Page 19 of Savage Beast

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Bodie –Yes alpha, I’ll debrief you on the pack run in the A.M.

I drop my phone on top of the comforter and decide to take a shower before going in search of Belle. That girl has me second guessing everything, she sees more than she lets on and I know she hates it. I have seen the look in her eyes after each vision she is plagued with––My phone starts ringing this time and I curse. Thinking it’s Bodie again I don’t even check the caller I.D as I answer.


“Where is she?” I stiffen at the sound of her voice.

“Davina, how lovely to hear from you.” She hisses in annoyance which just causes me to smile.

“Don’t you dare patronize me Cairo! We had a deal––.” My temper spikes.

“No, you fucking heard what you wanted to hear. I told you I would find the girl and then take the council out, I never said I would hand her over.”

“You little shit! You don’t need her to find the council.”

“Oh, I know that, but I also know she is important to you, and that Alexander is after her.”

“Cairo, Alexander is not someone to be messed with––.” I growl out my annoyance.

“He is the one that tried to save us and my father, I want to fucking know why. I’m banking on him coming for her and when he does, I’ll be right here waiting.”

“Oh my god, you’re at Creed’s, aren’t you?”

“And if I was, what’s it to you?”

“Jess will tell her everything! She can never know Cairo, if she does it will send her spiraling and none of us can bring her back from that.” I can hear the fear in her voice.

“Why do you care so much about this girl?”

“Because she is one of the originals–.”

“Don’t fucking lie to me Davina!” I shout.

“I’ll be there in 5 days, keep Jess away from her.” Before I can respond she disconnects the call, I’m so pissed off I want to throw my phone across the room.

She means more to Davina than her own children.

I know Bex, we need to find out why!

I close the link between Bex and I, I hop in the shower and hope that the water will wash away the stress of the day. I know time is counting down, Sky and I have banked everything on this girl because of what Vince said back on the island. If she is as powerful as they say, then she should be able to tell me when and where the event happens. I have lied to everyone about what I am really up to, the only one who knows the real truth is Sky. She knows me better than anyone, so when I announced we were going after the council she knew it was a cover. Time isn’t on my side; I have to stop handling Belle with kid gloves and pull the truth from her.

You can’t though, can you?

I slam my palm against the shower wall and growl in frustration, Bexley is right. I don’t know why I can’t bring myself to harm her, I would blow this world apart for Sky, kill anyone in my way except for…her. I shake the thoughts away and quickly get out; the shower done nothing to relieve my stress. I wrap my towel around my waist and leave the bathroom, I stop short when I see none other than Gabrielle Wilder sitting on the end of my bed. She lifts her head slowly and runs her gaze over my naked chest, her pupils are blown wide, and I can hear the change in her heart rate––I affect her. I pull my gaze from her and head toward my duffle bag in the corner and grab out a pair of sweats, with my back to her I drop the towel and relish in her gasp. Once I have my sweats on, I turn and lean back against the wall, a blush coats her cheeks, her hair falls forward as she drops her gaze blocking her face from my view.

“What are you doing here?”

“You wanted to see me.” She slowly lifts her gaze to mine; I cock a brow in question, and she rolls her eyes. “I’m not stupid, I know with the others gone it gives you the perfect opportunity to interrogate me so, please don’t act dumb it doesn’t suit you.” I grind my teeth in annoyance while Bex chuffs inside me, he likes her smartass banter.

“You have no idea what suits me and what doesn’t, let’s not forget who the captive is here.” My tone is course and full of warning, she is playing a dangerous game and I will not have her thinking that she has the upper hand.

“I am only a captive if I choose to be.” She stands and moves across the room toward me leaving a couple feet of space between us, her eyes flicker side to side as she takes in the ink that marks my body. As her eyes travel across my exposed skin, it begins to heat, I grit my teeth angry as fuck at myself for letting her affect me. “You have so much pain and anger inside you––.”

“You know nothing about me beauty, I am not a puzzle you can solve. Don’t get shit twisted, you are here to do a job and that’s it.”

“They are here in the States.” My eyes widen in shock, the cocky smirk that graces her face tells me my reaction is exactly what she wanted.

“Where?” The smirk vanishes, her eyes lose some of the light in them and her shoulders droop slightly.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal