Page 22 of Brutal Truth

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“Skylar, this is between me and my daughter, please stay out of it.” A devious smirk crosses Sky’s face as she eyes Kane.

“What concerns her concerns me, here is my warning to you. Hurt my mate or cause her any harm and I will kill you where you sit without any remorse. You will sit there and take her anger because you deserve it, you lied and thought you could get away with it. You have hurt her, and she will say what she needs to in order for her to heal, now sit the fuck back and listen.” If looks could burn you alive Sky would be burnt to a crisp. Kane leans back and crosses his arms over his chest while glaring at Sky.

“Answer me this, why did you flee Davina?” Her gaze cuts to Creed, his face is an emotionless mask.

“Because the blood lust was strong, I feared I would kill you children. Despite what you all may think of me, I never wanted to cause any of you harm.”

“But you did! We grieved for the mother we didn’t know, we longed for a memory of you. All we had to go on was what Creed told us about you, Dad would never mention your name or even tell us stories about you.” My heart aches for Cole and the pain he and his siblings suffered.

“I’m sorry.”

“Save it Davina, we forgot all about you when mom came along. Meg may not be our blood or our bio mom, but I am telling you now, you will never be half the woman she is. She loves us and has always treated us as if we were her own. I don’t care if you and dad fuck off, as long as we have our mother, we will be fine.”

“I’m glad you all have Meg, Creed.”

“Fuck you! How can you sit there and act like this doesn’t hurt us? My brothers and I deserve to know why you fucking chose Jess’s dad over us. You abandoned us for some dick, you could have come back once you figured out how to control your urges, but you didn’t you––“

“I couldn’t!” Davina shouts, this is the first time she has displayed any emotion, her eyes hold so much pain and sorrow in their depths. “I wanted to come back but if the fucking council knew I was alive they would have hunted me. Kane had to act like I died in order to keep the three of you safe, they threatened to kill you all to get to me. They think I knew what Austin was hiding but I didn’t, Jess’s mother is the only other person who knew his secret.”

“My mother is dead…. Both of them.” I answer. Davina narrows her eyes, and a sly smirk splits her face.

“Is your mother really dead though?” I wince.

“What do you mean? I watched as Jacob broke her neck!”

“Not your aunt Jess, I mean your real mother, are you sure she is really dead?” Creed stands and hauls me to my feet by my arm, the others stand as well but I can’t tear my gaze from Davina’s, is my mom really alive?

“We’re done here.” Creed snaps as he drags me away, but I turn and watch Davina over my shoulder, her gaze is still locked onto me.

“Find me when you want to know the truth Jess.” She says as we leave the backyard.

I’m quiet the whole way back to our house, once inside I head straight toward the lounge and plonk down on the sofa next to my brother. His gaze swings to me and his forehead creases with concern, he wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his side, I rest my head on his chest and just breath him in. Should I tell him about what Davina said? Creed

comes in and drops into the vacant seat beside me,

He places his hand on my leg and I reach down and interlace my fingers through his, I should be the one comforting him not the other way around. Cole, Zeke, Sky and Callie come in and occupy the other sofa’s, we all sit there silently lost in our own thoughts for the longest time until a knock sounds at the front door. Callie rises but is stopped when Sky grips her arm and shakes her head, she lets out a huff but drops back down and allows Sky to answer the door. A familiar voice sounds out and I can’t help the smile that splits across my face Harlem barrels into the room with the biggest grin, when his eyes land on me and Creed he pauses then lets out a squeak of joy before running toward us and jumping into Creed’s arm, I pull away from Ro and plant kisses all over his face as he laughs. Meg follows Sky into the room, everyone is focused on Harlem and smiling at him. This boy brings so much joy and happiness to us all.

“Daddy we play trains?”

“Sure thing big guy.” Creed hops on the ground and sits with Harlem on the rug, he pulls the basket over which Davina had dropped off. It’s full of trains and wooden tracks, Harlem loves it, and it keeps him amused for hours. I look to Meg and see tears shining in her eyes as she watches them play, I will never tire of seeing the two of them play together, Harlem has already bonded with Creed and just adores him.

“So, any of you want to tell me what happened back there?” The moment of bliss is shattered by my brother’s question. “Not trying to push or anything but its better we know so we don’t get blindsided tonight at the meeting.”

“You didn’t miss much, dad talked shit and Davina tried to pass the buck by claiming your mom was still alive.” Ro’s brows jump as high as his forehead at Cole’s words, he turns to me, and I shrug my shoulders.

“Nah-uh, you do not get to just shrug your shoulders and act like that wasn’t an epic as shit bomb drop.” I sigh in defeat, squaring my shoulders I turn and tuck my legs under me as I face my brother.

“Davina suggested that ourrealmother was still alive.”

“Do you believe her?” I ponder his question for a moment, do I believe she is alive? I mean stranger things have happened after all, Creed’s mom turned out to be alive and well, except for the fact that she’s a vampire. Wait, if our real mom is alive does that mean she is a vampire as well? “Jess?”

“Sorry. I don’t know what to believe and if she is alive why would she hide?” Cole scoffs and rolls his eyes.

“Bio moms tend to love hiding from their kids and living a life full of freedom.” I cringe, yeah, he does have a point.

“What else did she say?”

“Just that if I wanted to know the truth to come find her, do we really want to venture down that road Ro? I mean Davina hasn’t exactly given us a reason to trust her so why should we believe her about this?”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal