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“I re-checked the video surveillance from their school, I caught a partial plate number. Luka is running it through the system now.” Mav seems hopeful and he’s an idiot for that, a man’s worst fucking enemy in this line of work is hope.

“Put word out to the other families, anyone who aides or knows of the whereabouts of my sister and doesn’t tell me, will be at war with us. Bring in more men to surround the property. I want Kiara under 24/7 surveillance unless I’m with her.”

“She isn’t the priority here, Carlina is!” I snarl at my brother.

“You may be my underboss but you don’t call the fucking shots. Carlina has been taken because he wants Kiara, that makes her a fucking priority!” King doesn’t back down, it’s not in his makeup.

“If anything happens tooursister because you are distracted by your new piece of ass––.” I’m on my feet in a split second with gun out and aimed at my brother. King sits there unaffected by my show of power. He climbs to his feet slowly and holds my heated stare with one of his own.

“Speak about her like that again. I dare you,” I taunt.

“One night in the sack with her and already you turn on your own family.” I flinch internally at his words. King is still bitter about me killing our father. “Let me ask you this,brother. If a choice is to be made betweenherand our sister, who will you choose?”



Iroll over and stretch my arm across the bed. I feel around for him but his side is cold. I slowly blink my eyes open and sigh, he’s gone. I sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed and cringe, the insides of my thighs feels sticky from his cum. My legs have bite marks and bruises from his punishing grip. Just the thought of how he took me last night and didn’t give a fuck about anything aside from making me scream his name has my belly tightening and my pussy pulsing. I can still feel the ghost of his cock inside me, like he has imprinted himself on me. I need to shower! I hate the thought of washing him away but there is no way I could face the twins or King. I know I must look like I’ve been railed and my hair will no doubt be a mess but I don’t regret a single thing about last night.

I smile to myself as I shower and relive the memories of last night. He was so attentive and caring. He may have been rough with me but I loved every second. He marked me in every way possible—he came on me, in me and all over my face. It makes me hot just thinking about how he smeared his cum all over my face then ran a finger through it only to make me suck his digit clean. It takes everything inside me not to rub my clit, I want Bishop to make me come again this morning and alleviate this ache between my thighs that the thought of him caused.

I wrap a towel around myself and head back into the bedroom to try find some clothes but screech to a halt when I see Bishop sitting on the edge of the bed with a haunted look in his eyes. I drop my towel and watch as his eyes fill with lust, then saunter over to him trying to sway my hips like a sexy bitch. I push my way between his legs and grip his hair, pulling hard enough for him to crane his neck back and look up at me. He has his hands up the backs of my thighs and doesn’t stop until he is cupping my ass. I lick my lips, move and straddle his lap. I can feel he’s hard for me already. I lean forward and brush my lips over his… he doesn’t open for me. I pull back and furrow my brow in confusion, search his gaze and see that he fucking wants me. If that isn’t enough his rock-hard cock certainly gives him away.

“I brought you some clothes. Rook is waiting outside for you.” I cock my head to the side confused.

“Why is Rook waiting for me?” My heart begins beats erratically.

“He’s going to take you back to school.” I recoil. He grips my waist holding me still in his lap, my heart sinks as I watch a shutter fall over his eyes. He’s closing himself off from me and is about turn into the Don of the Murdoch family. What a stupid fool I was to think he actually gave a shit about me. Everything he said yesterday was for nothing. He said what he did so he could get in my fucking pants, and like the stupid bitch I am, I let him. He fucked me so he could get one up on his father!

“You bastard. You used me and now that you got what you wanted, you what? Chuck me out like the trash I am?” His cold hard gaze meets mine.

“My sister comes first, always. You will return to school and once you are finished you will return here and we will marry. The videos from last night should be enough to prompt your father to return my sister and show him how in love with me you are.” Tears threaten to spill at the sound of his hateful words. I shake my head denying his claim.

“You son of a bitch, don’t you dare lie and turn what happened between us last night into something dirty.”

“I fucked you, that’s all that was. When the time comes for Carlina to be returned you will be at the meet with your father and you’ll do exactly as I say or Gage will pay the price for your disobedience.”

“Fuck you.”

“I already broke his fucking hand, defy me again and I’ll shoot out his kneecaps. Be a good girl and he may just fucking live.” I slap him, my hand stings from the force of it. I push away from him and stand, not giving a fuck that I’m naked. I’m not ashamed of my body.

“You’re a fucking monster. You say you will never hurt me like your father did yet, here you are… Blackmailing me by using the life of my friend to keep me in line.” He slowly turns his head back to me, the fire in his eyes has me stilling. What the fuck was I thinking hitting the Don of the biggest crime family in the country? He could fucking kill me! He climbs to his feet slowly, his height and body size dwarfs me. The look of disgust in his gaze as he stares at me has tears blurring my visions.

“You touch, look or speak to any guy while you’re gone…” He reaches out and grips the back of my neck in a punishing grip until I stare up at him. I make sure he can see the hatred that I feel toward him in my eyes. “… I’ll kill them in front of you and make you bathe in their blood. You think you know what I’m capable of but you don’t know shit. Fuck with me, Kiara, and you will see the real beast. Tony was nothing compared to me. Get dressed and get the fuck out of my house.” He releases me with a hard shove. I stumble back and hit the wall. He shoots me one last filthy look before he walks out and doesn’t look back once. No sooner do I hear the door close, than I drop to my knees and sob. I’m such a fucking idiot! I wrap my arms around my legs and bury my face atop them and cry. It took Bishop mere hours to break through the walls I have built around myself to keep me safe from the hurt he just caused. I swore I would never sleep with a man unless I trusted them. I thought Gage was that but it turns out I only love him like a brother. Bishop, I’ve loved him since I was a child and he used that against me. He fucking knew how I felt about him and he played me like a fucking violin.

“Get up.” I startle at the sound of Knight’s voice. He grabs the clothes from the bed and chucks them at me whilst keeping his gaze on the wall behind me.

“W-what are you doing here?” He still won’t look at me and I respect the fuck out of him for that, most guys would be getting an eyeful while they could, but not Knight.

“Rook is too soft on you. King is busy fighting his demons and Bishop, well, I guess you would rather not see that asshole right now.”

“He told me to leave.” The watery tone of my voice has him tensing.

“Get dressed. I’ll wait out there for you.” I wait until he leaves the room and closes the door behind himself, then gather myself up and climb to my feet. I have been through worse shit than this. I keep repeating that mantra in my head as I go through the motions of dressing myself. It feels good to have my own clothes again, even if they are cheap second-hand clothes. Poor Rook drove back to school, only to have to take me back today. Isn’t that what I wanted though? Didn’t I want to go back to school and finish my senior year and be free of this bullshit? “Hurry up.” Knights clipped tone breaks me from my thoughts. I head to the door but pause and take one last look at the crumpled sheets and mess we made on the bed. I allow myself a minute to feel the anguish and pain. I finally got the guy I have always wanted, only for him to throw me away after he got what he wanted. I yank the door open and head into the living room, I cringe internally when I see Knight sitting in the same spot on the couch where Bishop made me come.

“What now?” Knight sighs and climbs to his feet. We stare at each other silently for a long while, Knight may be only seventeen but his eyes hold a wisdom no one his age should. He’s probably seen more heinous things in his life than anyone twice his age.

“Now, you keep your fucking head held high as we walk through that house and past my brother. You don’t let him see that he broke something inside you.”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance