Page 14 of Brutal Truth

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“Why?” I whisper, Zeke smiles at me sadly.

“Because as her due date neared, guilt ate at her that you wouldn’t be there. She felt ten times worse after she gave birth knowing that you missed not one but two of your children’s births.”

“Why are you telling me all of this?”

“Because the whole fucking time she has been away from you all she wanted wasyou. Jess may not have known it then, but she was in love with you before she ran. Cole and I both tried, we care about her, but she never saw us. All she ever sees is you Credence, you think because you lied and used her that she will do the same to you? You’re dead fucking wrong, she loves Cole because he reminds her of you. She used to pretend he was you; she thinks none of us know that, but we saw it. Jess has eyes for only you, don’t throw away what you have with her because she’s tight with your brother.” I slouch back in my seat and ponder over Zeke’s words; he is so fucking right but it isn’t Jess who I need to go to right now.

I find Cole in one of the rooms upstairs, when he sees me standing in the doorway he growls and narrows his eyes. I take a breath and look at my little brother, I owe him more than I can ever repay, and I have been nothing but a dick to him.

“Thank you, brother.” Cole’s brows furrow in confusion.

“For what?” I uncross my arms and let them dangle at my sides.

“For everything. You were there for her when I wasn’t––“

“I didn’t do it for you!”

“I know. I’m still grateful to you though, you protected her, and my children and I can never repay you for that Cole. I know I have fucked up a lot and done shit that I shouldn’t have, but I am trying to make up for all of it now.” Cole sighs loudly and his whole body turns stiff as he meets my gaze. The look in his eyes is pure anger, I feel Corbin pushing against my ribs urging me to shift.

He’s, my brother!

He is challenging us; we need to assert our domin––

No! I will not hurt him.

I close the link between Corbin and I and focus back on Cole. I know without a doubt what he is about to say is out of hurt and anger and I try hard to brace for the impact of his words.

“I never betrayed you. I told them all that if it came to a fight, I would never stand against you, I could never do that to you. But the other night you went a step too far brother, you can blame me and take your shit out on me all you want, but you can never change the fact that I slept with your mate.” I stumble back a step and stare at him.

Jess and Cole slept together!

She lied to me.

I see his mouth open, and I can’t for the life of me hear a goddamn word he is saying, the ringing in my ears is too loud. My chest feels like it has just been broken in half, I turn and stumble the whole way out of the house. I don’t know where the hell I am going I just know I need to get away from my brother before I do something I will regret. Corbin is urging me to shift and allow him to take over so he can deal with my pain.

Creed, let me take over

He slept with her, Corbin!

He lied.

I stumble to a stop.

No, I saw the look in his eyes he was telling the truth.

If he slept with her, I would know.


Shift and I’ll tell you.

I move toward the palm trees and head toward the beach, I look left and right and when I see that the coast is clear I begin to strip and lay my clothes in a pile on a random piece of driftwood. It used to be painful when I first shifted, I could feel every bone break and I would cry out and beg for someone to make the pain stop. Now, the pain lasts a fraction of a second and then it’s over. I allow Corbin the control he craves and within a few seconds I go from standing on two legs to standing on four. Corbin doesn’t hesitate, he spins around and begins to run back toward the way we came.

Where are you going?

To deal with your brother.

Oh shit,don’t get me wrong I am furious and confused as fuck about what Cole just said but no part of me wants my brother dead. I try to wrestle for control back, but Corbin puts a block in place and now I’m locked in the back part of his brain. Corbin and I always work as a team, we have nevernotseen eye-to-eye, so for him to do this to me means he is beyond pissed. I try with all my might to get control back, but Corbin is strong, really fucking strong. He isn’t the alpha wolf for nothing. I see through his eyes, and I notice our house in the distance, the scent of Cole assaults our nose and Corbin releases a loud howl. Everyone on the island will be able to hear that, all the shifters are aware of what that howl means.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal