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“Listen, Duncan,” Keir said softly. “Nae one here is judging ye. Ye have had a great loss tae deal with. And if I am honest, I dinnae ken how ye’ve managed. But ye have. However, ye cannae keep the council off yer back forever.”

“So, what dae ye propose I dae about it?” Duncan growled. “Marry again while my wife and bairn are barely buried?”

“Maybe ye dinnae have tae marry,” Finn offered. “Maybe ye can dae something a little less permanent.”

“Like what, Finn?”

Finn shrugged. “Well, how about taking one of these lasses as a mistress? An official mistress, I mean.”

Duncan resumed his pacing, considering the option. It would certainly appease the council somewhat and buy him some time.

“Finn’s nae wrong, Duncan,” Keir agreed. “The arrangement would give ye some more time tae grieve. And ye’re bringing the lasses tae the castle anyway. What difference will it make if one lives here in a permanent position?”

“Fine,” Duncan finally agreed. “I will take some time tae consider whom I will choose.”

He needed no time at all, of course. He knew exactly who he would ask.


Elaine made her way into Oban, feeling more than naked. Even with a shawl wrapped tightly around her, the shawl she'd 'borrowed' from the castle and found draped over the back of a chair on her way out, she felt undressed. Women were simply not seen walking around during the day in hercurrent attire. She could only be thankful that the road had been quiet. When she heard someone approaching, she jumped into the nearby trees to hide. And, while she had never visited the brothel in Oban, she was aware of its general location. She couldn't possibly wear the same clothes if she had to return to the laird that night. And she obviously wouldn't have such clothes in her own closet. If she could just sneak into the brothel and steal another dress...

Borrow. Ye are going tae borrow another dress, just like ye have borrowed this shawl.

It was only one more night. And no matter how much her fear tried to paralyze her as it had done last night, she had to find that ring. She had to save Rhona. What would happen after that was anybody’s guess, but she hardly had the energy even to consider that. Rhona and the ring were her main concern right now.

Sneaking down the cobbled streets, Elaine neared the brothel. But as she approached, she wondered how she was to get in. She could hardly knock on the front door and ask for a garment. She needed to discover a way in, unobserved. She found a small alleyway at the end of a row of houses and venturing down it, it led her to a back alley that led to each yard. Counting the houses as she passed each one, she eventually reached the brothel, clearly hearing the cackles of women coming from inside.

Entering the backyard, her heart thumped hard in her chest, wondering how she was supposed to get into the house unnoticed. Even if she managed to do that, how could she take a dress from one of the lass’ rooms without being detected?

Ye are strong. Ye can fight them if it comes down tae it. Ye have tae remember Rhona.

Elaine hurried across the yard and pressed herself against the back wall of the house. Certain she had not brought attention to herself, she took a step back and looked about her. Maybe a window was open, and she could sneak in that way. Suddenly, the door opened, and a woman walked out with a basket on her hip full of what appeared to be wet clothes. Elaine recognized her immediately. It was the woman she had accosted last night at the castle walls.

She had not noticed Elaine yet, but there was nowhere for her to hide. As soon as she placed her basket down, she would turn to see her standing there, which is precisely what happened.

The woman frowned before looking her up and down. “That is my dress,” she said plainly.

“It is.”

“What are ye doing here? Have ye come tae return it?”

“Nae exactly. I was going tae return it tomorrow,” Elaine shrugged.

The woman frowned even deeper. “Then, what?”

Elaine considered her options before responding. Last night, the woman had been cooperative, calm, and helpfulwhileElaine had a dagger to her throat. But why would the woman help her now? With her mind racing, she remembered the laird's offer. He was going to pay her twice as much for another performance. Perhaps if she were compensated, this girl could be persuaded to comply.

“What’s yer name?” Elaine asked.

“What’s yers?” she countered.

“Elaine. My name is Elaine.”

“I’m Allison,” she replied, still looking at her warily.

“I need yer help, Allison. I cannae tell ye too much, but there’s money in it for ye.”

Allison regarded her with suspicion, which came as no surprise. The woman had been threatened on the last occasion they had met. She had no reason to trust Elaine or anything she had to offer. Yet, something in her eyes gave her hope.

Tags: Kenna Kendrick Historical