Page 10 of Savage Beast

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“Stay out of this Skylar!” Creed snaps.

“The fuck is your problem, Reeves?”

“You are, why the fuck did you bring them here?” He points to the car I arrived in. “My wife and son are inside, and you bring fucking trouble to their doorstep, if anything happens to them because of your shit Cairo, I’ll rip your fucking heart out myself!”

“Fuck you, Reeves.” His eyes flash to the blue of his wolf and I prepare for him to charge me, each of us take a step toward the other.

“Ro-Ro!” I immediately halt in my tracks, his eyes return to his normal color, Bex recedes inside me, and I spin toward the house to see my nephew running across the lawn, I crouch down and open my arms waiting for the greatest joy of my life to slam into me. I wrap my arms around my nephew and hold him close, I inhale his scent and instantly relax, the anger from a moment ago is gone within seconds.

“I missed you monster.”

“Me to, you were gone aloooongtime Ro-Ro.” I smile at my nephew; he’s grown since I last saw him.

“I know Monster, but I’m here now and––”

“He’s right you know; you were gone a long time.” I stand and lift the monster on my shoulders as I look at my sister, she stands there with a frown on her face and her hands on her hips.

“Hey smalls.” She scowls at me.

“Don’t you darehey smallsme! You were supposed to text or call every second day, I thought you were dead you…you––”

“Eggplant?” She snaps her angry gaze to her mate, I smother my laughter behind a cough, clearly Reeves hasn’t learnt to keep his mouth shut.

“Unless you want to be sleeping on the couch, you will stay out of this!” Creed visibly flinches and then turns to me.

“I tried.” I glower at the dick.


“Mommy Ro-Ro said daddy’s apussy.” I cringe when my sisters angry gaze swings to me.

“If you weren’t holding––” Jess’s reply is cut off when the doors to my Hummer open, I take a steady breath and watch as Creed moves toward me and plucks his son from my shoulders.

“You better hope you know what you’re doing bringingherhere.” He whispers low enough for only me to hear. Sky and Z make their way over to stand on either side of me, as we watch the four Wilder siblings round the car. I hear my sisters gasp, but I don’t turn to her, she will see the truth in my eyes, and I can’t let her kind heart sway me from what needs to be done.

“You found her?” I hear the awe in Jess’s voice, Cass and the others move slightly to shield Belle from our gazes, a growl sounds out from behind me, it’s Creed sending the three brothers a warning.

“You so much as lift a hand, or even think about doing something stupid while my son and mate are here, I will end the four of you without any remorse.” Pride swells inside me at how much Creed has changed, Jess and Harlem are his life, and he would have no problem setting the world on fire for the both of them.

“Who the fu––.” Jess cuts Blake off.

“No cussing in front of Harlem!” She snaps, she steps away from Creed, he tries to reach for her, but she slaps his hand away and growls. She moves toward the four of them, but I block her path, her blue eyes shift to the yellow of her wolf. Bex rears his head, but I push him down, I won’t let him hurt my sister.

“Smalls.” I growl out in warning.

“Don’t you dare, you are not in my good books for going MIA for months. You brought them tomypack lands so as the alpha of this pack I am telling you to step aside so I can greet my…guests.” I grind my teeth in frustration ready to snap at her but Sky grips my arm and hauls me backward.

“Let her do her thing.” I don’t bother answering Sky, instead I stand back and watch as my sister approaches herguests.

Chapter nine


Afemalealpha,Imean I knew she existed but to see her in the flesh is something else. Every shifter around the world has heard the rumors about Jessica Cruz, well she’s Jessica Reeves now. She is stunning, shoulder length blonde hair, piercing blue eyes that shine with nothing but kindness. Seeing her in visions didn’t do her beauty any justice, something inside me says that I can trust her. I turn to look at Cairo, he and Jess are polar opposites, he is dark and dangerous, where she is light and kind. Her mate releases a low growl, the closer she gets to us, her mate is handsome, if possible, he looks even better with a kid on his hip. Her chuckle has me snapping my gaze from him back to her, she eyes me knowingly and I can’t fight the blush that stains my cheeks.

“He’s hot right?” She says with a wink, hiding my embarrassment behind a grin, as she moves closer my brother’s tense. “I’m not going to harm her, I swear.” The truth in her words rings out around us, I lift my gaze to find that she is standing directly in front of Cass and Hunter.

“It’s okay, you guys can move.” Cass turns to peer at me over his shoulder and I can see the concern in his gaze.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal