Page 24 of Savage Beast

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“How are you still standing Belle?” I shake my head and turn to Hunter confused.

“What?” I ask.

“You can never stand through your visions, how are you still on your feet after touching him?”

“I-I…uh, I don’t know.” I sound like an idiot, but this is all new to me, this is the first timeIhave touched someone of my own free will and not had a vision. The only people I can touch and sometimes not be affected is my family, why is Cairo different to everyone else?

“What do you mean,you don’t know?” Cairo growls out a warning, he doesn’t like Cass’s tone.

“Don’t fucking talk to her like that!” All three of my brothers growl and begin to close in on us, for the second time today I don’t think, I just act and spin around, so my back is to Cairo’s chest and glare at my siblings.

“Stop! He didn’t do anything; I’m confused becauseItouched him, and I didn’t have a vision.” Cass exhales loudly, Blake and Hunter both look taken back, I turn to my oldest brother and plead with my eyes that he hear me. “Cassius, I touched him!”

“Yeah, you said that.” I can hear the annoyance in his voice but choose to ignore it.

“Cass, he is the first person outside of you three and dad that I have ever touched and not had a vision.”

“Oh Jesus Christ.” Hunter throws his hands in the air in exasperation. “Don’t be so naïve Gabrielle, this is some Stockholm syndrome or some shit.”


“You think because you touched him that he is your Prince Charming? Newsflash sister, he isn’t!” The way Hunter is looking at me and shouting hurtful things has me flinching, and taking a step back, I stifle a gasp when I feel Cairo pressed against my back––again, no vision assaults me. His breath fans the back of my neck and a shiver travels down my spine, I sag back into him slightly.

“Hunt, that’s enough!”

“Stay out of it Blake, she has to hear this––.” Hunter snaps his mouth closed when Cairo’s hands land on my hips, my eyes widen in shock and I instinctively brace for impact, nothing happens. I’m so confused. “Fuck me sideways, are you crushing on the asshole that tore us from our fucking home and nearly killed our father?” I shrink back and drop my gaze to the ground, I feel the growl vibrate in Cairo’s chest, he sounds vicious and angry.

“Unless you want me to teach you a lesson in manners, you should shut the fuck up.” Hunter laughs but there is no humor to it.

“Oh yeah? You and what army? We’re out here in the woods, three of u against one of you.” Cairo chuckles but the sound sends dread pooling in my belly, Hunter has to stop antagonizing him.

“You never learn, do you?” I hear a twig snap and lift my gaze, walking out from the trees behind my brothers is none other than Sky and Zeke. Each of them have a murderous look on their faces, Sky looks ready to burn shit, Zeke cracks his knuckles and bends his neck side to side while eyeing my brothers. “You have two options, leave, or get your asses handed to you.” Hunter scoffs and growls at Zeke.

“You think you can take us?” Z throws his head back and laughs before stepping backward behind Sky.

“Nah my man, I’m gonna leave the ass kicking to this badass.” He lays his hands on Sky’s shoulders and smirks triumphantly, the way the men around here look to her for advice and how they trust her is awe inspiring, Skylar Cage is a rarity. Her beauty is only amplified by the fact she has no idea how stunning she truly is, I can see why he feels the way he does. I don’t want this to escalate any more than it already has, so I try to pull from Cairo’s hold but his grip tightens and he grunts in disapproval. I swoon a little inside at his display of dominance, but these are my brothers that he is toying with, and I will not allow anyone to do that, I relax my body into him and feel his body lose some of its tension, then I yank forward breaking out of his hold, Cass reaches for me, and I go willingly.

I spin around and meet Cairo’s glare. “We can talk later.”I mutter.

Chapter fourteen


“Didshejust…walkawayfrom you?” I glower at her retreating form; I don’t miss the way her brothers shield her as they move. I’m pissed at myself for being annoyed that she left with them, today…I opened up to someone which I never do and I even…laughed. She isn’t jaded or bitter like most people in this fucked up world, she sees everything through rose colored glasses and I don’t know if that is a good thing or not.

She sees the real you.

The hell does that mean, Bex?

If you have to ask, then you’re not ready for the answer.I clench my fists in anger when Bex closes the link between us, he is a cryptic motherfucker and knows I hate it when he speaks in riddles.

“Let’s head back–.” Sky cuts me off.

“Ro, why were you out here with her?” The accusation is clear in her tone, no point lying when she already knows, she just wants to hear me say it.

“You know why.” Her eyes widen slightly. “I did what I had to do; I just hope your right about her because if you’re not…” I trail off and leave her to stand there and stew on my words, I never would have said anything to Belle if Sky hadn’t pushed me to. I don’t trust anyone with knowing the truth about Sky let alone some girl I just met, she may bespecialand able to see things but seeing them and knowing about them are two totally different things. Zeke chases after me but I don’t slow my pace, I’m getting more and more irritated by the second, I’m angry I let her get under my skin and drop my guard for even a moment. To make it worse, she didn’t even try, I just…let her!

“We need to talk, Ro.”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal