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Duncan had noticed the pert nipples of her breasts pressed against the thin material on more than one occasion. Perhaps his challenge to Elaine to remove items from her clothing was a bad idea, since his groin ached more and more as she sat across from him. Her fingers caressed his right hand, sending a sensation through him that he hadn't felt in a long time. Her expression indicated that she was unaware of how she was affecting him.

Perhaps telling her about the ring would be a good distraction. For he needed something to take his mind of wanting to rip that shift from her body. Gently moving his hand away from her, he lifted the goblets and refilled them with wine.

“The ring belonged tae my father,” Duncan began. “It’s passed down tae the next laird and only a laird can wear it. I cannae ken if it has any monetary value, but it is said tae have magical powers,” Duncan smirked a little as he handed her the goblet. He did not sit again though, and walked behind her, moving toward the mantle. “The tales say that it brings enormous power tae anyone who wears it, but only if they possess a good heart.”

“What if the wearer doesnae have a good heart?” Elaine asked, looking up at him with wide eyes, clearly taken in by his words.

“Then the opposite is true,” Duncan replied. He had placed his goblet down on the mantle and moved toward her. “It can create a monster in the wrong hands.”

“My goodness.”

“Ye have naething tae fear, Elaine. There’s nae monsters in this castle.”

Duncan now stood over her, a burning desire within him. He had been greatly mistaken in thinking that the story of the ring would distract him from his overwhelming urges. He took her hands in his and pulled her to his side. Then he drew her into him, wrapping his arms around her, her breasts crushing against his broad chest. He gently stroked her cheek with his fingers and smiled down at her.

“Dae ye really think I’m that dreadful at chess?” he smirked.

Her breathing was shallow as she looked up at him. Her cheeks flushed as his groin pressed further into her, the bulge of it difficult for her to ignore.

“I dinnae ken what ye mean,” she stammered.

“What I mean, Elaine,” he breathed huskily. “Is that I let ye win. If there is anyone going tae be removing yer clothes, it will be me, and me alone. Slowly, one by one until,” he said, his lips brushing teasingly against hers. “I see yer nakedness and devour ye.”

He could not hold back. Plunging his mouth down onto hers, he kissed her passionately. His tongue softly flicked over hers as he explored her mouth, and she tasted as sweet as he had imagined. He was aroused even more when he heard a groan escape her throat. He struggled to finally release her with his throbbing, rock hard manhood pressed against her.

She almost fell back. And if he didn't have a firm grip on her, he had no doubt she would. Her red swollen lips parted as she looked up at him, her eyes misting. Duncan took a step back after making sure she was steady. He was afraid that if he didn't, he'd take her right away. Even though his impulses were strong, he knew his heart would regret it.

“I have a request, Elaine,” he said, walking toward the mantle again. His husky voice surprising him a little so he cleared his throat before he continued. “I have decided tae keep a woman here in the castle as my mistress. It makes things easier for me.” He turned toward her. “Will ye be my mistress, Elaine?”

She did not answer him and still in the place he had left her, looked at him with a rather blank expression.

“Ye’ll nae have tae do anything more than what we’ve been doing already. Performing as we did last night and playing chess, if ye desire it,” he smiled.

It took her moment to find her voice, but eventually, she nodded. “All right.”

“Good. I’m pleased tae hear it. I’ll ready ye a chamber next tae mine. Ye’ll be able to bring yer belongings here, so ye’ll have everything ye need.” After one last quick look at her, he took a big gulp from his goblet and smiled. “Now it’s time tae hear ye moan again.”

* * *

The next morning, Elaine returned to the farmhouse to gather some of her belongings, making sure no one was watching her. Nonetheless, her mind was as focused as it had been the day before. She had already gone over the events of the previous night in her head several times. She had thought herself clever for obtaining such information about the ring from him. But she was so engrossed in the story he was telling that she hadn't noticed his approach or what he had planned to do. She was in his arms before she knew what was going on. The kiss had bewildered her.

It was her first kiss, not that he could have known that. And while she had been aroused when they had moaned together the night before, that sensation had been nothing compared to the explosions that erupted in her body when his tongue had ravaged the softness of her mouth, and his groin, hard and eager, had pressed into her stomach. Her sensitive nipples had pained her, rubbing against his chest. And in her own soft places, she found herself hot and moist.

In the wake of her arousal, she had accepted his proposal. But it was only moments later that she thought her new position would bring her closer to the ring and to Rhona’s safe return. It had made her feel utterly guilty, and she had to remind herself that this was the man who had killed Angus.

Taking the horse and cart, Elaine made her way into Oban to see Allison. If she was to live in the castle, she would need more than one dress. Besides, she had money to give her.

“I didnae expect tae see ye back so soon,” Allison said, welcoming her into the brothel.

A few of the women gave Elaine a cursory glance but then turned away, clearly more interested in their male company. Allison led the way further into the house and took Elaine into a small drawing room where they could speak in private.

“Aye, well. There’s been a development, and I need yer help again. Oh, and here.” Elaine handed her a pouch filled with coin.”

Allison shook her head. “I dinnae want it.”

Elaine frowned in confusion. “But, why nae?”

“I’m nae helping ye for the money, Elaine. I feel the kind o’ woman ye are, and I ken ye wouldnae be doing this if ye didnae have tae. I mean, who would?” the lass shrugged sadly.

Tags: Kenna Kendrick Historical