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“Ye are a very beautiful lass, Elaine. However, naething will happen between us. I’m grateful for yer company, but I expect conversation only.”

“I see,” Elaine replied, not really understanding but trying desperately to hide her relief. “May I ask, my Laird…”

“Under these circumstances, ye may call me Duncan.”

“Duncan,” Elaine continued uncomfortably, “is that the way with all the ladies?”

“Are ye worried that it’s something ye have done?” Duncan asked.

“Well…” she hesitated.

“Dinnae. Ye have done naething wrong. I simply dinnae require the services ye offer, from ye or any other of yerfriends,” he smiled.

Elaine was once more confused. For why would the laird request ladies of the night if he did not actually lie with them? It hardly made any sense. He had the entire village talking about his indiscretions when no such acts took place.

Why would he dae such a thing?

“I dae have one request,” he said, with a wry smile. “We have tae pretend we are doing something.”

Elaine’s brow furrowed deeply. She was more confused than ever. At her expression, he chuckled once more. It annoyed her a little that his laugh made her want to smile.

“We have tae make the noises, as though we are laying together,” he explained.

“I apologize, my Lai…” Elaine started when he interrupted her.


“I apologize,Duncan, but I am nae certain what exactly yer request means.” Feeling how her cheeks filled with embarrassment, Elaine looked everywhere but his eyes.

“I am referring tae the sounds of pleasure a man and a woman make, while they are laying together,” Duncan elaborated. He let out yet another laugh at her puzzled expression, before continuing. “Like this. Ahhh. Oh. Hmmm,” he groaned passionately.

Elaine nearly burst into laughter herself and it took all her strength to hold it in. Clearly, her not so well-hidden smile gave away her amusement and he smiled back widely. “I ken it is a rather peculiar request. But I will pay ye extra for yer services. Come, try it with me,” he offered.


Taking her by the hand, Duncan led Elaine over to his huge bed. After lowering himself down, he patted the coverlet, inviting her to sit beside him. Elaine was far more beautiful than Allison, his usual woman. But judging by her demeanor, she was far less experienced. Allison had been visiting him for some time now and knew how to be with him. After some conversation, she would often lay there and tell him stories of her life and the families she had helped with her healing hands. He liked this about her. She was much more than a simple lady of the night. Their conversations were amusing. Even though Duncan was sure Allison kept a lot about herself hidden, she was a noble lass and became a sort of friend to him.

Elaine, on the other hand, appeared nervous and on edge. She was trying to hide it, but he could see it as plain as day.

“So,” she looked at him with a mixture of confusion and amused disbelief, “ye want me tae mak’ sounds like we’re lying together.”

“Aye,” Duncan nodded.

He could tell she wanted to ask him why, but she lacked the confidence to do so. If Allison had been sitting next to him, he might have told her. But he did not know this woman. He could not trust, just yet, that she would not spill his secret to anyone who might listen.

“Try and think o’ it as a game,” Duncan smiled.

That comment seemed only to confuse her further, and he suddenly shook his head. “Look, never mind. Just try it with me.”

“All right,” she answered uncertainly.

“Ahhh,” he began, watching her from the corner of his eye.

“Ahh,” she copied, but tentatively and with far less gusto than he.

“Ohhh,” Duncan moaned even louder.

“Ahhh,” she groaned again, gaining what looked like a little more confidence.

Tags: Kenna Kendrick Historical