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Enough that I can get the hell out of here now that I’ve got my diploma.

I’m no stranger to the nomad life. I even prefer it.

The condo building comes into view, and I quickly tap on the breaks to signal Noah, who’s following me in his car..


He is still very much a mystery to me. He asked me out only after I approached him which makes me think that he was never going to make the move. Making me even more curious and confused as to what his motives were for hanging around so much.

I park at my designated spot and point Noah over to where the visitor parking is.

I grab my things, including the Lowe’s bag that has all the things needed to change a lock.

Thank God he came with me because there are things in life that I can do but changing locks is not one of them. I wait by my car as he gets out of his.

He scans the area quickly as he strides across the parking lot.

“You good?”

I take note of the cautious way he takes in his surroundings without it becoming too obvious as he continues his way to me. When he repeats his question as he comes to a stop in front of me, still alert but his eyebrows knit as though he's genuinely concerned, it takes every amount of self-preservation I’ve built up over the years not to shiver at the low rumble of his deep voice.

At a distance, I’ve acknowledged he is one good looking man. But up close? It’s nearly impossible not to get caught up in those blues, the color of the sky with his smile radiating the same warmth as a spring day. The way he stares at me like he can see right to my soul. It takes everything in me not to combust when he directs all that masculine energy my way and acts like I’m the only person in the room.

Then a small gust of wind sends his scent my way. It reminds me of the cedarwood candles my mom loved. I restrain myself from leaning over and having a whiff.

What if I actually sniffed his neck? Not that I can reach it but still…

I’m definitely feeling some attraction to this man. Pheromones? I think that’s the word.


I blink the errant thoughts away, realizing he must have called my name a few times and I never actually responded to him.

I nod, clumsily hoisting my heavy purse on my shoulder as I lead him to the elevators. Heat rushes through me when he slides my bag off and carries it for me without a word.

I flush, and a slow knowing smile spreads on his face.

“So, tell me about this guy. I want to be able to spot him."

He leans a shoulder on the wall adjacent to the elevators as his eyes continue to sweep the parking lot. If anyone walked by right now, they’d think he was simply having a conversation with me instead of actually being on high alert. How have I never noticed it before? The way he's always so carefully aware of everything and everyone around him. How, from this close, he has this whole alpha protector thing going on and damn if it doesn't make me feel safe.

A feeling I’m not familiar with.

“He’s big and burly. A little bit taller than you, maybe six-five? He has blonde hair that’s always in a greasy ponytail. Tattoos up and down his arms. One arm is covered in female cartoon characters.” I choke on a laugh, remembering the first time I met him and how he thought I was admiring his tattoos but really, I was trying not to laugh. CJ reveled in the whole macho thing he had going on so the fact that he had cartoon figures that were created to objectify women inked on his skin is hilariously on brand for him. “Like Betty Boop and Jessica Rabbit. And on the other is just a bunch of squiggly lines that I think are Celtic symbols? But he also has guns on that side… like a rifle with some sort of tag?”

He raises an eyebrow but stays silent as he follows me into the elevator, his eyes still trained to the parking lot like he’s expecting CJ to appear out of nowhere.

When the doors close, I shut my eyes and rest my head on the wall. We’re standing on opposite ends of the elevator. I can feel his eyes on me but the stress of the last week has gotten to me. After I told Penelope what her boyfriend said to me, she didn’t believe me until CJ made the mistake of asking her to invite me to a threesome.

She broke up with him, acting like I had been secretly trying to steal him from her. On top of finals, graduation and my impending move… I’ve never felt so tired and alone.

“You’re not alone in this, you know. I’ve got you.”

My eyes flutter open but I keep them lowered as I stare down at my boots.

How did he know what I was thinking?

“I don’t even know you.”

Tags: Kaye Rockwell Romance