Page 3 of Savage Beast

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“Belle, breakfast is ready.” I smile, Blake cooked this morning, who I might add is the better cook, Hunter’s talent is baking. I scramble out of bed and race downstairs to the kitchen. Dad, Hunter and Cass are already dressed and seated at the table awaiting their breakfast. I drop into the seat next to Cass and eagerly wait for whatever delicious meal Blake has made us this morning.

“We have to head out for the day, your brothers and I won’t be back until nightfall.” Blake continues to serve our food as I glare at my father startled by what he just said. I have never been left on pack lands alone before. Theres always one of them that stays behind, so the fact that they are all leaving worries me.

“Why do the four of you have to go?” I ask, dad swings his gaze to Cass then back to me. I grit my teeth; hiding things from me enhances my annoyance, instead of telling me the harsh truth.

“We need to scou out the area where we plan to cut off the rogues, you have to remain inside and under no circumstances are you to leave the house.” Dad’s using his authoritive alpha tone right now, has tried for years to use his alpha command with me but it never works. When an alpha delivers an order to his pack it must be followed whether you like it or not but because I can’t shift it doesn’t work on me. I nod my head, there is no point in arguing with him. If I voice my opinion my brothers will jump in and defend him, so I bite my tongue and start to shovel the yummy food into my mouth.

Dad and the guys leave not long after we clean up the breakfast mess. I know they are only traveling half an hour away to set up, I’m disliking the thought of being alone already. To distract myself from my silly thoughts I decide to have a shower and clean the house. Cleaning is my way of de-stressing, I find it very therapeutic and calming.

After my domesticated duties are finished, I decide to engage my brain in some studying. I know in reality I’ll never have the opportunity to attend college, so I’m taking classes online. I’m not your typical nineteen-year-old girl, Cass, Hunt and Blake had the option to go to regular school, unlike me I didn’t. Cass declined college after he graduated, Hunter and Blake study online as well. They were both given a choice, college, or being at home where it wouldn’t upset me, they chose the latter. They cover their lie’s by saying it’s because dad and Cass need them, but we all know its bullshit.

Cass has always dreamed of being alpha and leading the pack, he’s twenty-eight now and still his dream remains the same. Blake is twenty-six and has always wanted to be an electrician, he only has another few months left before he graduates his online classes. Hunter is twenty-three and isn’t sure what he wants to do, so he opted to take a business course. He said it was better to have something rather than have nothing, dads proud that Hunter was smart enough to realize that. I support my three brothers in their choices for life, as they do me. Originally, I wanted to be a vet, in order to help the pack, but quickly changed my mind when I realized even in animal form if I touched someone I would be thrown into a vision. Now I’m studying psychology, the brain is an interesting organ and I’m curious as to how it works. Maybe through this course I can learn to control my visions.

A loud bang sounds outside, I jump to my feet in fright. I stand there staring around the room, I’ll admit I’m a chicken and I am home alone, so that just amps up my nerves. I start to relax when I don’t hear any further noises, but all of a sudden, I’m hearing multiple bangs. I rush over to the window near the bottom of the stairs so I can peer out, the sound of the last bang came from this direction. All I can see is smoke, we don’t live like you would imagine wolf packs do. Each house is different and made of different materials. No two houses are the same, some are brick, some are wood, and the rest are cabins. I notice one of the cabins on fire, I hear shouts and screams, people running in all directions. I race away from the window to recheck that the front door is locked, after checking that one I race toward the back of the house and make sure that one is locked as well. I make my way back to the lounge and quickly snatch my phone from the couch and dial dad––voicemail, shit. I try Cass, then Hunter and Blake, they all go to voicemail! Fear starts to spread throughout my body, I hear the screams of the woman and the hurt cries of the men coming from outside. Tears gather in my eyes; If I go out there, I will be brought to my knees by the number of visions that I will have. The shrill ring of my phone snaps me from my thoughts, I nearly scream when I see its Cass, I quickly push the green button.

“Cass where are you guys?”

“We’re coming Belle!” He’s panting and out of breath.

“Cass something is going on out there––”

“Ignore it, go to your room and lock the door. Do not come out Belle.” I can hear a hint of fear in his voice and that scares me more than the screams outside. Cass is never scared.

“Cassius, what is going on and please don’t lie to me.” A loud growl sounds from Cass and I flinch.

“He tricked us somehow Belle, he’s here and he’s come for you.”

Chapter four


Inearlydropmyphone; my ears begin to buzz and I’m immobile with fear. How was I wrong? The vision was cold, and I could see bits of snow, winter isn’t until a couple of weeks away. How did I get this so wrong, dad has taken my brothers and most of the pack guards with him, the rest of us are here defenseless.

“Belle!” I shake my head and try to focus on what he is saying. “We’re not far, just stay inside okay.” My bottom lip begins to tremble.

“Cass, if anything happens to me––.” Loud growls from his end cut me off, I know Hunter, Blake and dad can hear me, but I have to say this. “I love you guys––.”

“Don’t say that shit like it’s a goodbye! You will not be taken Gabrielle; we will die before we let anyone take you!” There is so much conviction in Cass’s voice, but he has to know I will never let them die for me.

“Give that to me.” Hunter snaps, a moment later his voice comes over the speaker. “Belle, our job as your older brothers is to protect you. Stay inside and hide okay, I promise everything is going to be okay.” Just as Hunter finishes speaking a loud booming voice begins to shout outside.

“We are here for Gabrielle Wilder, surrender her to us and no one will be harmed, you have my word.” That voice sends shivers down my spine.

“Belle, don’t you dare listen. You stay the fuck inside do you hear me. We’re nearly there!” I end the call and quietly move toward the front of the house and ignore the incessant ringing of my phone. I move the net curtain back a tiny amount so I can peek out, I stifle my gasp. The whole pack, women, children, elderly and even the men are on their knees in front of the man from my vision. He is surrounded by at least a dozen hulking shifters, women are among them as well. Fear crawls through my veins, I can’t see him clearly from this distance, but I can see the anger emanating from the stiffness of his body.

“Give her up and you will all be set free, no one has to die here today.” Tears gather in my eyes; they may fear me, but they are loyal to their alpha and will protect me! They are all aware that I am hiding inside my house like a coward, while they are all out there on their knees with their lives on the line. I refuse to let them do this, they don’t have a choice, none of them can go against an alphas order. I blink away my tears and stand up straighter, I take a few steadying breaths and head toward the front door to give myself up in exchange for the safety of my pack. Just as my hand touches the door handle a familiar voice shouts out and I quickly make my way back to the window.

“Leave now andyouwill live!” I see Cass, dad, Hunter, Blake and the rest of the men coming from the woods on the east side, I sigh in relief. We’re going to be okay; dad and the guys will make sure of it. The man from the vision turns toward the men emerging from the woods but shows no fear.

“We are not leaving without Gabrielle Wilder.” The man booms, the way he says my name is like a prayer or something.

“There is no one here by that name.” Hunter shouts, a dark smirk appears on the man’s face. The women that stand either side of him shake their heads if they were expecting that answer.

“Is this not the Wilder pack?” He retorts, Cass and the others now stand behind the kneeling pack members with their backs to me. All the men are coiled and ready to shift at any given second. Their frames are blocking my view of my dad and my brothers.

“It is, I have no daughter though only three sons.” Dad sounds like a real boss and is using his scary alpha voice.

“I think you’re lying old man.” I flinch at his cold tone, the men with dad let loose growls of anger for the blatant disrespect against their alpha.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal