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“What?” I snap.

“You know my fucking passcode?”

“I know your code to everything. I know your social security number, what classes you take, your grades and where you sit daily.” She spins away from me and looks to the twins. Rook smiles sheepishly while Knight just pins her with a bored stare.

“You little snitches!” she screeches and stomps her feet as she moves toward the twins. They move out of her way so she can leave. I smile triumphantly that I’m able to get under her skin. My smile vanishes when she grips Gage’s hand and pulls him after her.

“You follow her and I’ll burn your fucking house down.” Gage pauses, he looks from Kiara to me and I make sure he can see in my eyes that I’m not making idle threats.

“He burns your house down, we’ll burn his to the fucking ground. He wants to invade my privacy so now he can deal with my anger.” She turns to me and I stand tall waiting for her to speak. “Did you have cameras put into Gage’s house?” I see him tense beside her, grit my teeth and shake my head. “Thank fuck. Wouldn’t want you seeing what went on there.” I take one step forward and she hightails it out of the room dragging Gage after her. Rook breaks out into fits of laughter. King slaps him on the back of the head earning himself a smack from Knight for touching his twin. I scrub a hand down my face and the curse beneath my breath.

“She is going to knock you down so many fucking pegs, brother.” I snarl at my youngest brother. Rook is the only one who would speak to me that way.

“Fuck off,” I mutter as I scroll through her messages and pull up the most recent one.

Unknown number – meet me and you will get her back.I type out a reply.

Me – where and when?The reply comes almost instantly.

Unknown number – The correct answer would have been who is this?

Me – who is this?

Unknown number – too late now, Bishop.I growl.

Me – who the fuck is this?

Unknown number – A trade for a trade, give me Kiara and I’ll give you your sister.

Me – how do I know she is even alive?

I wait for a reply but it doesn’t come. I hand King the phone so he can read over the texts. I pull my own phone out and dial Luka, he’s our tech wiz and can crack any code known to man, he isn’t one of the FBI’s most wanted for nothing. He answers on the second ring.

“Yeah, boss?”

“Where are you?”

“Trailing the girl and Gage.” My hold on my phone tightens as my anger soars.

“Bring her back here. I need you.”


“What?” I snap.

“She won’t come willingly.”

“Carry her if you have to. Get the fuck here now!”



Idon’t even have a fucking chance to have a conversation with Gage before I’m swung over one of fucking Bishop’s goon squads’ shoulder and am being hauled back to him like a lost fucking dog! As soon as he places me on my feet, I strike to hit him but he jumps back. The fucker was prepared for me to hit him. I smirk triumphantly at the bastard. At least these assholes know I won’t go down without a fight.

“Kiara.” The sound of my name coming from him has me pausing. I decide to throw caution to the fucking wind and demand answers. I turn around and face the high and mighty king as he sits behind his desk. I spy the twins and King leaning against the wall to my left, the two goons are standing like statues to my right. Gage stands beside me and I know it’s pissing Bishop off him being so close to me.

“Don’t fucking,Kiara, me. You demand I listen to you but what for? You think because you pin me against the wall and get me wet that I’ll suddenly bow down and not fight you?” I ignore the laughter coming from my left and push on. “You want me to be compliant and not be a bitch? Start telling me the fucking truth, Bishop. A guy like you doesn’t just decide he has the hots for his sister’s best friend after years. You’re not the type of guy to want marriage either so why the fuck am I here?” He stands slowly and fixes his suit jacket before running a hand through his hair, slicking it back. I watch as a mask falls into place. Gone is the Bishop that I know and now standing in his place is the Don of the Murdoch family, leader of the five mafia families. His brown eyes hold no warmth, they are cold and empty as he gazes at me.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance