Page 46 of Savage Beast

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“I’m sorry I couldn’t save you Sky, I swear––.” She shakes her head.

“It was never your destiny to save me, it is yours though to help him and love him even when he doesn’t think he deserves it. His loyalty to me is holding him back from you, he will be everything and more for you Belle. Now go!”

Chapter twenty-two


Shetremblesinmyarms shaking uncontrollably, I dart my gaze to her brothers, the three of them wear looks of horror. Whatever she is doing right now clearly is dangerous for her, the blood from her nose hasn’t stopped running, Jess hands me Creed’s shirt. I stare at it for a moment, it’s irrational for me at a time like this to even consider not using his shirt because his scent will be on her. I snatch the shirt and thank her before wiping the blood from her face, my stomach is in knots, I’ve never felt so helpless like this, it’s worse than when Jess was taken, which is fucked considering I have only known Belle for a short time. When she screams out in pain a part of me dies inside, her brothers rush over and drop down by her side. Her body is growing cold, and her lips are beginning to turn blue. I look to Cassius and see water in the edges of his eyes––Fuck.

“What’s happening to her?” Cass doesn’t take his eyes off her as he answers.

“She’s dying.” He whispers, I reel back, and my eyes widen.

“The fuck do you mean?” Hunter lifts his tear-filled gaze to mine and shakes his head.

“We learned a few years ago that each vision she has or when she does stupid shit like this, trying to save someone, takes a toll on her. It’s her story to tell, but if we don’t get her out of this, she…won’t get a chance to tell you, her story.” I brush my knuckles along her cheek.

“Come on beauty, come back to me.” I wait for any form of response from her but get nothing, panic seeps in and I start to shake her. “Wake up!” I yell but she remains limp and cold in my arms.

“Mark her.” I turn toward Cole.

“What?” He sighs and shrugs his shoulders.

“You marking her will be a shock to her system and hopefully pull her from her…trance?” I dart my gaze to the three brothers, to my complete shock they all seem open to the idea. Right now, I think they would let me do anything if it meant saving their sister. I brush her hair back and pull her shirt down slightly exposing her shoulder, Bex is pushing against me to allow him to mark her as his mate, but I keep him at bay. “Ro?” I turn to Cole and glare; I don’t have time for his shit right now but the look on his face gives me pause.


“You do this, there is no going back. She will be yours forever, and yours alone to care for, she deserves that, so can you give it to her?” I stare at him for a moment before cutting my gaze to Creed, he holds a sobbing Callie to his chest with Jess stroking her back. His eyes meet mine and I know he is just as stunned by Cole’s declaration as I am, I turn back to Belle. Can I give her what she needs, can I be what she needs me to be? I have only just met her, but this amazing, beautiful, selfless girl has been tracking me for months and doing what she can to help me without even knowing me, all because she knew she is my mate. The decision should be an easy one, but fear grips me, I lost everything as a child, and to take her as my own, will I lose her to? The trauma of my childhood has haunted me every day since I was nine, I like to think it is honor and courage that lead me daily, but it isn’t, fear is my biggest motivator. Right now, though, I can’t let fear rule me.

Do it Bex.

Bexley pushes forward causing a partial shift, my eyes change to his and my teeth are exposed to those of my wolf’s. I grip her chin with one hand and shift it to the side while I bend down and lap at the exposed skin of her shoulder, then Bex sinks his teeth in, ecstasy explodes inside me, my vision loses focus as mists of colors take over my sight. My body pulses with need, lust, completeness and belonging, this feeling is euphoric. Bex releases her and then laps at the blood that trickles out of her mark, her body stops convulsing causing me to pull back and forcing Bex back to allow me control again. I watch with bated breath as color slowly starts to return to her body, her lips slowly change from blue back their natural pinkish color. I release the breath I didn’t know I was holding, when I brush her cheek and feel heat against my fingers.

“Did it work?” I keep my gaze on Belle as I answer Z.

“I don’t know.” I wrap my arms around her and stand, I sway on my feet slightly as exhaustion starts to take over my body. I tighten my hold on her when Cass reaches for her, I shake my head. “If you try to take her from me right now, Bexley will tear you apart and I’m to fucking wrung out for all of that.” To my surprise he drops his arms and nods as he steps back to allow me to pass.

“Wait, what about Sky?” I turn and face a tear-stricken Callie, my heart hurts for her. I hate myself for what I’m about to say.

“We don’t know where she went Callie, our best option is to wait for Belle to wake, and then find out what she saw––.”

“No! I’m not fucking leaving her out there when she needs us, she fucking needs you Cairo and all you care about isher.” I growl, a rage takes over me in a way that I have never experienced before, I know instantly it’s because of the mate mark and Bex is extra protective of his mate.

“You know I won’t rest until she is back here, we need to be smart California––.”

“Fuck you, she needs us, she can’t even shift––.” I cut her off with a growl so loud and ferocious that it has her stepping back and dropping her gaze, a growl comes from Creed, but I ignore him.

“Sky can’t shift because she isn’t a fucking wolf. You think you know your mate, but you don’t know shit, Skylar Cage is a witch Callie, you’re mated to a witch because she wanted you and made sure it happened. I would die for her in a heartbeat, so don’t you ever fucking question me when it comes to Sky, because I will burn this whole fucking world down for that girl.” Zeke steps in front of me and shakes his head in annoyance.

“Take Belle back, I’ll get Davina and the others to help me and Callie search for Sky. That should buy you some time to sort out what you need to with that whole situation.” I nod stiffly, I forgot all about Davina being here for a brief moment.

I startle awake when I hear the creak in the floorboard near the door, I look up and see Cass standing there in a pair of sweats and nothing else. He and the other two have been coming in every half hour to check on her, it’s after dawn and she still hasn’t woken. None of us have managed to get more than ten-minute power naps, here and there throughout the night. Z has been keeping me updated on their progress, they lost Sky’s scent ten miles out of town. Creed and Jess have prohibited Davina from coming anywhere near the old cabin currently occupied by the five of us. Cass moves toward her and sits on the edge of the bed, the rational part of me knows he loves her like a sister but the jealous wolf inside me hates that he is an unmated male and touching our mate, Cass just smirks when a growl slips out of me.

“I’m no threat to you alpha.”

“Try telling Bexley that.” Cass laughs lightly.

“Atticus doesn’t think much of you or your wolf either.”Atticus, nice strong name I like it. “But he and I both can admit that you are a good strong alpha.”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal