Page 12 of Brutal Truth

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“How do we know they won’t kill us, Dad? They’re vampires!” Dad runs a hand through his hair, Cole has been an ass since we got back and honestly, I don’t blame him. I don’t like the idea of staying on that island anymore than he does.

“Colton, there isn’t enough food here for all of us. This won’t be easy, but we have to do it, this won’t be forever. We just have to work out our best plan and the take the council down, then we can all go home.” Well, when mom puts it like that.

“Meg’s right, I don’t relish in the thought of raising my son on an island, but I also don’t want to spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder either. We need to stop the council and all their corruption. The day we went to the summit, I saw a woman with Jacob and the look in her eyes was utter fear. She doesn’t want to be there, but she doesn’t have a choice, we have to do this not just for ourselves but for every other wolf who isn’t being treated right.” I turn to my mate and smile, she sounds like a true alpha and judging from the looks on the others faces they all agree with me.

“In order for that to happen Jess, you need to stand up and take your place as the rightful alpha. There will be backlash and men who don’t want to live under a women’s rule, are you prepared for that?” Jess meets my dad’s gaze and the determination in her eyes tells me everything I need to know.

“Yes. I will not raise my son to think he is better than any man or woman. If taking down the council means I have to step up and claim my birthright, then so be it.”

We spent the rest of the evening planning and plotting what we should do, numerous disagreements broke out. Too many alphas in one room isn’t a good idea but for the most part we all made it work and came to the conclusion that wearein fact going to the island tomorrow, much to my dismay. Jess offered to let me sleep up here with them, Harlem is sleeping with Ro tonight so Jess and I can share her bed. Her back is to my chest, and we’re stuck sleeping on our sides thanks to the bed only being a single. I don’t notice the lack of space, I’m just grateful to be laying here with her in my arms. She let me in on their little secret, having a shower never felt so good and I even got to brush my teeth. I tried to con Jess into joining me, but Cairo stormed over and picked her up bride style and refused to let her go.

Chapter Eleven


My body feels like its smoldering, I try to move away from the heat but I can’t. I snap my eyes open and see an arm wrapped around my waist and that’s when I remember, the heat is coming from Creed. I turn and peer over my shoulder and melt, he looks so peaceful when he sleeps. The harsh lines on his face are smoothed out, his full lips are parted slightly as he snores softly. I roll over as smoothly as I can, so I don’t wake him and then run my fingers through his hair, a soft moan falls from his lips at my touch.

I trace my finger down his face and cup his cheek, something shifted between us yesterday. My anger and resentment aren’t as prominent, talking to him about Katy broke down a wall I had up to keep him out. We have hurt each other enough, and I don’t want to continue to push him away. I love Creed and it’s about time I let him know how I feel. I lean forward and place a featherlight kiss against his lips, his hand slides up before I get a chance to pull back his hand snaps up and holds the back of my neck so he can deepen the kiss. All thoughts about morning breathe fly out the window when his tongue invades my mouth, my veins begin to feel like lava, as he devours my mouth and cups my ass at the same time.

“For fuck’s sake!” Creed and I jolt apart, I peer over his shoulder and feel my cheeks flame when I see my brother and Zeke standing there, Z shakes his head and smiles while Ro glares at us. He points an accusing finger at Creed who just chuckles and cocks a brow. “From now on you sleep on the floor.” Ro darts his gaze to me, and I bite my bottom lip to stop myself from smiling. “And you, I liked it better when you didn’t like him.” I lose it, I laugh and not a second later Creed is laughing with me and wrapping his arm around my waist again pulling me against his chest, I burrow my face in the crook of his neck, to avoid looking at my brother. “Fucking Reeves.”

“I wish she was fucking a Reeves, but you ruined it when you opened your mouth.” I gasp at Creed’s crude words.

“I fucking hate you.” Creed chuckles and rests his chin on top of my head.

“Be a good uncle Ro and feed your nephew so I can get lost inside your sister.” I hear a growl and cringe; Creed is pushing Ro to the limits this morning.

“Fuck you, get up and get dressed you dick. We leave in half an hour to go see your egg donor.” At the mention of Davina, Creed stiffens before nodding.

Half an hour later we are on the boat and heading to the island, Davina has organized for her men to ferry the rest of the pack over on some of her small boats. Creed and I are standing inside our so called new…house. Wolves are pack animals so it doesn’t bother us to share, Cairo, Callie, Sky, Cole and Zeke are sharing this house with Creed, Harlem and me. It’s a two-story house and has plenty of space, Davina tried to offer us a play gym for Harlem, but Creed flat out refused. Davina organized clothes, food and other necessities to see us through, even Harlem has his fair share of essentials. Thank the heavens that we all have individual rooms, the house is plain, but at the end of the day it’s way better than living on a boat. We were given permission to do what we like and make it our own, but I don’t see any of us putting personal touches on the house.

We all agreed to take the day and night to ourselves and then we would all gather tomorrow so we can discuss a plan. Kane and Creed didn’t let on that we had already discussed a plan, they want to find out what Davina has up her sleeve before they tell her anything. I understand their caution, but if we’re going to work together then we at least need to try trust each other. I release a sigh and decide to look around our room and notice a walk-in closet, filled with clothes, behind the other door is a private bathroom with a tub, Harlem is going to love that.

I’m stunned at how they are able to make houses like this on an island, it’s so intriguing to me how they have all built a comfortable life here. I snap out of my thoughts when two arms wrap around my waist, Sheba growls her approval inside my head. I shrink back into Creed and sigh, having him near me and not fighting is new and I love it.

“Is it wrong that I’m excited to be able to sleep in a proper bed and shower whenever the hell I want?” I chuckle and turn in his embrace wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands grip my waist as I stare up at him and smile.

“No, there’s even a bathtub Harlem is going to love that.” He leans down and places a soft kiss against my lips.

“I can’t wait to finish this shit. When everything is done, I want you and Harlem to come back to Rosewood with me.” I drop my arms and step back, a look of hurt flashes in his eyes before he quickly masks it.

“I… What about my brother?”

“If you take over as alpha, you will have no choice but to return to Rosewood and lead both packs, Princess.” I know what he is saying is true, but I guess I just thought––. “Cairo can return with us, if he chooses.”

“How will that work though? Ro is an alpha and so are you… I will be as well.”

“Your brother loves you; we can figure something out.”

I must admit it’s so nice to be sitting around a table and eating a meal together––A proper meal. Steak, mash potatoes, corn, carrots and beans, it’s been so long since we’ve had a decent meal. Sky and Callie cooked for us, and I tell you what, they are amazing cooks.

“That is the best meal I have ever had.”

“Preach Z, you girls out done yourself.” Callie beams at Zeke and Cairo.

“I had no idea you could cook.”

“Well, there is a lot of new things you don’t know brother.”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal