Page 7 of Brutal Truth

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“I’m so sorry son.” I stiffen at my dad’s words. Mom pulls back and cups my face between her tiny hands and stares up at me.

“Fix it, don’t wait. Go find her and fix this Creed, things were said and you can’t change that, but that poor girl has been through so much and you have to stop hurting her. Stop pushing her away and punishing her foryourmistakes. Jess is innocent in all of this, none of this is her fault.”

“She hid my son from me, mom”

“Not out of spite but out of fear Creed. She was probably scared you would try to take him from her and after the loss she went through… I don’t blame her.” I hang my head in shame, I am fucking things up with Jess because I’m hurt about Harlem. I’m projecting my anger from dad and Davina onto her and it’s not fair. Fuck, I even hit my baby brother! I grip my hair and tug on the strands in frustration, what the fuck am I doing? I’m hurting all the people I love and pushing them away!

“I-I’ll fix this mom.” She pats my cheek and smiles sadly.

“I just hope it’s not too late son. Now go find your mate and your brother and fix this. Your father and I need to have a discussion of our own.” I see dad flinch out of the corner of my eye.

“You sure? Do you want me to stay?” She shakes her head.

“No, you go and fix your mess while I fix mine.” I nod and place a kiss to her cheek and head out but pause when I’m shoulder to shoulder with my father.

“You hurt her again and I’ll never forgive you.”


Chapter Seven


I peel my eyes open and roll over, I can feel how swollen they are after all the tears I spilled last night. Zeke, Ro, Sky, Callie, Cole and I slept in the bunks with me and Harlem last night. I look around and spot the others seated around the table with Harlem bouncing on Cole’s knee and I smile. Everything was so simple before Creed came barreling back into our lives, we were all content to just be and live how we wanted. I won’t lie a part of me always yearned for him but as time went on the pain of his absence started to lessen. I don’t think it would have ever gone away, but time heals everything.

“You’re finally awake.” I nod and smile at my brother as I sit up and stretch. “We have a surprise for you.”

“If it’s another hiking trip I’ll pass.” Ro playfully glares at me, a couple years back he was trying to cheer me up and thought a four-hour hiking trip would work, it didn’t.

“No smart ass, follow me.” I stand and follow him to the other side of the room where he opens a door, I didn’t even see that yesterday. He motions for me to enter and when I do I squeal and launch myself at him, he catches me and laughs.

“You’re the best brother in the world.”

“Damn straight I am, go on. Callie left some clothes in there for you and a toothbrush. Cole showered Harlem.” I peer around Cairo and mouth a thank you to Cole who just smiles. I shove my brother out and shut the door, the shower is tiny it reminds of one you might find in an RV. I don’t waste time as I strip my clothes off and hop in. The water cascades down my body and I sigh, the water helps wash away some of the tension and stress. I find the pocket size shampoo and conditioner and begin to wash my hair; I look down and see the brown liquid swirling around the drain and cringe––gross. I use the soap bar to scrub my body twice, by the time I’m finished my skin is red and my fingers are prunes but by God does it feel good to finally be clean again. I make quick work of brushing my teeth and changing, then I run my fingers through my shoulder length hair. A knock sounds at the door.

“Breakfast is ready.” I smile and shout my thanks to Callie and quickly finish up in here so I can join the others. I take the vacant seat next to Cole and place a kiss on the top of my son’s head.

“Has he eaten?” I ask Cole.

“Yeah, two whole bowls of cornflakes and even ate a protein bar as well. His appetite is getting bigger.” It really is, he is a shifter after all and let me tell you wolves eat a shit load! I dig into my toast and cereal, once I’m finished, I’m still not full. We need to think of something fast or we are going to have starving shifters on our hands, wolves need red meat, and we haven’t had any in days.

“I think we need to go to the island.” All eyes turn to Cairo. “Hear me out, we’re all hungry and there must be something to hunt there surly?” Zeke clears his throat and meets Cairo’s gaze.

“Yeah bro, there is.” Zeke, Cairo and Sky break off into their own conversation and devise a plan of going to the island. Cole, Callie and I sit on the floor and watch as Harlem walks around the room exploring. It still stuns me each day how this incredible boy is mine, Harlem is such a clever kid and I never want him to go through half of the things I’ve been through. I know my mom did her best but constantly moving all over the country was hard for me, I want Harlem to have somewhere to call home. I want him to go to school and make friends with kids his own age.

“Penny for your thoughts, sweetheart?” I don’t know how to tell Cole what I’m thinking.

“It’s just…A lot. So much has changed and there is no stability for him.”

“Home isn’t a place love; home is where your heart is, and his heart is with you––always.” Cole’s words spread warmth through me, I never thought of it like that, but it doesn’t mean I want to raise my son on a boat.

“I just want him to have a home, a room where he can have his own things. Go to school and just be a kid. I don’t want him to worry about all of this shit.”

“We will get there––“A knock sounds at the door and has all conversation stopping. We can’t scent who it is thanks to the salt water, Cairo bends and turns Harlem around so he will come to me, which he does. Ro and Zeke move to open the door, a growl tears from my brother.

“You’re not welcome here, now fuck off.” You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know who it is.

“I want to see her.” The dejected tone of his voice doesn’t sway me to feel sorry for him or even the remorse I feel through our bond.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal