Page 2 of Savage Beast

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“Don’t ever be sorry Belle, this isn’t your fault. Cass shouldn’t have done that!” Cass and Hunter glare at each other.

“I didn’t mean to!” Cass defends, Hunter scoffs and rolls his eyes.

“Bullshit, you did that on purpose hoping she could foresee your future. If you’re gonna bullshit, at least try harder to make us believe you.”

“Enough!” Dad cuts in before things escalate, wolves are naturally moody, so fights break out often when you have four alpha males in your house. “What happened, what did you see?” I cut my gaze to Cass briefly before settling back on my dad, I don’t know how to tell him what I saw. I can’t lie either, so I take a deep breath and explain.

“Wow, shit.” Blake can say that again.

“Belle saw the alpha of the rogues, didn’t she?” Dad turns tired weary eyes to me as he answers.

“Yes.” I inhale a sharp intake of breath; the creek I saw in my vision is near our territory so the rogues will come here but...when? I tune out as dad and the guys launch into discussion about how they will proceed from here. I can’t get that man out of my head, he seems so familiar, like I know him. It was a vision, but I felt so connected to him, I have never felt connected to anyone in a vision before not even my own family. In a daze I rise and start cleaning, my appetite is long gone now, as I’m washing the dishes and still lost in my thoughts a hand lands on my shoulder and shocks me.

“Gee, calm down sis it’s only me.” I wave away Cass’s concerns and plaster on a fake smile.

“Sorry, just lost in my head.” Cass narrows his eyes; I’m a shitty liar and my brothers always know when I lie, they say I have atell.

“Don’t lie to me, what are you really thinking about?” If anyone can help me figure this out it’s my brothers.

“The guy in the vision, I felt so––.”

“Scared, I know belle, and don’t worry I will make sure he never harms you.” Before I can correct Cass and say what I really wanted to, Hunter comes in and tells Cass it’s time to go. Dad set up an emergency meeting with the pack elders, I have saved this pack and its members time and time again because of these visions. No one outside of our pack knows what I can do, dad issued an alpha order to keep everyone silent. Dad always said that if anyone found out about me, they would use it to their advantage, I didn’t protest as far as I was concerned the less people that knew the better. I didn’t need any more people looking at me weird and whispering behind my back, my family kept me sheltered and hidden most of my life. I’ve never left the pack grounds, my only escape is reading a book and getting lost in the main characters world. I have never felt the intimate touch of a man or even been kissed for that matter. No one wants to be seen with the freak, plus no guy wants to piss my brothers off by pursuing me.

After I cleaned up I decided to shower and change into my PJ’s, I had nothing else to do, so I decided to chill and watchSexlife on Netflix,one of my favorite authors BB Easton’s book is now a series and I’m excited as hell to watch it. I’m three episodes deep and whenthatspecific scene appears I scream and cower behind the couch cushion. Holy cow!

I mean...I can’t even...that was. My mindless inner monologue is cut off when the front door opens, I scramble to find the remote and quickly click the TV off. My dad and brothers do not need to see me watching that show!

“We have to do it now.”

“We can’t Cass, we need to be smart.”

“Dad, Cass might be right.”

I peer over the back of the couch and watch as they argue between themselves about when and what to do. Sick of hearing the back and forth I stand and make my way over to them. They all stop bickering the moment they see me standing there with my hands on my hips and a firm look on my face.

“All your pack politics stays the hell outside. You know the rules––.”

“Don’t bring pack shit home!” They all cut in and say in unison, I fight the smile that wants to break free. They may be big burly guys, but when it comes to me, they always back down, I like to think it’s because they’re scared, but truth be told, they don’t want to upset me. If anyone of them see so much as a tear roll down my cheek, they’re beside themselves with panic, they have no idea how to deal with a woman and her emotions. Dad ushers us back into the lounge room, the four of us drop down into our seats while dad stands and paces back and forth across the rug. After a few minutes I turn to Hunter and raise my brow in question, he shrugs his shoulders. I turn to my other side and do the same to Blake, he raises is pointer finger to his temple and circles it, I narrow my eyes while he smiles. He is such an ass, dad isn’t crazy, he’s just stressed and worried.

“Dad?” Cass’s voice halts dad in his tracks, he turns to face us, and I see worry lines marring his forehead. Whatever happened at that meeting has put dad on edge.

“Okay Cass, you get what you want. We prep for attack––.” Cass tries to cut in, but dad stops him and shifts his gaze to me. “Belle, for your safety you will stay in this house, you are not to leave under any circumstances. We will fight to hide you.”

“No! I will not let you four get hurt for me, just tell them that I can’t help them dad. I can’t control these visions so I’m of no use to them!” Dad’s eyes soften and his shoulders sag, I know he wants to protect me, but I will not let them go to war for me. I’m not worth dying over.

“Belle, when have you ever seen us beaten?” I lean around Hunter and look at Cass, his eyes shine with arrogance, but he doesn’t get it!

“You don’t understand, in my vision I felt his strength and determination. His power is potent and his dominance is unlike any I have ever encountered before Cass. This guy isn’t some weak alpha or a crazed rogue…he’s…different.” Cass stiffens.

“He will fall like others before him, Wilders don’t lose––ever.”

Chapter three


Ididn’tgetmuchsleep last night thanks to my mind wondering everywhere. I tried to let sleep claim me, but all I could see was so much pain lingering in the depths of his beautiful blue eyes. The way he said I was his, held so much meaning, almost like he really believed that I do belong to him. I shudder at the thought, for once I hope my vision doesn’t come true. Ever since I turned fourteen, I have been able to better understand my visions and learn how to read them. They come to me in flashes sometimes, and other times it’s like a movie, my family support and help me as best they can, especially with the amount of death I have seen but nothing seems to work.

Dad and Cass have stopped searching for ways to stop my visions, I am grateful that I have been able to help my pack with these visions and save lives, but it takes a toll on me. I will never be able to feel the intimate touch of a man or simply hold hands as we stroll along a beach. I am destined to be alone and live-in isolation, whenever I’m in the company of other people aside from my family I’m assaulted with visions. Hence why a majority of my time is spent indoors. When my dad and brothers emotions are too high it can trigger me off, over the past few years, I have learnt to build a shield of sorts to block them out. Sometimes, like last night that shield can be broken. I have had many visions over the years but one thing I have come to learn is that the only death in my family I saw was my mothers. Fortunately, I have never seen my dad or my brother’s deaths which I am grateful for. I don’t know how I would deal with that if I knew when and where one of them would die. I wish I could have stopped my mother’s death from happening but in the end, I learnt that when your time is up, death will always find a way to claim your soul.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal