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My knees go weak and for a slight moment, Slade has to hold me up.

I’m about to give him specific instructions on how I’d like my pussy destroyed when a commotion down on the court has my attention pulling away from Slade. I glance down past Slade’s shoulder to see Damian pushing his way up through the bleachers on his way to Nessa, but he’s not taking the stairs like Slade had, he’s going straight through the crowd and being as irritatingly obnoxious and infuriatingly painful as possible.

Nessa groans and sinks down into her seat, ducking her head in embarrassment. “Please tell me he tripped and fell?”

I shake my head, watching Damian get closer and closer. “Nope. He’s still coming.”

“Shit. Sometimes I really hate that guy.”

“Yeah, but you can’t help but love him.”

“Shut up. He doesn’t need to know that.”

Damian drops down from the seat in front of us, landing right in front of Nessa. “Too fucking bad, Hera,” he grins wide, reaching down and scooping her into his arms. “I’ve known since day one that you were in love with me.”

Nessa’s eyes bug out of her head. “You did not.”

“Are you denying it?” he grins, way too smug for his own good.

Her eyes drop away. “I mean…no…”

“Good, because I fucking love you too, now hurry up and kiss me so I can remind all these fuckers that you’re mine.”

Nessa rolls her eyes. “You’re such an arrogant assho-”

Damian’s lips crush down on hers and I laugh watching them together. They only got together the night Lucien showed up and watching them as a couple is something I’ve been craving since I first wanted them to get together. They’re the sweetest but absolutely lethal. One of their fights would have the world burning to ashes around them.

Damian pulls back from her with wide eyes. “I almost forgot,” he says, digging into his pocket with an excited grin. “I got you something.”

He pulls his hand out and dangling from his fingers is the diamond necklace he stole from Maria’s great hall. I laugh as Nessa’s eyes go wide. I’d forgotten that Damian had taken that.

“What the hell?” Nessa shrieks, grabbing the necklace and studying it closely, instantly able to tell this thing is the real deal and realizing that a high school senior from Aston Creek would never be able to afford something like this. “Where did you get this?”

Damian bounces his brows and lowers his voice, still so very proud of himself. “I kind of took it from Maria Valentine’s personal little stash before we burned the place down.” Nessa’s face drops as she shoves the necklace into Damian’s chest. “What? It was going to be destroyed in the fire anyway. Technically, I saved it, not stole it.”

Her face scrunches in disgust. “You stole me a dead guy’s wife’s diamond necklace? That’s so wrong.”

Damian’s face falls as he thinks it over. “Shit,” he says, realizing that she’s right. “I didn’t think of it that way.”

Nessa laughs and pushes up onto her tippy toes so she can kiss him. “Why am I not surprised?” she murmurs. “You should see if you can get it changed into something for your mom. You know how she loves her jewelry.”

“That’s not a bad idea.”


Slade cringes and glances down at the court to see his coach fuming as he stares up here. He meets my eyes. “Duty calls,” he says with a slight shrug, leaning into me and kissing me once again.

“Bring me home a win,” I tell him.

“You know I will.”

He winks and like lightning, he’s down on the court where the referee is calling for them to get the game started.

Chapter 23

It’s been two weeks since Slade found me at that gas station and they’ve been the best two weeks of my life. You know, if you don’t count the whole Lucien thing. That was kind of a buzzkill, but being home and being free is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Well, I guess that’s not exactly true. There were four incredible years I got before my parents were killed where I had the world at my feet. But I was too young to know any better.

Now, I’m really living.

I have never enjoyed life like the way that I am now. The chip on my shoulder seems to have vanished, but don’t worry, I’ve been holding onto my award-winning attitude and sarcasm with both hands. I don’t think I could ever part with them.

It’s as though I’m seeing the world through new eyes. All the evil and badness has disappeared and I’m left with nothing but happiness. I’ve been able to draw again, and fuck, I’ve been running out of canvases like crazy.

I was caught drawing on Shaylee’s dining table the other day. She wasn’t too impressed until she realized it was a drawing of her with my mom, both happy and loving life. Shay insisted that I finish the drawing and since then has been asking about painting a clear sealer over the table so she can keep the drawing forever.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Aston Creek High Erotic