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Her eyes look hollow, her hands are cold to the touch. She doesn’t look innocent and free anymore, she seems more mature and… tortured. What the fuck happened to her? Gage slides up beside her and gives me a nod, letting me know he has her while I deal with Bishop and Anthony. I look around as the sun slowly begins to rise and darkness fades. I see Anthony’s men facing away from us with their guns drawn and pointed at Bishop’s men. I spot Mav and Luka and pray they don’t get shot. I focus on Anthony and find his gaze already on me, the awe in his gaze shocks me.

“I don’t want anyone else to get hurt,” I plead. Anthony searches my gaze for a tense moment before he speaks.

“I’ll let them all go if you agree to come with me.” I open my mouth to deny him but when I feel the wall of muscle at my back I relax slightly and know he’s back to himself. Seeing Knight go down clearly caused him to clam up.

“She isn’t going anywhere with you!” Anthony glances at Bishop briefly before focusing back on me.

“The choice is yours, Kiara.” Bishop grips my waist and pulls me back so I’m flush against his front. I look down at Quinn’s body and fight the bile that wants to come out of me. His eyes are open and staring lifelessly ahead, I quickly avert my gaze and look to Anthony.

“How was he my brother?” Anthony sighs and runs a hand through his hair, for someone who lost a son he doesn’t seem very distraught.

“He wasn’t by blood. He was my deceased wife’s son. He wasn’t very bright and he sure as hell didn’t have what it takes to lead this family.” His careless words stun me for a beat. I didn’t know Quinn long, I thought he was a good guy and a great friend up until he shot Knight. As soon as he pulled that trigger, he became enemy number one! “Pull your men back.”

“Get fucked.” Anthony’s gaze hardens as he looks to Bishop.

“I’ll kill you and all your men while she watches. Your family will be nothing by the time I’m finished with you!” The conviction in his tone tells me he isn’t bullshitting.

“You hurt him, you hurt me!” I interject. Anthony looks thoroughly confused by my declaration.

“You don’t have to be afraid of them anymore, I know it took me a long time but I’m here, Kiara. He and his family can’t hurt you anymore. I swear to you that you will be safe with me.” I scoff.

“That worked out real fucking well for Quinn, didn’t it?”

“Quinn made his choice when he chose to pull that trigger!”

“What about Car. Did she make the choice to marry Quinn?” Anthony rolls his eyes skyward, like he is running out of patience with me.

“She never married him, it’s called stacking my chips. I had to show you all I had the upper hand and by my count, I still do. We out number you three to one.”

“Bullshit, I have more men here than you do,” Bishop snaps.

“You stupid fool, you know nothing. You see a few of my men here in front of your lackeys but what you don’t see are my other behind yours. You’re cornered, I believe the term is…checkmate?” I cringe at the play on Bishop and his brother’s names. Anthony could be full of shit but what if he isn’t and we really are cornered? I can’t risk them getting hurt.

“What do you want?” I ask.

“For you to come home where you always should have been.”

“You fucked a whore and got her pregnant, surely you can find someone better to marry and make more babies?” His face contorts in confusion.

“What makes you think your mother was a whore?”

“She sold herself for a hit and sold… me.” Anger blazes in his blue eyes.

“She wasn’t a whore, she was my wife, then she ran with you because we had a fucking spat. Tony offered her a safe haven and then got her hooked on drugs.” I slam back into Bishop, floored at Anthony’s declaration.

“She was your wife?”

“We had been promised to each other since we were twelve.” I shake my head unable to accept what he is saying. “I speak the truth, Kiara. Come with me and I’ll tell you everything.” Bishop’s hold on me tightens and I love him for not butting in and taking control of the situation like he wants to.

“I won’t leave, any of them.” I’m proud of myself when my voice doesn’t waiver. He looks between Bishop and I, his gaze calculating and suspicious.

“You care for them?”

“Yes,” I say with a hundred percent conviction.

“Even after what they did?” I scowl at him when I feel Bishop tense behind me.

“Theydidn’t do anything to me. Their piece of shit father hurt me, not them. Bishop and the others aren’t monsters like their sperm donor. You want me to come with you, fine. But just know I’ll never stop trying to escape you. I’ll fight you every single day until I get free to come back to him. If any part of you as my father cares about me at all, you will walk away now and not hurt any of them.” He remains silent for a while, mulling over what I just said. He reaches up and scratches the scruff on his chin. I feel like an idiot for not seeing the resemblance between us sooner. He was right in front of me this whole time, hiding in plain sight.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance