Page 12 of Savage Beast

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“Ah, Jacob. I was wondering where you got to.”

“Had to sort that bitch that I call daughter out.”

“Alexander will be pleased to have the alpha bitch and your daughter as a gift.”

“You just make sure the council keeps their end of the deal.” Philips eyes narrow and his lip pulls back in a snarl.

“Don’t doubt me again, I was the one who figured out how to track Alexander and brought him to Rosewood. He has agreed to give us his blood if we give him the two girls and help him find––.”

I bolt upright panting; a light sheen of sweat covers my body. I slam my eyes closed to get a grip on myself and calm down, but when I register who those voices belong to, I snap my eyes open and turn to the side, a shriek escapes me when I see Cairo leaning against the door with his arms crossed over his chest. My brothers continue to shout, but all thought flees my mind when my eyes meet Cairo’s. He isn’t looking at me though, he’s looking…through me. Whatever he sees he clearly doesn’t like, because his brow furrows, I pull my gaze from his to look around and that’s when I notice I’m sitting on a bed, we’re in a bedroom. There is a window off to the side, a couple of dressers, a chair and that’s it. I ease off the side of the bed and stand on wobbly legs, I give myself a minute to regain my equilibrium before releasing my hold.

“Can you stop staring please.”

“What are you?” My brow furrows.

“I’m a shifter, just like you and my brothers.”

“Gabrielle!” I flinch at the anger in Cass’s tone, I take a step toward Cairo hoping he will move and let me out so I can calm my brothers, but he just shakes his head and I freeze.

“What did you see?” I shudder, what I saw in that vision was horrible and I know it’s not the future, it was the past. Don’t ask me how I know, but the older I get, I am able to tell a past vision from a future one. Something about that vision doesn’t sit right with me, and I need my brothers to help me figure it out. “Answer me!” the anger that laces his tone has me shrinking back a step.

“I-I can’t.” I drop my gaze to the floor unable to maintain eye contact with him, he growls which causes me to snap my gaze back to him. His eyes have changed from blue to onyx, the color of his wolf’s eyes. I gulp loudly, he stalks toward me and every step I take backward, he takes one forward, until the backs of my legs hit the side of the bed and I have nowhere else to go. He keeps a foot of space between us, I drop my gaze not wanting him to think I am challenging him. His arms are littered with tattoos, and I have the sudden urge to reach out and trace my finger over the intricate lines but stop myself at the last minute. He reaches out and I tense when his fingers grip my chin, I wait with bated breath for the vision to slam into but…it never happens. My eyes widen in shock, his eyes return to their normal blue, we stand here in stunned silence with his hand on me, but no vision comes. “What’s happening?” I whisper.

“Fucked if I know, now tell me what you saw?” I shake my head but stop when his grip on my chin tightens to the point of being painful.

“I can’t!” I grit out.

“Why?” Tears cloud my vision.

“Please.” I’m not sure if I’m begging for him not to push me or for him to release me.

“Begging isn’t becoming of youBeauty.” Hearing that name come from him has my tears drying instantly and anger welling inside me.

“Is this some sick game to you?” I don’t give him a chance to answer. “You trying to live out a sick fantasy of Beauty and the Beast?” I laugh but there is no humor to it. “I will never be as dumb and naïve as thatBelle; this beauty willneverfall for thebeast.” I spit the words at him, he drops his hold from my face and I use his momentary shock to my advantage and dart around him, I have the doorhandle in my grasp ready to tear it open and run to my brothers but his strong-arm wraps around my waist and hauls me back against his chest, I scream out in frustration and start to kick and throw my arms around hoping to get him to loosen his grip enough that I can flee. “Let me go asshole.”

As soon as the words escape me, I freeze, all the flight flees my body and sag in his hold,in his freaking hold! He’s touching me, my back is plastered to his chest and still I haven’t been assaulted by a vision. Before I can get too lost in my thoughts, he pushes me forward and I stumble using the wall to balance me but before I can sigh in relief he’s there, spinning me around until my back is flat against the wall, my arm snaps out and a satisfyingthwacksounds out around the room, I smile when I see my handprint begin to take shape on his cheek. His eyes flash to the onyx again, I steel my spine and meet his gaze head on, I will not cower.

“You just made a huge mistake!” The threat in his voice is clear but I refuse to back down.

“No, you did, when you thought you took a docile captive! I will never willingly become your sideshow act and perform for you whenever you so choose, I will fight you every step of the way until you let us go!” An evil smirk crosses his face, a shudder runs through me when he leans down and runs his nose along the crook of my neck, I gasp at the contact. I have never, I mean never been touched like this in my life! Of course, the first man that is able to touch me in this way happens to be a psycho, that is just my freaking luck!

“You smell so good.” He nips at the tender flesh between my shoulder and neck causing me to gasp, he licks a trail from my neck to my ear causing a shudder to run through me, I’m embarrassed to say that I don’t shudder out of fear. He pulls back and ghosts his lips over mine, his eyes drill into me, daring me. It’s in that moment that clarity slams into me like a bucket of ice water, I place my hands flat against his chest and smile sweetly as I lift my knee and ram it into his balls. He crumples like a sack of potatoes, I don’t waste any time as I take off toward the door and wrench it open, my brothers fight against Cole, Creed, Sky, Zeke and Callie, they stiffen at the sight of me.

“Belle.” My name is like a prayer on Hunter’s lips, I release a ragged breath and smile triumphantly.

“Fuck!” I still at the sound of his angry voice before quickly rushing forward, the other’s part for me so I can get to my brothers, without overthinking, I jump at Cass, he catches me. I’m passed to Blake and then Hunter, my family has always been the only people I have been able to touch, sometimes visions hit but right now that is a risk I’m willing to take. I freeze in Hunter’s arms when I hear the sound of thundering footsteps behind us, I pull back and meet my brothers gaze, I can see the worry lines etched into his features. “You dirty little devil.” I cringe at the aggression in his voice, Hunter’s arms band around me tighter as he pulls me closer to his chest. I feel Blake and Cass close in beside us, I don’t know what came over me back there but something just…snapped. I couldn’t let him pressure me or push us around like we are his toys to play with. My daddy didn’t raise no doormat, he always told me to fight back and never submit to no man, no matter the cost!

“That’s enough!” I turn out of Hunter’s hold to see Jess standing on the other side of Cass.

“Stay out of this, smalls!” Cairo growls, Creed shoves Cairo in the chest, he stumbles back growling.

“You forget who’s fucking house you’re in, she may be your sister, but she is my mate, and you will not fucking speak to her like that!” Growls sound out in the narrow hallway, Hunter pulls back and pushes me behind him, my three brothers form a wall in front of me cutting off my view of the others. I hear shuffling and then Cass and the others move so Jess is now standing in front of me with a sad smile on her face.

“I don’t know why you agreed to help my grump of a brother.” My brow furrows.

“It’s not like we had a choice.” I sass, Jess looks confused.

“Don’t poke your nose where––.” Jess cuts her brother off.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal