Page 15 of Brutal Truth

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Corbin has just issued a challenge against my brother. When a challenge is laid out, two wolves will fight for the others role in the pack and the fight won’t end until one of the challengers is dead.

Corbin skids to a stop at the front of the house and snarls loudly before howling again. I hear others approaching from every direction and when footsteps come pounding toward the entry of our house, I try again to wrestle control back.


He must pay for his crime.

He was lying!

His heart rate remained the same and his pulse didn’t falter.

I know he’s right, a wolf can tell when someone is lying, if you lie your heart rate will change or your pulse will speed up. Coles didn’t change, he wasn’t lying about sleeping with Jess.

I will never forgive you if you do this to my brother.

So, you would allow him to bed our mate?

I––uh, no.

You are becoming weak Creed. We are not weak–– I am not weak.

We are the fucking alpha––

We don’t have a pack; we have no pack lands because you are weak and didn’t claim our mate. You let your humanness cloud your mind and now we have no reign or land to rule over.

I don’t get a chance to answer, the front door swings open, and my sister comes barreling out, tears trekking down her face. She drops to her knees a couple feet away and bows her head in submission before meeting our gaze, her eyes hold so much heartache and fear.

“Please, I am begging you Creed, don’t do this.” Being the alpha gives me the privilege of being able to speak into the minds of those in my pack.

He defied me, he will fight or be banished.

Callie reels back in shock, her eyes dart side to side before settling back on us.

“Corbin?” She has just realized it isn’t me in control. Corbin releases a growl, letting her know it is him in control. “Let Creed take over.”

You will mind your tongue and step aside California before I order it!

The look in my sisters’ eyes guts me, she knows she will have no choice but to follow Corbin’s wishes if he orders it. A commotion inside the house snags our attention, I lift my gaze to see Zeke and Cairo holding each of Cole’s arms as he struggles to free himself. Jess walks out of the house behind them, Cole is glaring daggers at her, but her gaze is focused on me–– Well me in wolf form.

“Callie, Sky is inside with Harlem can you please go watch him for me.” Callie looks from me to Cole and then to Jess, whatever she sees in Jess’s eyes has her nodding her head and heading inside closing the door behind herself.

“Sweetheart––“I release a loud growl at the pet name Cole uses for her. “Please, don’t do this.” Jess turns to Cole and shakes her head.

“It’s already done.” She turns back to face me, and I can tell from the stubborn set of her shoulders and the tilt of her chin she has something up her sleeve. “Colton Reeves will not be accepting your challenge Corbin.” Corbin growls and is about to open the mind link to Jess but stops when she speaks again. “I will fight in his place; you will not harm him. If you wish to take your anger out on someone then do it to me, not your brother.”

Chapter Thirteen


I have no idea what has set Creed and Corbin on this war path, but I refuse to let them take their anger out on Cole. I know things are tense between Cole and I right now, but it still doesn’t mean I won’t have his back. Creed should know that I’m so angry at him for doing this, I thought he was passed this, I guess I was wrong.

“Corbin, do you accept the substitute, or do you wish to retract?” I ask, I feel the mind link open and wait.

Stand down, Mate. I want Colton not you. Let us settle this as wolves and step aside.

I glare at Corbin.Credence, he is your brother don’t do this to him!

Credence isn’t here, he has no say in this.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal