Page 28 of Brutal Truth

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“For what?” I lose my train of thought when he bends down and runs his nose against the side of my neck, I tense when I feel his lips against the shell of my ear. “Are you sorry for going to Davina’s or are you just sorry you got caught?” I reel back and push against his chest, he wraps his arms around my waist and holds me in place. I growl up at him, he growls back, neither of us are willing to back down and I feel Sheba pushing against my ribs, the longer Creed holds eye contact. I feel my vision shift and know my eyes have changed to my wolves, Creed smiles wickedly down at me.

“Let me go!” The smile vanishes from his face.

“Why so you can run to mummy dearest or run inside and steal more of Zeke’s shit?” Ouch, that was a freaking low blow.

“It’s not what you think––“

“Then tell me how it is princess, I wake up and you’re not inourbed or even in the house. Then it hit me, my deceitful mate went behind my back when I asked her not to. I find you at Davina’s of all places and in another man’s clothes to top it off!” I scoff.

“I learnt how to bullshit from the best baby, so I guess I should thank you?” He narrows his eyes, and his upper lip pulls back in a snarl. Is it wrong that I’m getting turned on by how angry he is?

“I had to track your scent; do you know how hard that was when all I can smell is rotting fucking flesh?” I cringe but refuse to back down.

“Aww baby, that must have been awful for you.” He moves one of his arms from around my waist and uses it to grip the back of my hair, he pulls until my neck is craned back at an awkward angle. I won’t give him the satisfaction of hissing my annoyance.

“Don’t patronize me princess, I’m about––“

“About to what? What are you gonna do Creed, ground me, forbid me to see her, or are you gonna spank me?” A devilish glint enters his eyes as I say the wordspank, oh shit. I gulp and struggle in his hold, but he won’t budge. He releases my hair and I sigh in relief but its short lived, before I can comprehend what is happening, he lifts me and throws me over his shoulder I squeal as the front door slams open. I turn my head and see a seething Cairo standing there with Zeke and Cole right behind him.

“Unless you want to see me fuck your sister, I suggest you fuck off back inside.” I gasp and immediately feel the blush that begins coat my cheeks, I drop my head and growl when I smack my nose into Creeds hard back.

“The fuck you are asshole! Put her down now.”

“Fuck off Cairo and go watch my son.” I gruff at the audacity of him, before I can say anything Creed is moving at a brisk pace away from the house, I lift my gaze and watch as my brother struggles to free himself from Cole and Zeke’s hold.

Chapter Twenty


Creed doesn’t stop walking until we hit the sandy shore by the beach, my head is going fuzzy from being carried upside down for so long, but I refuse to speak. He is behaving like an asshole, but my body and mind are not on the same damn page. My body is thrumming with need, and I know I’m wet for him, but my mind is still pissed at his macho man display! Creed rounds a bend and then finally comes to a halt; I expect him to put me back on my feet but that isn’t the case. I yelp when I feel his hand connect with my ass, the hoodie has ridden up my back and there is nothing but my thin sleep shorts covering my ass.


Smack!I yelp again and begin to squirm in his hold.

“Jessica.” I growl in warning and all that does is earn me another smack to my tender ass, I bite down on my lip when a moan escapes me. I jiggle in his hold when he begins to laugh. “Scream and yelp all you like princess, no one can hear you out here.”

“You’ve had your fun now put me down.” I grit out.

“Or what?”

“You’re such a freaking––“

“Eggplant?” I groan and drop my head against his back, they will never let me live that down!

“I was going to say asshole.” I mumble into his back, his hand lands against my ass again but this time I’m not quick enough to stifle my moan. I have no idea why I am getting turned on from him spanking me.

“I can smell how turned on you are princess.” I still in his hold, how the hell can he scent anything? I take a risk and inhale through my nose; I can still smell rotting flesh, but it isn’t as potent out here.

“Can you put me down now?”

“What’s the magic word?” I grind my teeth together.

“Please!” He maneuvers me until I slide down his front and I don’t miss the fact that he makes sure I can feel his erection the whole way down. Once on my feet I try to take a step back, but he quickly snaps his arm out and grips my waist hauling me back against him, he glares down at me and then grips the hoodie I’m wearing and literally tears it off me! I gasp as he grips the ruined garment and hurls it over his head. He grips my chin between his hand and lifts my gaze to his.

“Don’t ever let me catch you wearing another man’s clothes again. I will not have another males’ scent on my mate. You are mine princess.” I gape at him but remain silent, he spins me around, so my back is to his chest and wraps an arm around my waist and uses his free hand to travel up my chest, he tweaks my nipple through my shirt, and I gasp. “Hmmm, no bra I wonder….” He wraps a hand around my neck tight enough to hold me in place but doesn’t restrict my airway, he moves his arm from my waist and surprises the hell out of me when he slips it beneath my sleep shorts and moans. “No fucking panties either.” I stand there and do nothing because truthfully, I am loving every freaking minute of this. He trails a finger through my folds, and I drop my head back against his chest and moan, he parts my folds and then uses another finger to push inside me. “Fuck, you’re so fucking wet princess.” My only response is to moan as he pumps his finger inside me, moans tumble out of my mouth. He releases a growl and then withdraws his hand, I’m about to protest until he spins me and captures my lips in a heated kiss, before I can deepen it, he pulls back and pushes me till I’m lying on my back in the damp sand. He wrestles his way between my legs and stares down at me.

“Why did you stop?” He cocks a brow at me with an arrogant smirk on his face.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal