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He sighs heavily. I can practically feel the tension seeping through the phone, and I hear a car door slamming followed by tires screeching on the other end.

“Penelope’s transport was hijacked. She escaped.”

Is the ground tilting? Why is everything spinning?

“Ria. Slow breaths, baby. I’ll be with you soon. In the meantime, remember what I said. Agent Smith and her alone-- do not talk to anyone else. Follow her orders and try not to panic.”


“Nothing is going to happen to you. Nothing will happen to Adrian. I promise you.” His breath hitches and I know he’s clenching his fists, wanting to be here to hold me and protect us. “Trust me, okay?”

My heartbeat increases in tempo, going off in a gallop.

“I do.”

“I love you, Ria. You and our son. Just––just please listen to Agent Smith and To until I can get to you.”

I lose sight of my heart. It ran off, wanting to be with Noah. Numbness is in its stead, filling me with this gut-wrenching realization.

Penelope isn’t going to stop until she gets to me.

Get the girl. Kill the agent.


“Remember what I promised you.” His voice quakes with unrelenting emotion. “Until the ends of the earth, Ria. I’ll always catch you. I won’t let you fall.”

Someone yells for him on the other end and he curses under his breath.

I love you, Noah Thomas.

“I gotta go but I fucking love you, okay? I’ll see you soon.”

The call ends just as Mina stands in front of me, her task seemingly done. With both bags already back under her arm, she takes a second to look me over as I hand back her phone. She tucks it in her back pocket, taking the now empty bottle out of my hand as well. She slides it into the side pocket of the diaper bag I’m wearing on my back.

“Hang in there for me, okay? I’ve got you two.”

I swallow down the tears. Mina has become my closest friend.

No. She’s more than that--she’s become like a sister to me. She’s family.

I force a smile, hoping she buys it. Her nose scrunches like she doesn’t but we’re interrupted by three consecutive knocks on the door followed by someone yelling out, “Agent To.”

Mina’s back straightens, her whole demeanor changing as she blindly gestures for me to stand behind the pillar. She drops both bags by my foot, making sure Adrian and I are hidden from sight before she makes a move for the door. She keeps her back low, pulling a gun out slowly.

She glances at me quickly, holding a finger to her mouth and making a gesture for me to get down. I squat, gathering Adrian deeper into my arms, grateful he fell asleep at the perfect time.

Mina peers through the peephole before unlatching the lock and opening the door.


“Agent Thomas sent me here. I am to bring his family and Agent To to the designated safe house approximately eight point seven miles south from here.”

I recognize the voice. The accent is a dead giveaway. Boston.

It’s Agent Smith, just like Noah said.

Tags: Kaye Rockwell Romance