Page 48 of Brutal Truth

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“I gave up, I fought as long as I could but then I just…gave up. I felt so fucking helpless, I just wanted the pain to stop. I did everything Ro and the others taught me, I baited them, and I never made a sound as they tried to break me but the last time…I knew I couldn’t take anymore. I thought if I let go I could be with Katy and Harlem would be okay with you.” Creed stands there staring at me like I’m demented, I grind my teeth to stop the sobs from breaking free.

“You didn’t give up. You fought back; you chose to stay with us because––“I cut Creed off.

“I didn’t, I would have let them finish me off if Kayla hadn’t of warned me what was coming next.” Creeds sharp intake of breath tells me he knows exactly what I am insinuating.

“What the fuck was next, smalls?” I plead with my eyes for Creed to answer my brother, he drops his hands from my face and gently pulls me against him. I wrap my tired arms around him and breath in his scent, he smells like home. “What was next?” I stiffen in Creed’s hold at the anger in my brother’s voice.

“He wanted to break her, clearly beating her wasn’t working so he wanted to break her in another way.” The disgust in Sky’s voice is so prominent.

“I’ll fucking kill that slimy bastard!” I ignore my brother as Creed pulls back and stares at me, he runs his thumbs under my eyes brushing away my tears.

“Are you hiding from me because… did they?” It takes a second for me to understand what he is asking.

“No, something happened and then I was moved from the cell to a car and then I blacked out.” Relief crosses his features.

“Why are you hiding from me Jess?” I search his gaze and when I see nothing but love I know I need to come clean.

“I thought if you knew that I gave up you wouldn’t want… I thought––I mean I thought you wouldn’t want me as your mate anymore, and I assumed staying away would make it easier for you to end things.” Anger crosses his face, and his eyes begin to turn blue, I try to pull away, but he holds me firm. I hear Ro and the others step forward, but Creed releases a growl in warning.

“You listen to me now and you listen fucking good, okay?” I nod my head stiffly. “I will never, and I mean never reject the mate bond between you and I, I meant what I said. I love you Jess, and I will never fucking let you go, I will annihilate anyone who tries to come between us, you fought fucking hard. You endured more than most men could ever handle, you Jessica Hastings are one bad mother-wolf and don’t you ever forget it!” This time I can’t stop the sob that tears out of me, I wrap my arms around him and cry into his chest. I know he meant every word, I felt it in my bones. I’m crying because I’m scared to tell him that I don’t know if I’m a wolf anymore, I haven’t felt Sheba inside me, no matter how hard I try to pull on the thread we share. I have seen Ro a couple of times, I thought he would be the easier one to voice my darkest thoughts to about what might happen if Sheba isn’t with me. Creed pulls back after I’ve pulled myself together, How about I go deal with the pack and finish up with them and you take Harlem home, I’ll meet you there as soon as I finish––“

“I want to train and fight as well.” I cut in. Creed sucks in a sharp intake of air and darts his gaze over my head to my brother, I despise the fact that he looks to Cairo for permission. “I don’t need my brothers blessing, it wasn’t a question, I was just letting you know what is about to happen.” Creed gnaws on his bottom trying to fight a smile, I glare up at him.

“As you wish princess.”

I’ve been sitting outside in the lounger since Ro, Zeke, Sky, Harlem and I got back to the house. It fills my heart with joy that my little boy isn’t scared of me even though I look like crap, his concern melts me. He touched my face gently and when his eyes met mine, I swear I heard a growl escape him. I’m still too sore to play out in the yard with him, but Zeke and Cairo didn’t mind taking on that task, it brings me joy to see my son so happy. I smile wide when Harlem squeals and tries to run away from Z pretending to be a monster who eats little boy’s, Cairo pretends to die when Z playfully punches him in the stomach. I forgot Sky was sitting by me until she shuffles in her seat, I turn to her, and I can see it in her face that she has something to say. I know this has been hard for her, she doesn’t like being around people and from what Ro has told me Callie plans to asks Creed if she can leave the Reeves pack and stay with Sky. I honestly don’t know how Creed will handle that, he is a control freak and letting his little sister go will be hard for him.

“Sky, please just say whatever is on your mind.” She keeps her eyes on the guys and Harlem as she speaks.

“In order to go against the council, we need the other packs to help us.” I furrow my brow not understanding why she seems so riled up about this. “Which alpha do you think will take the packs?”

“I don’t understand what you’re asking me?” She finally turns to face me and the look in her eyes sends a shiver down my spine.

“Creed is an alpha; you are an alpha heir, but Cairo is also an alpha. Who exactly will the packs bow to and follow?” I mull over her words for a moment, I never actually thought about that. I don’t want to be alpha, never have. From the way things are now I doubt anyone will care about the fact that Cairo and I are both from two different alpha lines. I gasp and my eyes widen when I get what Sky is actually saying.

“You want me and Cairo to take over the packs, why?” A sly smile graces her face.

“Cairo loves you and he would go to hell and back for you, and I believe you would do the same for him.” I nod my head firmly; I would do anything for my brother. “If you both lead the packs, and the council is taken down then there will never be a battle over land or power again. If Creed becomes alpha to the packs and one day decides he wants Cairo to submit to him, what do you think would happen?”

“That’s enough Sky.” We both turn to face my brother; he is standing mere feet from us, She climbs to her feet and pins my brother with a determined look, Cairo holds her gaze and I’m surprised that he isn’t bristling at her holding eye contact.

“You know I’m right; I will not risk your life Cairo. Creed needs to back down and let you and Jess lead the packs like it has always supposed to have been.” Ro darts his gaze to me briefly before focusing on Sky, again.

“Now isn’t the time––“Sky cuts him off.

“It is, you have to do this Cairo. If you don’t, it will cost us both more than we are willing to give up right now.” I see a look of shock cross my brothers face before he quickly masks it.

“I’ll do it.” I turn around to see Creed, Cole, Callie and Meg standing in the doorway. “I’ll stand down so Jess can lead.”


Thirty Six


Jess looks at me like I’ve grown a second head, Sky has a knowing smirk on her face and Ro just looks…weird. I dart my gaze around them to see Zeke and Harlem making their way over to us, Harlem squirms in his hold and Zeke places him on the ground so he can run over and sit next to Jess. I’m in awe of how gentle he is when he places his small hand on Jess, normally he would have jumped in her lap, but he knows he isn’t able to do that at the moment. He gives me a big toothy grin and I can’t help but grin back at my handsome boy.

“Why?” I look back to Jess.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal