Page 24 of Brutal Truth

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“We are going to send out a search party for them, best case they are stuck at sea, worst case the shifter council is on to us.”

“But they don’t know about Vampires.” Callie states, Davina swings her gaze to her daughter and the look she gives tells us everything. Of course, the council knows about vampires, how did we not see that one coming.

“They do know about us; your council is vile and will stop at nothing to get what they–– “

“And what is it that they want exactly?” Creed growls out.

“Our submission Credence, they have wanted that for years, but we will not yield to their demands. We have the numbers and they don’t, why else do you think the council is taking control of all your packs?” Holy crap! This was never about any of us, this was about the council trying to amass an army so they could take control of the vampires but why?


“Because we have something they want Colton.”

“Which is?” Davina narrows her eyes at her youngest son.

“Something which I am not at liberty to discuss right now. We need volunteers that are willing to go in search of our missing brothers, I know this a lot to ask but we need to find them and get the supplies back here.” People begin to stand and chorus ofyes’ssound out around the room, I’m shocked to see even some of the shifters have agreed to join the search. “Thank you, could you all find Vince after the meeting and he will prep you for the search tomorrow. Now to address the other matter, as you are all aware, our guests are present, I have invited the Reeves pack and their alpha Credence as well as the Cruz pack and their alpha Cairo to join us. They like many of you once were and are now being hunted by the council, we have the space and the means here on our island to help them. Many of these shifters have lost family members as well as their homes and their land, with their help we may finally be able to take down the council––“

“Why now D? We have been asking this for years and all of a sudden they show up and now we go to war!” I turn and stare at the pale skin man who spoke, he is thin and willowy with russet hair, he seems angry.

“The time wasn’t right Michael––“He cuts Davina off and shouts.

“Bullshit! You’re hiding something from us Davina––“

“Mind your tongue Michael, you speak to her like that again and I’ll tear it out.” So much for the whole no violence thing.

“Ah, of course you would know the real reason, Vince. Meanwhile the rest of us have had to wait and hold onto our revenge because Davina had other plans.” Michael sounds really pissed, but I can’t help but wonder why Davina didn’t claim her revenge years ago. What made her hold off, if it was Creed that had died, I would have gone after them straightaway so why didn’t she? Davina squares her shoulders and stares at the man, there isn’t a hint of anger in her hazel eyes.

“Michael, I know it has been hard for you to wait all these years, I really do, but we needed to make sure––“

“You’re a fucking Liar!” He roars, Cole slams his hands down on the table top causing us to jump in fright. He stands and lets loose a loud angry growl as he faces Michael, his eyes change to yellow and I shiver, his wolf is close to the surface.

“She said she had her reasons, now shut the fuck up and sit your ass down!” Michael pulls his upper lip back and I have to stifle my yelp when I see his fangs! The man really has freaking fangs, it hits me then–– vampires are real!

“You know nothing pup.” Cole lets out a humorless chuckle that sounds more like a gruff laugh thanks to his wolf being so close to the surface.

“Test me and I’ll show you how much of apupI really am.”

“Enough!” Davina shouts, but the guys keep hurling insults at each other, I turn to Creed to find his gaze already on me.

“Stop them please, we can’t be fighting amongst ourselves.” Creed stares at me for a long moment and when the others join in screaming insults across the room, I fear Creed won’t intervene to stop them, until he gives me a stiff nod, drops my hand and stands. He steps back and walks toward Davina, the four men stand, they are failing terribly to calm the vamps. Davina eyes Creed warily as he approaches her, but doesn’t say anything when he stands beside her and turns to face us, he motions for Vince to do something and when I see Vince lift his fingers to his mouth, I quickly cover my ears as he lets out a loud screeching whistle. The noise begins to dwindle down and for that I am grateful.

“All my wolves will sit their asses in their seat and shut the hell up.” Creed then turns toward Michael and narrows his eyes. “You will shut the fuck up and sit the hell down as well.”

“Fuck you, you are not my alpha.” Oh no, Creeds eyes begin to sparkle as he makes his way toward Michael, I attempt to stand but all of sudden Ro is claiming Creeds vacant seat and placing a hand on my shoulder.

“Let him do this, I have a feeling I know why him and Cole are so out of sorts and if he does what I think he is about to, then we will have our answer.” I stare at my brother in shock for a moment but snap out of it when I hear Creed speak and swing my gaze to him, he stands a foot away from Michael.

“Last chance.”

“Kiss my asspup.” Creed strikes so fast I don’t even see it coming, one minute Michael is standing there smirking then the next minute Creed has punched him and is now sprawled out on the floor. Creed spins around in a slow circle with his arms out wide and yells. “Anyone else got something to say?” When no one answers they all begin to take their seats, I can see how tense he is as he fights to suppress Corbin, we need to figure out what the hell is going on with his wolf, in case we have to shift, let’s hope he considers what’s at stake, because if he doesn’t, we’re all as good as fried eggplants.

“Thank you, Credence.” Creed glares down at Davina.

“I didn’t do it for you.” His gaze meets mine and I’m stunned, I see so much love and longing in his gaze that it steals my breath.

“Okay, now that we have that settled. The next thing I want to discuss is all of us training together before, everyone goes off and starts shouting again, let me explain first. If we train and work together it will help us get to know one another’s tactics, this way when it comes time to take down the council, we will all be well-oiled machines, I know there’ll be mishaps along the way which is why I am asking members from the Reeves and Cruz pack as well as my first line to teach the others how to coexist and fight as one.” Hate to say it but Davina has a bloody good point.

“I’ll have six of my men ready, my family and I will help train them as well.” I look at Cairo stunned that he willingly offers to help, he is up to something, and I want to know what.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal