Page 10 of Brutal Truth

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“Just give him some time.” I snap my gaze to Callie and nod before turning to look up at Creed who has Harlem on his shoulders. His eyes narrow when he sees the look on my face.

“I have to talk to him.”

“You don’t have to do shit, princess.” I sigh, I knew he wouldn’t take this well.

“I need to fix this Creed.” I don’t give him time to answer, I pull my hand from his and chase after Cole.

I searched the boat but couldn’t find him anywhere, so I decided to check the room we stayed in last night and sure enough, there he is gazing out the window. I make my way inside and gently shut the door; I don’t make it two steps before he speaks.

“Outside I may not be able to scent shit but in here I can smell the both of you.” He turns and pins me with a look that has my steps faltering. His green eyes shine with so much hurt and anger, I move toward him and meet his gaze.


“No Jess, don’tColtonme. What the hell are you thinking?” I reel back in shock at the anger in his voice.

“I don’t think that is any of your business.” He throws his hands in the air and glares at me.

“It is my business, after everything we have been through together you just toss me out. Why?” I deflate, Cole was there for me when I needed someone, and I love him for that, but he has no right to behave like this.

“Because––“Cole doesn’t let me finish, he closes the space between us and smashes his lips against mine. I stand there stunned for a moment, when my brain finally registers what’s going on I shove against his chest until he moves back. “What the hell Cole?”

“Yeah, what the hell Cole?” Both Cole and I spin toward the door to see Creed standing with a look of rage on his face. I go to move toward him, but I’m yanked back when Cole pulls my arm. Creed growls and storms toward us, I wrench my arm free and jump in the middle. I turn to face Cole, pleading with my eyes that he does not antagonize Creed. I feel Creed press against my back like a second skin and it takes everything inside me not to lean into him.

“Cole, you should go.” Cole’s eyes widen in shock.

“Me? You’re not serious.” I jump when I hear Creed release a warning growl. He wraps his arm around my waist and holds me against him.

“The only reason I’m not punching your face right now is because of what you did for her. She is my mate Cole and I will not give her up, aside from being my mate she is the mother tomychildren––not yours.” It fills me with pride that Creed said children instead of child.

“She could have been if you just stayed away!” Cole yells, I see the hurt in his eyes and it guts me.

“Yo, we need to go now!” We all turn to see Cairo in the doorway with a look of panic on his face.

“What happened?” Creed asks.

“Shelley and Davina called a meeting and your dads with them.”

“Fuck them, I’m not going to that island!” Creed snaps.

“We don’t have a choice, Shelley got word from one of her guys. Jacob knows we left on a boat.”

Chapter Ten


I don’t know how I let Jess convince me going back to that stupid Island was a good idea. We all stand in the middle of Davina Reeves yard waiting for the woman to come out. A part of me hopes she can’t because its daylight, well late afternoon but still the sun is out and aren’t vampires supposed to burn in the daylight? I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Harlem whine to Jess. I didn’t exactly relish in the idea of bringing him ashore with us, but we didn’t have a choice, my family, Sky, Cairo, Zeke, Shelley and Dela came with us. I smile down at my son and ignore the heat of my brother’s gaze; it took more control than I have not to beat the shit out of him when I saw him kiss Jess. I know he loves her, but she doesn’t love him, she’s mine.

“I want to go dad, Mommy.” Hearing that three-letter word out of his mouth melts my heart. I don’t think I will ever get tired of hearing it, I reach over and pluck him out of Jess’s arms, he squeals in delight. I grip him under his arms and chuck him into the air and he laughs. He grips my face between both his hands and places a wet sloppy kiss against my cheek. “Again!”

“I thought only Ro-Ro was allowed to do that?” I turn and grin at Cairo while waggling my brows.

“Dude, I’m always gonna be the first choice, live it, love it and learn it.” Cairo narrows his eyes and glares.

“You’re on my shit list Reeves, don’t think I don’t know what you just did with my sister.” I see Jess cringe; I can’t help the laughter that bubbles out of me. Cairo storms over and steals my son from my arms and places a kiss to the top of his head. “You do realize what I just did with your sister made that baby that you’re carrying and kissing right?” Ro freezes, he darts his gaze between me and Harlem and then turns to glare at his sister who smiles up at him sheepishly.

“Parlay?” Ro’s face scrunches in confusion, the rest of us get what Jess is asking and laugh. Zeke, Sky and Ro are the only ones who don’t.

“I have no idea what that means, Smalls.”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal