Page 18 of Brutal Truth

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Fan-fucking-tastic, so you want me to talk to Davina, don’t you?

She would be my first choice, yes.

I close the link between Corbin and I when the bathroom door opens, and Jess walks out. I can’t get a read on her emotions, I need to fix this divide between us that I just created, again. I keep fucking things up with her and I don’t mean to. I stand and quickly locate my sweats, I pull them on and move toward her, she has a white silk robe wrapped around herself and I can see her nipples pebble as I draw near, I fight the smirk that wants to break free. I clasp her face between both my hands and lean down to plant a soft kiss against her lips. She stiffens from the shock but relaxes almost instantly into my hold and kisses me back. I pull back and rest my forehead against hers.

“I’m sorry princess, I don’t know what has gotten into me.” I drop my hold on her and spin her around yanking the back of her robe up, she gasps and tries to pull away, but I won’t allow it, her ass is red and has angry handprints all over it. I pull back in disgust, she turns around and meets my gaze, she tries to come closer, but I step back and shake my head. I see hurt gloss over her eyes before she quickly masks it.

“I’m fine Creed.”

“You’re not fine Jess! Look at your ass!” I shout then flinch when I hear Harlem stir, Jess and I both remain quiet and watch to see if he will wake, when he doesn’t, I focus back on her. “Something is wrong with me princess; Corbin thinks so too, ever since we came to this island, for some reason my anger keeps spiraling. I don’t know what it is, but all I can think about is hurting people and wanting to relish in their pain.” She flinches and I don’t blame her, I just fucked her like a common whore. I hate myself for what I just did, I’m a piece of shit. I took her virginity and walked out on her and then I fucked her on a table and just now I shoved her face in a pillow and fucked her like a dog. I growl low in my throat.

“What the hell is going on Creed, I enjoyed it––“

“You enjoyed me fucking you like a whore?” I scoff and begin to pace; she has no idea what I’m saying. “Tonight, I couldn’t control Corbin, that has never happened before,ever! Corbin couldn’t control his need to hurt Cole and just five minutes ago I couldn’t control my need to claim and hurt you. I am telling you princess something isn’t right with me!” She marches over to me and blocks my path until I’m forced to look at her, she reaches out and cups my face, her eyes search mine, for what I don’t know.

“Okay, tonight we sleep and tomorrow we find out what the hell is going on with you and Corbin.”

Chapter Fifteen


Creed and I woke early thanks to Harlem deciding that our bed is a great trampoline, Creed didn’t mind though. He and Harlem both decided to jump on the bed while I took a shower. I changed Harlem and made the beds, I’m on my knees putting Harlem’s shoes on when his question has my movements halting.

“Are you gonna marry daddy?” My mouth open and closes but nothing comes out.

“Yeah, big guy, daddy just has to man up and ask her first.” Shivers travel down my spine at his words, I’m too much of a coward to turn and meet his gaze so I keep focusing on tying Harlem’s shoes as he answers his dad.

“Good, I don’t want you to leave and fight the bad men again.” As soon as I finish tying his shoes, Creed leans over me and scoops Harlem into the air. I stand and watch as he blows raspberries on our sons exposed skin, he lowers Harlem until he can look him in the eyes and says.

“Never again, daddy will never leave. Do you know what a heart is?” Harlem nods and places his hand over his heart and smiles triumphantly.

“Good boy, well you see my heart is yours and you can’t live without a heart can you?” Harlem’s brows furrow, my eyes begin to mist. “What I mean is you are my heart buddy, and I can’t live without you so, I’m not going anywhere.” He clutches Harlem to his chest and nuzzles his head. My heart swells, seeing how well Creed has taken to being a dad still surprises me. I honestly never thought he would take to the role as well as he has.

We make our way downstairs, when we hit the landing Harlem takes off toward the others and launches himself at Cole, he catches him with ease and chucks him into the air and catches him. He places Harlem on a stool beside Callie as she ruffles his hair and snickers while patting his hair back down, he really needs a haircut.

“What are you having for breakfast monster?”

“I want loop-loops Co-Co please.”

“Froot loops it is.” Cole begins to pour him some cereal, Sky, Callie, Zeke and Cairo turn toward us and smile. The tension in the room is stifling, I hate that there is this divide between everyone, and I have no idea how to fix it!

“I’m sorry.” Creeds blurts out, all eyes turn to him except Cole’s. Cole places the bowl in front of Harlem adding the milk and places a spoon in his hand before slowly turning to face us. The cold look in his eyes has me stiffening, I’m annoyed that Cole told Creed we had slept together. I have no idea why he would say something so hurtful when nothing has ever happened between us except for him kissing me on the boat.

“For what exactly?” I narrow my eyes at Cole, he is being an ass and it’s not cool.

“For going off at you last night. What you said...sparked something inside me and I plan to figure out what’s going on with me today.”

“What does that mean?” Callie cuts in.

“Ever since we stepped foot on this island something hasn’t been right with me. Corbin and I have been disconnected and last night he locked me out, to the point of no control. When I did shift back, something happened last night and I didn’t mean––– “

“The fuck did you do to her?” Cole shouts, I step forward and meet his angry gaze. Creed done nothing wrong last night and what happens in the privacy of our bedroom is none of anyone’s business.

“Nothing, Creed thinks this island is changing him and I believe him. Creed can explain it to the rest of you but Cole, I think you and I need to have a chat––privately.” Cole nods his head and makes his way to the backyard; I turn to follow him but am stopped when Creed grabs my elbow.

“You don’t have to do this.” I smile up at him.

“I know, but this has to be sorted. This is not about you, he’s upset at me and you’re in the firing range.” Creed releases my arm and nods his head.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal