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“What about Tony?” I hate that I hear the tremble in my own voice. He’s fucking dead and yet he is still able to inspire fear within me. Bishop lifts his eyes to mine and everything inside me stills, as all the walls I built up around myself come crumbling down. My breaths come out in short rapid pants. I begin to shake my head denying what I already know but it’s no use.

“He’ll never touch you again, Kiara. I made sure of that.” The conviction in his voice should comfort me but it doesn’t.

“Y-you knew?” Disgust swirls inside me at the thought of Bishop knowing my darkest and most depraved secret. He stands and makes his way over to me. He sits on the edge of the bed facing me but keeps enough space between us to allow me room to breathe. That’s the thing though, whenever he’s near I can’t breathe, I can’t even think straight. If I was Superman, Bishop would be my kryptonite. He makes me weak and I don’t know if I like that or not. He sees through my hardened shell and won’t allow me to hide behind my bad attitude.

“I only found out not long ago. We searched for you when you ran. I didn’t know you were with Gage until a couple months after you started staying with him. He reached out to me in an effort to get you protection. He didn’t know at the time that we were the ones that you needed protecting from.” I can’t stop the stray tear that leaks from my eye. He reaches out and swipes it away. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there, Kiara. I was too wrapped up in my own shit to even pay attention to what was going on just down the fucking hall from me. That cunt was hurting you and my sister and I couldn’t even protect you both.” I launch myself at him and climb on his lap as I wrap around him. When his shock finally melts away, he wraps his arms around me and holds me close as I sob against him. I never knew how much I needed to hear him say those things to me. I wished he would save me from his father but I know now that was an unrealistic expectation I put on him. He was just a kid as well when it all started. He runs his fingers through my hair as I cling to him. I honestly didn’t think I would be able to cry anymore after the amount I cried already today.

“I’m not broken,” I mutter against his chest. He grips my hair and pulls until I have no choice but to pull back until he can see my face. His eyes dart all over my face before finally settling and the anger that swirls in his eyes stuns me.

“I never fucking said you were. Even if you were broken, Kiara, I would find every piece of you and put you back together until you were able to see that broken things are beautiful.”

“Even after what you know, you think I’m beautiful?”

“You’ve always been beautiful to me, Kiara. It just took you longer than I thought to realize that yourself.” I nod my head.



“I’ll do what you want, I’ll marry you, but…” I feel him tense beneath me. I know I need to tell him what I want now or I risk being swept up in this life of luxury and lose myself in him. I’m not that type of girl. “I want to finish school. I also want to travel and I still want to fight on Friday nights.” A murderous look overtakes his features and it’s me who is now tense.

“What fucking fights?” I furrow my brow confused for a moment before a broad smile stretches across my face. His eyes narrow and I laugh.

“You have no idea that I fight every Friday night at the shack?” I screech in surprise when he stands suddenly. I lock my legs around his waist and tighten my hold around his neck. He grips my ass and holds me in place as he walks toward the door and throws it open before storming down the hallway. “Where are we going?” His only response is a growl which earns him another chuckle from me, we descend the stairs and he squeezes the globes of my ass until I yelp in pain.

“Not funny now?” I glare down at him.

“You could at least put me down, I can walk.” He scoffs before continuing to walk us through the living room and kitchen.

“And risk you jumping in front of him to stop a bullet? I’ll pass.” I freeze in his hold, fucking hell, he’s going after Gage. I try to squirm out of his hold but he wraps his arms around me and keeps me in place. “Keep wriggling like that, baby. All your doing is making my cock hard.” I still and that’s when I feel it, his cock bulging against me. My cheeks redden and I bite my lip, feeling shy all of a sudden. I’m not exactly experienced with guys. I don’t count Tony as an experience. To me, Gage was my first sexual partner. The thought of knowing that I’m the reason Bishop is hard sends a thrill through my body and has my pussy clenching on air. I feel myself getting wet at the thought of him ploughing into me and making me come harder than I ever have before. “Thinking about my cock, baby?” I shake my head to clear my thoughts and that’s when I notice he has stopped moving and we stand in the rumpus room. I look around and see the twins and Gage by the pool table with Bish’s other man, Mav I think his name is.

“You been playing mommy and daddy upstairs?” I glare at Rook as he hides his smile behind his can of Pepsi.

“Actually, no. I was giving Bishop anoralexam.” I smile sweetly as he chokes on his drink. Knight smacks his back which just broadens my smile. Bishop leans forward and kisses my cheek which stuns me but I don’t let it show, I want to see how this is going to play out between B and Gage. I feel victorious that I actually did something he didn’t know about.

“Fucking hell, doll, didn’t need that mental picture.” I open my mouth to sass Gage back but Bishop beats me to it.

“How about we fight it out at the shack on Friday night after Kiara’s match?” Gage visibly pales. He swings his gaze to me before focusing back on Bishop, I don’t see what the big fucking deal is here. “You fucking let her into that ring?” I recoil at B’s shout, he is legit vibrating with rage right now and it scares the shit out of me.

“She never fought under her own name, I made sure she was hidden.”

“That wasn’t your fucking call to make! I warned you what would happen, you chose to defy my order. Mav, take him.” I struggle in Bishop’s hold and try to break free as Mav leads Gage from the room, I call out to G but he ignores me and keeps his head down. I thrash in Bishop’s grip but his hold is too strong.

“Put me down now!”

“Shut up. Kiara. You’ll stay exactly where the fuck you are.”


“I said shut the fuck up, Kiara!” I recoil at his harsh tone. How the fuck does he go from being sweet and tentative to a raging asshole in a matter of minutes? “Knight, shut down the fucking shack. Rook, get her shit from school and some clothes from her dorm.” He doesn’t wait for a reply, he exits the room and instead of heading back to his bedroom like I expect he turns left and goes out the back toward the pool house. For some reason I feel like I can breathe easier just by not being inside that house. He kicks the door open and storms inside. This place has had a makeover since the last time I saw it. The walls are painted white and of course adorned with gold trim. I scream out in surprise as he tosses me through the air and I land on the huge couch. Before I can sit up he pounces on me, his legs either side of mine, gripping my arms and pinning them above my head. I thrash about beneath him and curse him out but his grip still doesn’t falter.

“Get the fuck off me, now!” I feel the panic inside me creep to the surface. I fight back the nightmares that taunt me and remind of a time I wasn’t able to fight against someone and was at their mercy.

“I told you that I would punish you.” I gape up at him and shake my head as tears threaten to spill. Whatever he sees in my gaze has his body going slack and his grip on my hands loosening so that I can pull free if I so wish. “I would never hurt you, baby. I’m not him.” I sniffle and hate myself for it, I don’t want him to think I’m weak. It’s just been a fucking long ass day and I need to sleep, wake up again and hope this nightmare is over. “Your punishment is sleeping with me.” I open my mouth to protest but he pushes on, effectively silencing me. “Not sex, just in the same bed as me. I brought you out here because I thought you would feel more comfortable in here rather than inside the house.” I deflate a little at his carefulness.

“Okay.” He releases my hands and climbs off me, then reaches out and offers me his hand. I eye it for a second before placing my hand in his. Once I’m on my feet and standing before him I expect him to lead me to the bedroom. What I don’t expect is him kissing me. I stand here unmoving for a moment before it hits me that Bishop Murdoch is actually kissing me and I’m not dreaming. I open for him and moan at the taste of him. His taste overwhelms my senses and his presence consumes me. He grips my hips and I shiver at the feeling of having his hands and mouth on me at the same time, I grip the front of his shirt and pull it loose from his pants. I run my hands underneath his shirt and moan at the feeling of his skin, he groans as I run my fingers along his abs and up to his chest. I want to see and can’t be bothered undoing all the fucking buttons, so I break our kiss, grip his shirt and tear it open. Buttons fly in each direction but I don’t give a fuck,

“Well, that’s the second shirt that got ruined today.” I smirk but don’t answer, I’m too enthralled by the artwork that covers his body. Bishop is fucking sexy in a suit and don’t get me wrong, thinking about him in a plain pair of grey sweats and shirtless with all his tattoos on display has me clenching my thighs together to try to alleviate the ache between them. I trace my finger over the ink and smile. Skulls, knuckle dusters, guns, roses and so many other things cover his chest. I push his shirt off his shoulders and marvel at the ink that coats his arms and hands. “Like what you see?” I look up at him and smile.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance