Page 37 of Savage Beast

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I won’t handle her with kid gloves, she has to learn.

She is our mate!

No, she is your mate. I am just here trying to make this fucking work!

You feel something for her, you forget we share the one body, and I can feel what you feel.

Fuck off Bex, you know where I stand!

Things change and they have Cairo, stop fighting it.

Her shuffling off the bed yanks me from my argument with Bex, she walks around the side of the bed and finds her jeans. She refuses to meet my gaze and that just pisses me off, I jump up as she zips up her pants, and steps back, I growl each step she takes backward, I take one forward until she hits the wall. I cage her in with my arms either side of her head and still she won’t look at me! I bend at the knees, and she turns her head to the side using her hair as a curtain, my restraint snaps and I clamp my hand around her throat and squeeze until she meets my stare. Her blue eyes spark with anger, but there is something else––hurt.

“You asked me a question and I answered it, now you stand here and sulk because it isn’t the answer you wanted?” The hurt that shone in her eyes a second ago is overpowered by her rage––good, get angry beauty it makes my dick hard seeing you rage.

“What do you expect.” She seethes, if she were a shifter, she’d be growling now.

“I expected you to behave like a grown ass woman, not a jealous–.”

“Jealous what?” She rolls her eyes. “You can’t even say it can you?” She shoves me, it doesn’t do shit, but I appease her and release my hold taking a step back.

“What the fuck do you want me to say, that you’re my girlfriend, or my mate? We fucked and it was great, but I won’t teether myself to someone!” I shout, this woman brings out the fucking worst in me and my temper is forever flaring when she is around. She drives me fucking nuts. She locks her emotions down and keeps a blank look on her face, it irks me that I can’t read her, but I don’t let it show.

“Then let me go, I told you what you wanted to know––.” I lash out and grip her throat as I slam her against the wall, I get right in her face and growl, but it cuts off when her eyes roll back and she starts to shake––Fuck, she’s having a vision, I pick her up and carry her over to the bed and gently lay her down.

I’m such a fuck up, my emotions are running too high and I know because touching her I sparked the vision she is having.

It’s been nearly two hours since her vision and she still hasn’t woken, I gave up pacing and hopped on the bed resting her head in my lap. I can’t tear my eyes off her, she still wears my shirt and it makes the beast inside me happy that my scent clings to her. If I had of let Bex mark her she wouldn’t need my clothing, or me rubbing up on her every hour just to keep my scent on her. I rake my hand through my hair and tug on it when she releases another whimper, I can’t take much more of this. I’m a piece of shit for putting her through this but I hate that I can’t fight these visions for her. I shift her head slightly so I can slide my phone from my pocket and unlock it, my finger hovers over Sky’s name and for the first time in my life I question if she is the right person to call in this situation. After a second of contemplation, I call the person I know who will help.

“This better be good.”

“I need your help.”

“Where are you?”

“The old cabin.”

“I’m on my way.”

I drop my phone and rest my head back against the headboard sighing, how did I let everything get so fucked up? Before I can spiral further, my phone rings, I don’t bother looking at the caller as I answer it.

“The doors unlocked––.”

“Not why I’m calling.” I tense and sit up.

“What do you want Alexander.”

“You gave me your word Cairo.”

“I told you I would contact you once I have shit sorted, now back the fuck off.”

“Tsk tsk, don’t push me pup, I have lived a long life and know when someone is trying to play games. Hand over my daughter and your sisters pack won’t be harmed.” The sound of the front door opening distracts me for a second.

“I’ll call you when shit is sorted.” I hang up and quickly stuff my phone back in my pocket. The bedroom door swings open, and Creed’s eyes shoot to me then to the unconscious beauty in my lap, he lets out a long whistle and shakes his head. I glower at him when I see Cole peeking over his shoulder. “The fuck did you bring him for?” Cole rolls his eyes.

“He isn’t my alpha anymore, so I don’t have to listen to him, plus, I was sitting next to him when you called.”

“Just my luck.” I mumble as the both of them amble into the room, the closer they get to the bed the more tense I become. Shifters are territorial of their mates, and it isn’t Creed that bothers me because he is mated, but Cole, well he is a bachelor and Bex doesn’t like him near Belle, so I can’t stop the growl that tears out of me. Cole raises his hands and steps back.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal