Page 13 of Savage Beast

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“What do you mean?”

“We’re not here on our own freewill, put it that way.” Her mouth drops open and her brows just about hit her hairline in shock. She spins and faces her brother with a growl tumbling out of her.

“Tell me she is joking? You did not just kidnap four freaking people and then bring them to my home, where my son is!” The dominance and anger in her voice has me wanting to submit to her but not Cairo, he squares his shoulders and meets her gaze with a determined look.

“I did what I had to do to fulfill my promise to you, she is the key to helping us find Philip and the others.” A gasp slips from my lips, my brothers are on me within seconds thinking that a vision is about to hit, I wave them away and look directly at Cairo. “You know something don’t you little beauty.” My cheeks heat, I don’t like him calling me that especially with everyone watching.

“I-I uh…yeah.” My shoulders sag, I see Jess lift her hand to touch me and I automatically shy away. Guilt eats me when I see a look of hurt cross her features. “I’m sorry, I, um––.”

“Physical contact sparks visions for her, that’s why she doesn’t touch anyone.” Recognition shines in her eyes as she nods her head.

“Thank you for telling me Hunter, well how about we all call it a night and then tomorrow you can tell us about what you know Belle.” Relief courses through me, I honestly don’t think I could have gotten through explaining everything from the vision tonight. I’m exhausted and just want to sleep; no notwant,I need sleep.

“There is no time––.”

“Ro, they are exhausted, and Belle is dead on her feet. I’m sure after the ordeal you have put them through, they need a night to rest and…think.” I appreciate Jess so much in this moment, now that the adrenaline has worn off, I really am dead on my feet. My gaze swings to Cairo, his jaw is stiff, and his eyes are narrowed, I can see he wants to fight what his sister says but to my surprise he doesn’t.

“Fine, she stays with me.” My eyes bug out of my head.

“Fuck no, my sister isn’t going anywhere near you!” Hunter snaps, then takes a step toward Cairo but is stopped when Sky blocks his path. This woman scares me, there is so much more to Sky than you see on the surface, I just know she is the main reason why I am here, but Cairo is hiding it––Why?

“You might want to rethink what you are about to do, little pup.” Hunter bristles at Sky’s condescending tone.

“What are you, his Chihuahua watch dog?” I groan internally, Hunter is only going to make this situation worse with his remarks. Sky chuckles but there is no humor to it, her eyes swirl with anger.

“You want him, you go through me first and believe me when I tell you, I have no guilt in putting you six feet under.” I can’t do this anymore.

“Please.” All their eyes turn to me but ignore them as I stare at Cairo, something tells me this only stops when he says it does. “I don’t want to fight; I’ll stay with you––.”

“Belle, no.”

“Fuck off.” I ignore my brothers worries and push on.

“If you can assure me that my brothers are close, I need them…without them I can’t decipher some of the visions I have.” I can see the cogs turning, he’s trying to weigh up his options, but he really doesn’t have any if he wants my help.

Chapter ten


Islouchdowninthe wingback chair and just stare at her while she sleeps; how can this tiny wee thing hold so much power. Bex got carried away before and it shocked the shit out of me when I felt how aroused he was by her, something about her is calling to him. She isn’t even a fucking shifter, and she has no idea that those fuckers aren’t even her brothers! She claims to need them, but what happens when she finds out the truth? A quiet knock at the door draws my attention, I move to open it only to find Creed and Jess standing there. They step aside to let me exit the room and I close the door quietly behind myself as I follow them down the hall to the lounge room. I grind to a stop when I see Cass leaning against the wall with his arm outstretched gazing into the fire, I thought he went to bed hours ago with his brothers. I know he can hear us enter the room, but he still refuses to look at us, I cock a brow at my sister in question, but she just shrugs and follows Creed over to the sofa and drops down beside him. I open the mind link I share solely with Sky.

Are you awake?

What do you need?Some of the tension flees my body at her reply.

Come to the lounge room, Cassius is here.

On my way.

Sky is the one person in this world I can say I trust with my life; I know people say that all the time, but they never really mean it. Sky has been there for me since the moment I ran from Jacob and became a rogue, Sky never gave up on me, never doubted me––not once. I wouldn’t be the man or the alpha I am today without her. There is so many things that she and I have kept hidden from the others, Sky isn’t like any of us, she’s…special. As soon as she enters the room Jess shakes her head.

“I should have known.” I smirk. “Next time I’ll wake you both at the same time.” Sky just nods, she isn’t a woman of many words, when she speaks, she has a reason or need for it.

“Why are we here?” I ask, Cass lets out a loud sigh and straightens as he turns to face me. We stand here staring at each other, Cassius is a big guy, and I can tell loyalty runs deep in him for his family. As the oldest he is the next in line to become alpha of his father’s pack.

“My sister can’t help you Cairo.” I glare at the bastard.

“You got my sister to pull me out here just so you can say that?” I growl.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal