes and took over the empire he loved so much. You will honor this marriage. If you think there is an escape for you, you’re wrong. You will be a Murdoch.” He releases his hold on me with a slight push. I stumble back and hiss when my back collides with the cold tiles. I glare at his back. My gaze, as if it has a mind of its own, travels down to his ass and fuck me, what an ass. I shake my head to clear those thoughts from my mind.

* * *

After drying off, I wrap the towel around myself and walk back into the bedroom. I see a pile of clothes on the bed and smirk. I guess he doesn’t want me walking around in his clothes. That thought dies the moment I grab the pile and realize they arehisclothes. A pair of black sweats that are going to be huge on me, a plain gray shirt and another black sweater. I don’t want to fight, I just want to figure out what the fuck is going on here, find Car, then get my ass back to school so I can get the fuck out of this place. Now that I know Tony is dead, I won’t have to worry about him finding me at school. I might actually be able to even enjoy my last year. I’m eighteen now. I can do whatever the fuck I want and that involves finishing school, getting enough money for a plane ticket and going to Alaska. I change into the clothes the heavy-handed bastard left out for me, then go into his closet to steal another pair of socks. I’ve had to roll the sweats at the waist at least half a dozen times.

I’ve never been self-conscious of my height before, but being around all four Murdoch brothers makes me feel tiny and weak and I will not have that. I clench my hands into fists and vow that I will not let them push me around or allow my childhood memories of them to cloud my judgment anymore. I walk down the stairs and stop at the bottom. As I peek to the left and see Rook and Knight chilling on one of the lounge chairs in the living room, I decide to go and see them. I mean if me stopping to chat with his brothers pisses Bishop off a wee bit, my petty ass will take that as a win. At the sound of my approach, they both look away from the TV. Rook smiles invitingly, Knight eyes me skeptically and it pisses me the fuck off.

“Princess, I must say that is definitely not an outfit I would have chosen for you myself.” I roll my eyes and smile as I drop down beside him. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his side.

“Didn’t really get a choice in what I wear.” Knight snickers, I look to him and watch as he huffs out a breath in annoyance before standing and storming out of the living room. I look up to Rook who has a sad look on his face. “Rook?” He slowly lowers his eyes to me, I can see the pain in his eyes and it hurts my heart to see that look. I reach up and cup his cheek trying to smile comfortingly.

“Unless you want Bishop to beat my little brother, don’t touch him like that.” I drop my hand and pull back from Rook to stare over the back of the couch. King stands there with a disapproving scowl on his face. Shame washes over me, does he think I was just hitting on Rook?

“Fuck off, queen, the princess was just about to profess her undying love for me.” I gape at Rook and begin to shake my head but he shushes me with a finger to my lips.

“Don’t push him, Rook. He is dancing on the edge of his sanity right now. You fucking around with Kiara is going push him right the fuck over that line and this time, I don’t think any of us will be able to bring him back.” What the fuck happened to Bishop? “Princess, maybe you shouldn’t keep him waiting, huh?” I remain silent as I nod. I shoot Rook a smile before letting King lead me to Bishop. I freeze just outside the doorway to Tony’s office––well, Bishop’s office now. I close my eyes and will my heart to steady itself.

He isn’t in there, Kiara. He can’t touch you again!

“Doll?” I open my eyes to see Gage and King both standing in the doorway eyeing me, their looking at me like I’m a ticking time bomb. “You good?” I nod and follow after them. King steps inside the office but Gage darts his arm out stopping me. I peer up at him. We stand here silently just staring at each other. We don’t need words to be able to communicate, much like the twins. Gage and I know each other so well we can tell just from the others body language what they are thinking and feeling. Right now, he can tell I’m not okay and faking it till I make it. He knows the horrors that transpired in this fucking room, a shudder rolls through me at the thought. “I’m right here. Say the word and I’ll get you the fuck out of here.”

“Do that and it won’t be just Bishop coming after you.” I turn back to the hallway to see Knight standing there with a look of warning in his eyes. I don’t know what has happened to Knight but he isn’t the carefree, happy, loving kid he once was. Whatever happened must have been horrible for him to change this much.



Ilean back in my chair and glare at the fucker blocking her. She looks at him like he is able to solve her problems. Knight speaks and brings her attention to him. Gage keeps his gaze focused on her. The way he looks at her, like he has every right to stare at what belongs to me, has my trigger finger itchy to shoot the bastard in the fucking face. Gage may be an asset to my business but if he tries to fuck with what is mine again, I have no qualms about putting him six feet under. She turns back to Gage and pats his chest, indicating for him to let her pass. He drops his arm back to his side as she slides past him, her expression changing from curiosity to annoyance when she spots me glaring at her from behind my desk. King moves to the side and leans against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. Knight shoulder checks Gage on way past to claim one of the chesterfields in front of my desk. I flick my gaze to the chair beside Knight. She sighs and shakes her head as she moves forward to drop down into the seat in front of me. Gage rests his hands on the top of the chair she occupies, the fucker meets my gaze daring me to do something.

I smile wide and watch as Kiara tenses, she knows shit is about to go down. King stands tall waiting for my next move. I move at lighting speed, jumping to my feet with a gun pointed directly at Gage’s head. Kiara squeals in surprise.

“You gonna do it this time?” I flick the safety off and ready myself to pull the trigger but she jumps to her feet and stands on the chair, blocking my shot.

I growl out my annoyance. “Get the fuck out of the way!”

“You want to shoot him, you’re gonna have to shoot me first.” I can hear the slight tremble in her voice, the unsure look in her eyes tells me she is questioning her stupid move but won’t back down. Gage grips her waist and lifts her from the seat placing her on the ground. She tries to dart in front of him but he nods to King to come and subdue her. “Touch me and I’ll break your fucking nose, King.” My brother cuts me a look. I give him a subtle nod. He reaches for her but she ducks and swings around landing a left hook to his ribs. He steps back. Her size gives her the advantage as she ducks again from his reach and lands a swift hit to his nose. It wasn’t hard enough to break it but it sure as shit made him pause. He curses. Gage reaches out for her and she doesn’t shy away from his touch when he grips her waist again. He opens his mouth to speak but no words come out when she jabs him straight in the mouth! I cut a glance to Knight to find his brows are nearly in his hairline as he watches Kiara fuck up our brother and Gage.

“What the fuck?” Gage snarls at her as he cups his mouth with one of his hands as blood trickles out from between his fingers and a sense of pride swells inside me knowing my girl did that.

“Don’t you ever pass me off like I’m chattel. Next time, I’ll break your fucking teeth, got it?” Gage is seething with anger which puts a smile on my face. I lower my gun and clear my throat to garner their attention.

“Come here.” I wait for her to fight me or tell me to go fuck myself but she looks to Gage, then back to me before sighing and making her way around the desk to stand in front of me. Gage’s fists are clenched at his sides, King is silently ragging in the corner. If she was a guy, King would have shot her and never batted an eyelid. I run my gaze over her tiny form and fight the smirk that wants to break free, she looks better in my clothes than I do. I drop into my seat and turn toward her. She eyes me suspiciously when I flick my gaze to my knee. Her mouth drops open and she shakes her head. I place my gun on the top of the desk and that snaps her into action. She settles herself on my lap, tense and stiff as fuck. I wrap an arm around her waist as I turn us back to face the others. She keeps her head down, not wanting to meet any of the other’s gazes. Good, she needs to learn that I’m the fucking boss and I call the shots, not her! “Sit the fuck down now, Gage. Knight, get Rook, Mav and Luka.” Knight nods and leaves to do as I ask. Gage keeps his glare on me as he drops into the chair she just vacated.

“Can I sit over there?”

“You’ll stay right where you are. Until you learn to do as you are told, this is where you will sit.” She stiffens further and I don’t miss the subtle shake of his head as Gage implores her to do as she is told. Knight comes back in with the other three trailing behind him. Rook’s eyes widen when he sees Kiara sitting on my lap, Mav and Luka don’t even bat an eye at her, that is why they are here. These two have proven time and again that they can be trusted and are loyal to me and my brothers. “I want an update on Carlina, Have any of the families made contact?” Mav steps forward.

“No. I’ve reached out to them all and none of them were even aware you had a sister. They have each offered up their men to help search for her.”

“If they don’t have her, then who does?” Rook’s question is the one we are all thinking. Sure, I have plenty of enemies but not in my city. I spent months if not years building relationships with the Dons of the other families to smooth over the shit Tony had caused. We haven’t had a single issue with any of them, until now.

“Have you checked the cameras at the school?” I ask Luka.

“Yes, sir.”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance