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An overwhelming number of emotions keep a tight grip on my heart as the cabin gets smaller.

We drive away and the view of it disappears.

My heart escapes, and I leave it behind with my son.

“Let’s go over the plan again,” Noah barks at Gabe, raw emotion coating his voice as he looks over his shoulder briefly at me. His weapon rests on his knee.

The plan is to have the standby team support our departure, while Mina and Ben hang back to clear the basement. As soon as the agents clear out, they will make their escape with Adrian in the Ford Explorer at the back of the cabin.

Saying goodbye to Mina was bittersweet but I carry with me the knowledge that my son is in good hands with her and Ben.

Gabe, Noah, and I will drive towards the new safe house Villegas has set up for us. As soon as we cross state lines, Gabe will shake the support team that’s tailing us, with the help of his DEA contact. That contact will be waiting for us at an undisclosed location with his own backup team, creating a diversion so we can escape quickly.

Our hope is to get to that point safely, without getting intercepted or derailed by Santos and his cohorts. Then we’ll head to the DEA office until we can get everything in place to finally nab Santos, Villegas and the rest of Sotnas.

AllIcan do is hope and pray that Adrian stays protected, and at the end of this that Noah can get to him safely.

Shortly after leaving the cabin, rain followed, leaving us in a flurry of mist.

We are racing against time we can’t waste as the rain continues, even hours later. I hazard another look at my wife, who finally stopped crying, and has now switched to staring blindly out the window with a hand clutching her stomach. I can feel the intensity of her pain as if it were my own, and I wish, not for the first time, that I could steal away every ounce of it.

Beside me, Gabe swiftly glances at the rear-view mirror and the sudden movement pulls me back to the situation at hand.

Stay on task, Noah.

Keep Ria safe.

Bring down Sotnas.

Then, get to Adrian.

Simple enough.

“Noah.” There’s an edge to Gabe’s tone, breaking me out of my reverie.

I look back at him and notice his grip has tightened on the steering wheel.

My eyes quickly snap to the side mirror, and I notice what has him on edge.

“How long?”

Gabe clucks his tongue as he presses lightly on the gas to increase our speed .

“Fifteen minutes.”

“How many? And when?”

“I counted three about ten miles back, then another three cars exited at five.”

“How far are we to POC?”

“Point of contact is still thirty miles away.”

“Shit.” I unbuckle my seatbelt and reach for the 9mm pistol resting on my knee. I shift in my seat to quickly grab Gabe’s weapon and slide it on the dash for him.

Turning in my seat, I glance over at Ria who somehow has a Glock in her hand. My eyes roam the backseat and that’s when I see her pant leg pulled up.


Tags: Kaye Rockwell Romance