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Right, this must be my cue to follow his lead.

I straighten my shoulders and stand at my full height, which is not much but the message is clear. He will not scare me.

“Absolutely not. He’s not my friend and he’s definitely not supposed to have a key.”

CJ's mouth pinches at my response.

Noah cocks his hip, leaning on the doorframe.

"Do you know trespassing is a criminal offense in the state of Washington? And if found guilty, you can be charged with a gross misdemeanor or a class B felony depending on the charges?"

"What the fuck?! Who are you?"

CJ’s eyes bounce between Noah and me.

Rolling his shoulders back, Noah shifts ever so slightly to where I can see his profile.

Not so subtly, Noah’s hand flicks down to the bottom of his pullover sweater to show his badge that now hangs from his jean pocket.

With a smirk, he nods my way.

"I'm the guy who's going to arrest you for trying to break into his girlfriend's apartment."


Okay,I know…. I know Noah is putting on a show for CJ’s benefit, but his use of the word has my heart skipping a beat. I’ve never had anyone address me in that way but somehow, hearing it come from Noah doesn’t feel strange or wrong.

CJ's eyes widen as he takes in Noah's badge. Then the words start to slowly sink in.

"I-I didn't know she had a boyfriend, man." His hands go up and he takes a step back. "Seriously bro, she's been throwing herself at me and I swear the key worked last week. I thought, you know, I'd check on her. Make sure she's alright. You understand right, bro?"

Noah's entire demeanor changes at CJ’s choice of words. No longer is he the calm, totally in control man he was two seconds ago. Noah’s jaw hardens as he pushes off the doorframe. CJ might have a few inches and pounds on him, but CJ looks completely shaken.

Noah’s legs are parted in both a protective and possessive stance as he braces his arms on the door and its frame. I can no longer see what his face looks like, but I can tell by the way CJ is practically shaking in fear that it's not pleasant.

"So here's what's going to happen. First, you're going to apologize to my girl. Second, you're going to commit this moment to memory. I’m giving you one free pass here. Don’t waste it. If you ever come within one hundred feet of Ria or even think of pulling this shit with another woman ever again, I will hunt you down. Trust me when I say this:you do not want that. Because next time,bro,you'll be begging for that misdemeanor. And by then, it’ll be too late," Noah barks at CJ, his voice practically dripping with acid.

He makes a show of pulling his phone out and taking a picture of CJ. He tosses me a pointed look over his shoulder as he slides it back in his back pocket.

“I’ll be right back, baby. I’m just going to throw the trash out.”

CJ mutters a curse then takes a decisive step back. “I can see myself out. Ria, I’m sorry.”

With that, CJ huffs as he speed walks around the corner and out of sight.

I collapse on the couch, hand over my heart as I shake my head at Noah in astonishment.

He was nothing short of brilliant. It was like watching a scene out of Chicago PD. I can’t believe how quickly he diffused the situation without escalating it.

Noah takes his phone out, quickly tapping something on it before settling on the couch with me. Our couch is one of those sectional couches that can fit four people in it. He’s careful not to invade my space and sits on the L end of it.

Clearing my throat, I offer him a grateful smile. “Thank you.”

One side of his mouth quirks up as if fighting his own. Clasping his phone in his hands, forearms resting on his knees, he leans forward. He seems to consider how to respond.

Suddenly, I’m nervous to hear what he has to say. He went above and beyond for me tonight. Regardless of whether he does have some weird fascination with me, he did more than necessary. He kept his promise to protect me and make me feel safe.

I feel a twinge in my chest, a poke and a prod. My heartbeat speeds up and the temperature climbs at least ten degrees between us.

Tags: Kaye Rockwell Romance