Page 27 of Brutal Truth

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“You did nothing to save her!” I snap, my chest begins to ache at the memory of my mom on her knees and her head clutched between Jacobs hands. Shelley drops her gaze and that just pisses me off. “Look at me!” She snaps her gaze back to mine. “You did nothing as he killed her, you could have saved her.”

“No Jess I couldn’t, if I had of saved her it would have put your life on the line, and I guarantee you Kat wouldn’t of wanted that. I know Kat loved you.” A sob tears from my throat and tears trail down my cheeks. “I am truly sorry for your loss Jess.” I can hear the truth in her words, and it just angers me further.

“Why do you all lie? All these lies have done is cost innocent people their lives, just tell the truth!”

“Ask me what you want to know then Jessica, I will not lie to you.” I ignore Cairo’s scoff as I face Shelley, now that I know she is our mom I see so much of Ro and I in her features. I’ve never seen my dad, but my mom always told me I looked like him.

“Do you know why our father was killed?” She takes a deep breath and nods. “Are you going to tell us?” Her gaze cuts to Davina before focusing back on me. The look she gives me tells me she isn’t willing to disclose this information in front of the vampire queen, Davina scoffs and rolls her eyes.

“So, you still refuse to tell me?”

“I’ll tell you what Austin said if you tell me why the council is after you?” They glare at each other; I admit I am glad to know that we aren’t the only ones who don’t have all the information. Clearly these two don’t trust each other enough either, interesting.

“You both are ridiculous, this will never work if the pair of you can’t disclose all the information. We are all risking our lives here and going in blind because you two refuse to tell us the truth!” Both of them turn to Cairo, he pins them both with a harsh look. I sigh, I have an idea and if this doesn’t work, I don’t know what else we can do.

“Davina?” I wait for her to meet my gaze before continuing. “If I can get Creed, Callie and Cole to meet with you, will you tell them the truth?” She doesn’t hesitate as she answers.

“Yes, but on one condition?”


“Meg and Kane attend as well, and Creed brings Harlem.” I stiffen but don’t get a chance to answer because Cairo cuts in.

“You can meet with everyone but the monster, my nephew won’t be used as a bargaining ship!” Davina shakes her head and looks at each of us like we are thick and missing the whole point.

“You still don’t get it.”

“Get what?” I grit out.

“None of this is about any of you anymore! You are no longer the rightful alpha to lead both the packs.” I reel back shocked.


“The day you gave birth to a male heir Jess is the day your right was given up. Harlem is born from two generations of leaders; he is the true alpha and the rightful heir to the packs.” Terror drags through my chest like barbed wire.

“The day I let you near my son is the day I die.” I stand so fast my chair topples over, standing at the gate in nothing but a pair of gray sweats is my pissed off mate. His gaze is glued to me, and I can see so much anger and hurt in his eyes, I open my mouth, but he narrows his eyes and I clamp it shut. He moves toward us and that’s when I notice everyone else is standing as well. He doesn’t come to me, he stands at the head of the table and runs his gaze over the three of us, when he sees the hoodie I’m wearing, a growl sounds out and I flinch, he turns to Davina and Shelley and looks at them like they are nothing but shit beneath his boot. “You both disgust me. My siblings and I will meet with you, if mom refuses to join then you better fucking respect that. My son isn’t coming near you, either of you. We’ll meet with Davina, Shelley you will meet with your children and tell them the truth.” Shelley opens her mouth but Creed growls and she slams it closed. “Once we have the information, we decide whether or not to share it with each of you. You have both had ample enough time to come clean and make this shit right, but you didn’t, so now it is our turn to hold all the cards.”

“And when will this meeting take place?” Davina asks, Creed is grinding his teeth so hard I worry he will break them.

“Tomorrow after the training meet.” Creed turns to me, and I can tell from the look in his eyes it’s time to go. Ro and Zeke lead the way out, Creed doesn’t touch me as we walk side by side, we all pause when Creed turns back to the women and speaks. “Oh Davina?”

“Yes?” Her brow is furrowed in confusion.

“My brother and I will always fight; I am alpha and would never want to double rule.”

“I don’t understand.” Creed chuckles but the sound sends shivers down my spine.

“It’s not me you have to worry about coming for your throne, word of advice. Watch your back because you will never see Colton coming.” Her mouth drops open in shock, Creed turns and brushes past Z and Ro. We all quickly follow him out the gate, the walk home seems like it takes hours. None of us have said a single word but I can feel Cairo and Zeke looking at me and then looking at Creed. I got to be honest I’m shitting myself; Creed is so angry at me, and I don’t know how to fix it. When our home comes into view he stops at the edge of the lawn and turns to us. “Jess and I will join you shortly.” I gulp, oh boy.

“Not gonna happen bro.” Creed turns his angry gaze to Ro; his eyes are blue now. Corbin is right there below the surface and if I don’t defuse this quickly, we are going to have a fight on our hands. I grip my brother’s forearm and tug until he looks at me, I can see the concern in his eyes but I shake my head.

“I’ll be fine, can you check Harlem for me?” I can see he wants to argue but he knows this is between me and Creed, so I urge him. “Please.”

“You got, ten minutes and then I’m coming back.” I nod and smile my thanks; Ro turns back to Creed. “This was my idea.” Creed doesn’t even look at him, his gaze is on me as he answers.

“Don’t care.” Both Zeke and Ro head inside, each of them drags their feet hoping I’ll change my mind. When the door finally closes behind them, I lift my gaze to meet Creed’s and cringe.

“I’m sorry.” I whisper, he closes the space between us and reaches out to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, I shiver at his touch and immediately start to feel my body warm.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal