Page 48 of Savage Beast

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“Shut the fuck up Colton. You don’t know shit about Skylar, beauty, she is the strongest person I know, and she won’t go down without a fight!” I nod my head.

“I told her to fight, she said she has fought her whole life and she can’t anymore.” He opens his mouth, but I raise my hand to stop him. “I felt the power inside her Ro, it was like an explosion. Sky has wild magic inside her, and it’s never been tamed––.”

“What the fuck do you know about my mate?” I flinch at the anger in Callie’s tone, I feel Cass at my back offering me his silent support. I face Callie and fight the tears that want to break free for her and the loss she is about to suffer.

“She wanted me to tell you that she loves you, and you were always the light in her darkness…she fought as hard as she did because of you Callie.” A strangled sob tears from her, Cole wraps his arms around her and holds her up, just in case she crumbles. Creed steps into the room and rushes over to his siblings wrapping his arms around both of them, I turn back to Cairo and fight the shiver that wants to trek through my body at the look he is giving me. “She wants you to tell her the whole truth Ro.” I face Callie again, and the pleading in her eyes has the tears falling from mine. “Sky wants you to know that if she was given a choice between you and Cairo… it would always be you California.” Callie screams and sobs wrack her body as her brothers hold her close.

“No, no, no. You fucking bring her back to me Cairo! You son of a bitch, you fucking go after her now, you bastard, this is all your fault!” Cairo stands there and bares all her cruel words. I drop my gaze to the floor and wring my hands together as I get the last of it out, I’m too much of a coward to meet his gaze. “She wants you to know that she doesn’t regret a thing Cairo, she would do it all again for you.” Cairo doesn’t answer me, he couldn’t even if he wanted to, because Callie is screaming insults at him and blaming him for everything. I slowly lift my gaze to his, Jess moves to block her brother from Callie’s view, but he gently pushes her away and moves to stand in front of her. Callie lunges for him, smacking his face then punching his chest, Creed and Cole attempt to grab her but Cairo shakes his head and allows her to continue wailing on him.

“I fucking hate you! If she dies, I will never fucking forgive you, you’re a disease Cairo! She is everything to me, and you took her away because you wanted that bitch!” She screams while blindly pointing in my direction, Cairo snaps. He grips her face and growls. Everyone remains quiet, the only sound in the room is Callie’s sobs.

“I’ll take your fucking hate. You want to blame me, go ahead, but know this California, I would trade places with Sky in a heartbeat, not only do I love her, but I will never be half the person she is.” Hearing those words out of his mouth stings, Cass places his hand on my shoulder, I reach up and place mine on top of his. “She gave me my life Callie; I would have died without her. I knew from day one that she was a witch, and I spent my whole life making sure her secret stayed hidden. I vow to you Callie; I will find whoever outed her to the council and peel the bastard’s skin from his body. I won’t leave her––.”

“Why does she want you to kill her?” She hiccups, Cairo flinches but tries to mask it.

“Because I am the only one who can.” I can hear the pain in his voice.


“Because a part of Sky lives inside of me, she can’t kill herself, so she made sure that she had a backup plan. I didn’t know she did it until years later.” Cairo tells everyone how Sky broke his bond to the pack and why Bexley can’t be led. “Callie?”


“You won’t like what I’m about to tell you, but I can’t deny Sky her…last wish.” His tone is watery as he says the last part. “Sky is a witch and that means she…can’t have a mate.” Callie recoils.

“What do you mean?” Cairo drops his arms back to his sides and refuses to meet her gaze, the tension in the room has ramped up as we wait for him to explain.

“She loved you like no other Callie, she wanted you from the moment she saw you but knew you would never entertain the idea because you wanted to wait for your mate.” A sad smile graces each of their faces. “She did a spell,” her brows furrow in confusion. “She invented it so you would think she was your mate––.” Cairo places his hands on the tops of her shoulders, Callie slowly lifts her gaze back to Ro. “Yourtruemate is still out there Callie.” She yanks out of his hold and slaps him across the face, gasps break out around the room.

“You’re a fucking liar!” She screams at him before running from the room, Cole and Creed are quick to chase after their sister, Jess moves toward her brother and wraps her arms around his waist and rests her head against his chest. Hunt and Blake move toward Cass, and I motion for us to follow them out of the room, I take one step and I’m yanked backward, I stumble but arms band around my waist to save me from faceplanting. I tense expecting a vision to slam into me, but when he growls, I know exactly who it is.

“She isn’t going anywhere!” The gruff tone of his voice tells me it’s Bexley in control right now, Cairo is in the backseat for the moment. Blake and Hunter try to take a step toward to me but Cass’s arm snakes out and stops them, he and Cairo clearly share a look, but I can’t decipher the meaning behind it. His grip on my waist tightens when I try to wriggle free.

“Uh, Z and I will give you all a moment, but meet us in the living room. We have to come up with a plan about what we do next––.” Jess is cut off when Cairo’s phone begins to ring, he reluctantly drops his hold on me and moves to retrieve his phone from beside the bed.

“Yeah?” Cairo snaps, he pauses to hear whatever is being said on the other end, his body coils tight with tension. “Yeah, I’m on my way.” I turn toward my brothers to ask what is being said on the other end but the anger radiating off each of them gives me pause, the three of them glare at Cairo. “We need to renegotiate the terms of our deal.” Cairo’s eyes meet mine as he speaks. “Everything changed yesterday when I marked her as my mate.” My eyes widen and it’s then that a slight pinch of pain in my shoulder registers, I reach up and push the sleeve of my shirt down and run my fingers over thematemark!

“Holy shit.”

“It was the only way to snap you out of the trance Belle, we didn’t know what else to do.” Cairo’s phone call is completely forgotten as I go in on my brothers.

“You fucking knew?” Blake opens his mouth to speak again but I cut him off. “You all agreed to this?” Jess and Z slip out of the room, Blake and Hunter at least have the decency to appear remorseful but not Cass.

“What choice did we have? As usual you do as you please, and the three of us are left wondering how the fuck to save you Belle. I will not watch you die, I’m not even sorry I told him to do it because here you are, alive and well.” A tinge of guilt settles inside me at Cass’s words, I’m not angry that Cairo marked me. I’m pissed because…I wanted him to do it of his own free will, not because he had to, in order to save my life.

“I didn’t do it to save you.” I hide my shock as I peer over my shoulder at him, his phone call has ended.

“You a mind reader now?” He stuffs his hands in his pockets and then diverts his gaze to my brothers.

“Can you give us a minute?” A beat passes before I hear my brothers leave the room and close the door with a soft click. The tension between me and Cairo is upping each second that passes. “I can’t read your mind, but because of the mate bond, I can feel what you feel.” That’s a fact I sure as hell forgot about.

“We had sex, you told me you loved your beta and then I catch you kissing her, but you still mark me? Tell me, am I supposed to be grateful that you saved my life––I am by the way, but I also can’t forget what I saw.”

“I don’t expect you to.” He motions for me to have a seat on the chair in the corner, I do it because I’m starting to feel dizzy. “Like I said earlier, a part of Sky lives in me, so when she uses her magic, she weakens, the only way to help her is to siphon power from me which is done through a kiss. There wasn’t anything more to that kiss yesterday than her simply recharging, I will not apologize for anything because I’m not sorry. I will do shit without thinking, that is just who I am Gabrielle.” NotBelleorBeauty, I don’t know if I like the sound of my full name out of his mouth.

“You and I clearly have shit to talk about and work through, but for now that has to wait. I assume that was Alexander on the phone?” He nods. “What does he want?”

“Davina was supposed to help search for the council and Sky while I brought you back here last night, but she didn’t. She caught his scent and instead her and her vamps chased him.”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal