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“Bishop?” A relieved sigh comes from him before he speaks.

“I’m coming, baby. Stay in the basement with the twins––”

“They aren’t with me,” I cut in. Bishop curses on the other end of the phone and shouts at someone to drive faster.

“Where are they?” I can hear the anger in his tone and know it isn’t directed at me. He’s worried for his brothers and their safety.

“Knight’s upstairs and Rook just brought me down here and told me to stay put,” I whisper.

“Fuck!” I hear him punching something and cringe. “Stay there, baby. I’m on my way.” Tears cloud my vision as realization dawns on me, I know what I have to do.

“I love you, Bishop.”

“Kiara, don’t you fucking dare go out there!” he roars, the pain in his voice almost makes me listen to his command.

“I won’t let your brothers or your sister die for me.” He tries to cut in but I push on needing to get this out before I lose my nerve. “I’ve loved you most of my life and I’ll love you in the next one as well. Goodbye, my love.” I ignore his pleas as I end the call and chuck it on the bed. It rings again but I ignore it as I open the door and ready myself to meet my father and end this.

* * *

Icreep silently through the house, not wanting to risk making a noise and alerting the twins that I’m up here. I peer around the corner of the kitchen and when I see the front door open and hear their voices from outside my heart sinks. I race toward the door and hide to the side as I listen in on what they are saying.

“Let her go!” Knight sounds vicious, the sound of his cold tone has me standing tall and proud.

“Give me my daughter and your sister goes free.” I still at the sound of his voice, it’s melodic and sure.

“She isn’t here, we don’t know where she is.” I love Rook for wanting to keep me safe but he shouldn’t have to. I take a deep breath and steel my spine as I twirl around and stand in the open doorway with my hands raised above my head.

“I’m here.” Rook and Knight both turn to me, fear and anger swirls in the depths of both their eyes. I shrug my shoulders. “I can’t let you guys do this.” I look beyond them and that’s when I spot Car on her knees with her head down and a gun pressed to the back of it. I follow his arm up and when I land on his face my breath hitches. “Mr. Rogers?” He smirks at me. I never took notice of my history teacher until now—he doesn’t wear his normal glasses and his hair isn’t a mess like I’m used to. His black hair is slicked back against his head, his pale blue eyes bore into mine—his aren’t as pale as mine though. He smiles wide and I watch as some of the tension bleeds out of him. He wears a suit like Bishop but doesn’t fill it out the way B does. Bishop wears the suit but my father’s suit seems like it wears him. He doesn’t seem comfortable in it, almost like he never wears them unless he has to.

“Hello, Kiara.” I slowly lower my hands to my sides and step forward until I stand in the middle of the twins. I look down at Carlina and cock my head to the side, her hair blocks her face from us. Her camisole shirt is loose and stained, she wears…leggings. I dart my gaze to my father’s in shock.

“That’s not Carlina.” I feel the twin gaze on me but don’t dare look away from the man in front of me. A smile spreads wide across his face. He lowers his gun and tucks it into his holster inside his jacket. I look around and that’s when I see all the men with their guns all trained on the twins and me by default for standing between them. The woman slowly stands and dusts off her pants before flicking her hair from her face, it’s not Car. The woman doesn’t say a word as she turns and heads toward one of the cars behind Anthony and his men. Rook steps forward with his gun raised, I hear all the guns around cocking and ready to shoot.

“Where is my sister?” His relaxed expression switches to hatred in a matter of seconds as he stares at Rook.

“I would never hold a gun to my daughter-in-law’s head like that.” I gasp, Rook sways slightly and Knight remains stoic and still as he stares at Anthony.

“What?” I ask, he looks to me and smiles wide.

“Oh, my dear, the sweet Carlina is now your sister. Isn’t that wonderful?” I don’t know if he’s joking or if he’s actually being serious. There is no way I can have a brother. Bishop told me I’m the only heir to the Bennett family.

“What the fuck did you do to my sister?” I can hear the worry in Rook’s voice and I want to reach out and comfort him, but I don’t.

“Would you like to meet your brother?” I just stare at him too shocked to even utter a word. He raises his hand in the air and I hear a car door open. We wait with bated breath as two figures head toward us. It’s still too dark out to see them clearly. When they step up beside Anthony, my mouth drops open and my eyes widen.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Knight snaps. I’m unable to form words as I stare at him, unable to process the fact that he of all people is my brother!



So many different scenarios are running through my mind about what could be happening. Gage drives like a mad man but we are still over an hour away. I can’t get a hold of the twins and my gut is churning at the thought of something happening to them. I know my brothers would risk their lives for Kiara because of what she means to me. I’ve never felt so fucking helpless in my life. I know Gage is driving as fast as he can without killing us but it still isn’t quick enough. I should have never sent the three of them away, I should have kept them with me where they would be safe and I would be able to protect her and my little brothers.

“Fuck!” I roar as I punch the dash of the Range Rover for the sixth time in the past hour.

“We’ll get there, Bish––”

“What if we’re too fucking late, King?”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance